Hello fellow botters, As we know that from time to time we lose accounts, because it get banned for 3nd party software "Bots" as HB and DB. I'm here by to share with you a secret way to get your perm ban account to unban I did it with 2 accounts so far and all get unban it's easy soft way to do it just check this website Unbannow.blogspot.com and they will give you all you need to know. Just tell me in this thread if you try it and if it's works for you as it did for me.
that site was made to bring traffic to his power leveling business... very smart guy but unfortunatly those templates aren't going to help you, i have had a crapton of accounts banned, some of my petitions had death threats, others just cussing them out and they still unbanned me lol.. bottom line it doesnt matter what you say in your petition, your going to be judged on what you've done.. if you happen to use the template and get unbanned its just a coincedence. btw all those "anonymous" comments are fake.