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  • [Plugin] Giles Trinity

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by GilesSmith, Sep 5, 2012.

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    1. Oldfellow

      Oldfellow New Member

      Aug 26, 2012
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      Is it possible for monks to use temptist rush with tailwind rune when running? Much like demon hunters use vault to get around quickly.
    2. Valmere90

      Valmere90 New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      Thanks for adding legendary statistics to the item log :)

      My barb seems to want to cast sprint and war cry in the middle of teleporting though. Any ideas as to a fix?

      edit: nevermind, trying a solution posted earlier in the thread-

      if (!bBuffsOnly &&
      if (ZetaDia.Me.CommonData.AnimationState != Zeta.Internals.Actors.AnimationState.Casting && !bBuffsOnly &&

      on lines 4056, 4064, 4178 and 4556
      Last edited: Sep 8, 2012
    3. stavrakas

      stavrakas New Member

      Jun 16, 2012
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      The problem where my wizard won't sometimes recast energy armor persists in 1.3 (still completely random and can't reproduce it - using cm build if that helps at all). Also there seem to be some small problems during combat still (like sometimes standing in desecrator even when she's not incapacitated in any way or just standing still for a few secs when surrounded by a lot of mobs) that got my kills up to 20 per hour, I was faring a lot better with the standalone plugin.

      I know it's a long shot but is there a way to use teleport defensibly? Like if there are a lot of dots/arcane beams around, teleport to safety instead of avoiding them on foot? Keep up the good work!
    4. Marc_NL

      Marc_NL New Member

      Jul 12, 2012
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      There you go Giles :)

      I hope more people will donate, your plugin is amazing and you obviously spend a lot of time coding it.
    5. sTARk27

      sTARk27 New Member

      Jul 25, 2012
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      Arrrrrrgh. The bot just stands in Desecrator regardless of what setting I make for hp% to move.
    6. r0sc0

      r0sc0 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Computer spec has nothing to do with it, i had the old plugins enabled disabled and uninstalled them seems to be working now.
      but here you go for the computer specs. i7 950, 16gb 2200 tripple channel memory, 3 x 480 GTX 1gb evga graphics cards, evga classified SLIx3 motherboard, 120gb ssd.
    7. jakeokleu

      jakeokleu New Member

      Aug 28, 2012
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      Dang... First off thank you Giles for your hard work :)
      I donated some beer money for ya :)

      Also so my fault watched the bot pick up legendary quiver and a legendary plan had to take a call, came back to check the stash and nothing there, lol damit
      then i noticed that you updated to 1.3.
      Ohh well btw he picks up everything fine, just didnt stash these two legendarys ;( wonder if he missed other ones.
    8. brbbX

      brbbX New Member

      Aug 13, 2012
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      I tried many things, but I still can't solve it..
      I even set the settings file to read-only, but it doesnt help:
      Every time Demonbuddy is started, it resets the avoidance health % to 0% for all, so avoidance just doesnt work.. after clicking reset to defaults it works again, but then I have to set all my other settings to default as well.
      How can I fix it?
    9. n00berist

      n00berist New Member

      Jul 13, 2012
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      Hi Giles!

      Please fix Avoidance: Arcane doesn't dodge as good as it used to.

      Please fix Witch Doctor skills: Acid Cloud is being cast on top of the WD.

      Act 3 priority on fallen shamans.

      Add Kite feature?

      Thank you for all your hard work!
    10. r0sc0

      r0sc0 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      So id say it needs to concentrate on picking up health while in combat as i have tones around me as a monk yet it isnt using them when its low on health.
    11. Agro

      Agro New Member

      Sep 5, 2012
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      Few issues still:

      Rend is still not working properly. The range on it is set too high. More often than not it will approach a pack of mobs and then cast rend just a few yards before it gets to them, out of range. Also, on elite packs it will usually use rend at the beginning of the fight and then not use it again, even if the rend debuff has fallen off ALL targets.

      Ignore Pain should not be used out of combat. I've noticed more than once ending a fight with less than 30% or so HP and having Ignore Pain on cooldown, but then as soon as it comes off cooldown if I'm still below the threshold it will cast ignore pain again, even if I'm not currently taking any damage, or in combat.

      Arcane avoidance seems broken in this release. It just runs through it like it doesn't exist. It will often camp out next to the center of arcane sentrys, just eating damage.

      Goblin Priority is not working how it should. Even on the highest priority, the bot will stop chasing a goblin if even 1 mob comes into range (even if its not being body-blocked by this mob, it will switch targets and start fighting the new mob)

      Other than those few items that need to be tweaked, its working a lot better on the barb. Two days, 18+ hours running and still no legendarys though. After seeing the logfile with 7 legendarys drpped in 1 run, I'm feeling slightly discouraged.
    12. chenjie

      chenjie New Member

      Aug 4, 2012
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      Demon Hunters are not currently supported
      o my god my DH.....
      Giles ,when does this plugins work for DH?
    13. sTARk27

      sTARk27 New Member

      Jul 25, 2012
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      Gone back to 1.0.1. Avoidance works much better.
    14. Bazingaw

      Bazingaw New Member

      Jun 17, 2012
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      Hey Giles, just wanted to put down a suggestion maybe you could look at:

      My suggestion adding a check on body blocks for monks where it checks if theres any units outside X radius but within Y radius (maybe say 5 yards and 10 yards so its within FoT's limits) so it can fully take advantage of Thunderclap allowing us to teleport around out of bodyblocks/stucks.

      I know you're swamped with fixes and what not, just thought it would be an awesome feature if possible to be added to FoT usage for avoiding body blocks/stucks
    15. GilesSmith

      GilesSmith New Member

      Jun 2, 2012
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      Just want to confirm this to save me going looking at what changes might have affected things - did reinstalling DB/the plugins/a clean restart of it all, fix the FPS problems you had after first updating to 1.3?

      A few people have reported settings not saving/being reset each time DB is started. I have to say it's working fine for me, but I'll see if I can figure something out. I suspect it may just be certain computers not liking the fact a window is trying to update 100+ slider values in the space of a second!? Not sure if that'd cause problems or not, but I'll experiment!

      Are the globes reachable/not blocked by path to monsters/not in AOE's? You could try finding this code;
                              case GilesObjectType.Globe:
                                  // ************************************************************
                                  // *****               Weight Health Globes               *****
                                  // ************************************************************
                                  // Give all globes 0 weight (so never gone-to), unless we have low health, then go for them
                                  if (playerStatus.dCurrentHealthPct > iEmergencyHealthGlobeLimit || !settings.bEnableGlobes)
                                      thisgilesobject.dThisWeight = 0;
                                      thisgilesobject.dThisWeight = thisgilesobject.dThisWeight = 15000d - (Math.Floor(thisgilesobject.fThisDistance) * 50d);
                                  // If there's a monster in the path-line to the item, reduce the weight to 10%
                                  if (hashMonsterObstacleCache.Any(cp => GilesIntersectsPath(cp.vThisLocation, cp.fThisRadius, playerStatus.vCurrentPosition, thisgilesobject.vThisPosition)))
                                      thisgilesobject.dThisWeight *= 0.1;
                                  // See if there's any AOE avoidance in that spot, if so reduce the weight to 1
                                  if (hashAvoidanceObstacleCache.Any(cp => GilesIntersectsPath(cp.vThisLocation, cp.fThisRadius, playerStatus.vCurrentPosition, thisgilesobject.vThisPosition)))
                                      thisgilesobject.dThisWeight = 1;
                                  // Calculate a spot reaching a little bit further out from the item, to help pickup-movements
                                  if (thisgilesobject.dThisWeight > 0)
                                      thisgilesobject.vThisPosition = MathEx.CalculatePointFrom(thisgilesobject.vThisPosition, playerStatus.vCurrentPosition, thisgilesobject.fThisDistance + 5f);
      You can see that first of all, it gives globes a large weight (15000) when you have less health than your globe-limit-value... then reduces that weight by 50 for each foot away the globe is. But then it takes some huge chunks off the weight - for example, it reduces it to 10% if it thinks a monster might be "body-blocking" a straight line from you to the globe... and then reduces the weight almost entirely if there's any Avoidance things between you and the globe. Finally it picks a position 5 feet further away from the globe, to help ensure you pick it up (because otherwise if it's very close you may just "stay standing still", and so not actually activate the globe).

      Things you could experiment with are...
      - change the initial weight (15000) to something higher (say 18000).
      - change the percentage the weight is reduced by if monsters are in the way from * 0.1 to something like * 0.8.
      - change the distance beyond the globe it tries to move to - eg change "thisgilesobject.fThisDistance + 5f);" to "thisgilesobject.fThisDistance + 9f);"

      Let me know if any of these changes improve/worsen things for you. If you find a better set of values that just works a lot better, I'll copy the changes into the plugin for everyone then.

      Rend issue is something I'm still playing with - it's tricky because the distances aren't as exact in this plugin every single loop (something necessary for the whole way it works, to avoid stucks, to reduce lag etc.) - but there'll be a dead simple fix I'll stumble on/somebody else will find that has no downsides sooner rather than later I imagine.
      I'll check and change ignore pain so it doesn't use out of combat, not sure why I'd set it that way - probably just an oversight.
      Arcane avoidance should be working fine - I haven't had any issues myself. Is it ALWAYS playing up, every single arcane, or only sometimes/in certain circumstances? Could you try a fresh DB install with clean downloads of plugins just to rule out possibilities (I'll admit I doubt that will magically fix anything, but just incase there's some strange issue!).
      I'll check goblin priority out, might have missed something there.
      Legendary item quality might be having problems with being read - I'll likewise check that out, certainly been having all legendaries listed in "pickup" stats stashed for me though, on every single bot! So a 2nd reason I'd suggest a DB reinstall, clean!

      Does fists of thunder actually teleport "through" everything? ie, it's impossible for you to be "Bodyblocked" if you pick a monster at range with it?
    16. Bazingaw

      Bazingaw New Member

      Jun 17, 2012
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      Yep sends you right to the mob

      edit - just to clarify I am speaking strictly when using the Thunderclap rune with Fist of Thunder - the base spell not runed will not TP us (I do recall you mentioning runes cause an issue since you can't determine which is being used, but I think its safe to assume if FoT is used Thunderclap is a 100% given)
      Last edited: Sep 8, 2012
    17. brbbX

      brbbX New Member

      Aug 13, 2012
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      Giles, I tried setting all to 85 editing the cfg file, and the plugin interpreted all as 100... Maybe it's something to do with the number format (like 0.90 instead of 90)?
    18. jack104

      jack104 New Member

      Aug 26, 2012
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      Thanks Giles for the new function! I am surprised at how quick you responded to our comments!

      From what I can see the AOE works perfectly for me now. I have just taken down an elite pack in Act 2, it is Bee with Desecrater and plague. I set it to ignore Bee-wisp and Plague, it worked as intended. In previous Trinity version I will just keeping dying.

      Great work! Keep it up!
    19. imakii

      imakii New Member

      Jul 11, 2012
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      Its actually just how ur toon spams ur preset skills, so far it doesnt run or spam crazy but with ticker helps you get urtoon spam the sht out of that mobs,

      On a lighter note with this avoidance update this and my tweaked cm wizzie that spam the sht out of explosiveB, skies the limit my friends skies the limit

      Edit: btw giles with this avoidance update does this mean toon will prioritize it even on combat and cancel combat simulation? Coz sometimes toon (in this case my WD) still shoots darts and not think about avoidin sht infront of her lol
    20. GilesSmith

      GilesSmith New Member

      Jun 2, 2012
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      Glad you're finding it starting to approach the levels of "uber" now. I actually had all of my bots still on act 1 - this latest update has allowed me to finally shift them *ALL* to Act 2, with only a death an hour at most on my worst ones (except for some extremely bad affix combos which cause problems ofc!).

      As for avoidance - it does quite a lot of things - but I suppose the vague concept can be described thusly;

      - Map out all avoidances each "tick" that are now above your current health-threshold, and store them in a list that is very fast for constant access by everything else.
      - Check for one of those avoidances being "under your feet" - if so, activate the "find safe spot" routine (which uses things like extended range out in ever increasing circles, checking for monsters in a path to any route, checking for other AOE's in the way)
      - If a safe spot is found, try to move to one. If none was found, then disable avoidance-finding for a few seconds so your bot can concentrate on fighting instead of getting stuck standing around doing nothing as it constantly searches.
      - If when trying to move to a safe spot, it finds itself "stuck" (doesn't move for a few code-loops), it'll blacklist the safe-spot it was trying to reach *and* the player's current position for future safe-spot searches, and disable safe spot searching for a second or so (to give your char a chance to make a few more attacks/life-on-hits/other things).
      - The "map" of avoidances in step 1 also affects the weights of any target decisions for items, shrines monsters etc. - to discourage the bot from walking through avoidances when going for targets, if other targets are available etc.

      There's also some other various timers, checks etc. that are all designed to get a balance between actually trying to avoid things, and actually trying to fight, and trying to prevent (m)any moments of your character just being stuck and stood around doing nothing unable to decide on a course of action. That balance will probably be constantly shifting, as I slightly tweak timers one way or another, or add and remove various checks - but 1.3 seems to have got things heavily along the right lines.
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