I've been gathering fine earlier today with it. now its been stuck after new update on installing flight payhs past 30min , re-started also but wont help.
Tried this Version. You made a lot of changes, even in paths, little bit gui.. Singular doesn't support druid (cat / resto) and dk (blood). Didn't try other classes yet. Any chance to get WIP singular classes for testing?
Deadline 1: Aug. 28. Patch 5.0.4 was released and the developers had plenty of notice and opportunity to patch HB in advance. Deadline 2: Sept. 4. Forum admin Hawker wrote "We should have a working HB within the next week." Deadline 3: Sept. 7. After missing Deadline 2 on Sept. 4, the HB team posted this thread on Sept. 5: [OFFICIAL][Patch 5.0.4] Honorbuddy will be offline until Deadline 4 : need few days more... now, all devs are working hard
i dont speek german if it is but i see 32 bit yes it is if that was what u were asking if not i leave it for some 1 else to answer
Its seems we will not have it released till mop hits, will there is nothing to add, just please get us a stable release soon so we can get our shit together before mop hits. Thanks honorbuddy dev.
LOL I hope the Devs take as truly long as they need since there is not bot that comes close this this one
das liegt aber nich direkt an honnorbuddy, sondern an dem verkackten blizzard. die ham so wie ich das sehe mim letzten patch alle internen speicherabfragen umgestellt. und da honnorbuddy die ausliest, muss das neu gemacht werden. ich muss auch meine accaunts stilliegen lassen und ohne die 8 wow fenster im hintergrund siehts ziemlich leer aus^^ na und da muss man durch. das ist bei einem patch normal das einiges nicht geht. jeder bot betreiber der seinen bot einfach weiterlaufen l?sst nachm patch riskiert das sein bot erkannt wird. und du willst doch nich das nur wegen ungeduld dein wow acc fl?ten geht. lass Bossland und seinen "Sklaven" die zeit. du wirst es nich bereuen und f?r dein Geld nen spitzen bot kriegen
quest bot is buggy ? my toon is lvl 80 i stay in orgrimmar profil quest bundle : Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick] and error msg : Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown....
Hi exdeus. You have to wait for the final version. at the moment the quest behaviors are not funktional. they must be rewriten or corrected
Well for you and all the other people who are spending time here complaining, and that there are "better bots", why don't you guys go use them and stop bitching and moaning here. You guys bitch and moan more than married couples. If you guys think their are better bots, like I said, go use them, and don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya. As for those advocating shadowbot specifically, I have 2 friends who tried it, and got double charged as a result. Not sure if their issues have since been fixed or not. But I will pass for now myself and wait for HB to get released. Probably even do something I know all you qqer's haven't done this week. Get some pussy.
Cba readin thru all the hate posts. I kno u got this a lot. Just wondered if i missed it. Any updates yet or still unknown? Thanks