Instant ban hammer after merging an SoR account last night around 5AM. I logged into game 1 time to create the toon for boosting, accepted rewards and went to sleep. Woke up around 10AM and it has been banned. SoR is no longer a viable option for acquiring cheap accounts.. though I can't see why blizzard would want to do this. It seems to hurt them a lot more then it hurts us.. I mean, they loose $60 (MoP + 1month sub) by banning that account.. I lost $10. Putting in a ticket regardless, though highly doubtful any GM will lift the ban.
The only thing that comes to mind is that the info and the original info does not match. Maybe they have started to automate the banning or alert them for investigation when a mismatch like this happens. When you merge an account, it tells you right there anyways "the names do not match" and it suggests the original owner make his/her own battle net account. You read this before finalizing the merge. So, can't really say I didn't ask for it xD
Could of been due to who ever you brought it off, Ive heard of very dodgy sellers who sell SoR accounts
Bought from an "ID verified" & "legendary user" @ ownedcore w/ 800+ rep and tons of positive feedback ;\ if this one got banned, I'm thinking any account I might have gotten somewhere else would have also been banned. Still amazing to me how quickly I was banned, though.. and before I had a chance to show blizzard how active I am!
People are joining accounts for mount and achievement benefits, blizzard is onto this and banning those accounts.
i got a sor account off same person same thing happened to me banned very fast b 4 i did anything i wrote to blizzx and thay said it was banned to do with scripts
Banned due to scripts? So your saying it was Auto banned and did you get the account back, I say its the dealers fault
What mounts and achievements? it was an expired account from 2007 only had TBC & a few level 1 toons spread out on servers and none of them had any mounts before I merged it with my If I suddenly gained 10 mounts and bunch of achievements alright, but the other (legitimate) account received no benefits from merging this account to the same, and I've already got the SoR mount so... as for reason I don't know I'm still waiting for a response from blizzard & have not received an email yet. They are just getting keen. It's obvious the account was purchased. I will be shocked if the ban gets lifted.
if you merge th account, you get an email. and also the original owner gets an email. sometimes,... seldom, the original owner replys to this email to blizz, that he doesn't reactivate the account. in this case, the SoR gets banned. its easy like that. some people are just unlucky
Any account you join has to have the same name or it gets banned. Don't be silly, I know you guys already know this it isn't a new deal. Ex: Your account name - John Anderson SoR account name - Yang wun fung Like really guys? and you wonder why you are banned? Your account name - John Anderson SoR account name - John Anderson would be fine
i dont think so. i have several SoR accounts. laptop01: SoR1 Original: unknown new name: Peter Porn Since: 04.03 Status: Fine SoR2 Original: unknown new name: Peter Porn Since: 04.03 Status: Fine SoR3 Original: unknown new name: Peter Porn Since: 01.04 Status: Fine SoR4 Original: unknown new name: Peter Porn Since: 01.04 Status: Fine SoR5 Original: unknown new name: Peter Porn Since: 01.04 Status: Banned SoR6 Original: unknown new name: Peter Porn Since: 05.05 Status: Fine SoR7 Original: unknown new name: Peter Porn Since: 05.05 Status: Fine i dont think all original names except SoR5 were Peter Porn but if you read the full prozess while you merge the accounts, you will see, that you get an email as soon as you merge, as well as the email the original owner used to register the account. i serious think, that the original SoR5 owner got this email, and replied to blizz. otherwise all accs would be down. wouldn`t they?
I've had two SOR accounts banned saying that the info didnt match. I read on an older post that all that matters is the Bnet account name when you send in an ID but that post was from June so I don't know how relevant it is now. But I had question. If I transferred a SOR toon from the SOR account on a seperate Bnet account to my main wow account on a different Bnet account would that put any risk to my main account?