Did you even read where you downloaded it from? It tells you none of those things are working..Pretty much its still busted..
hi diba. you have writen a good question. you could test it for all of us. you load it you test it and write it here. perhaps you read the forum and you know it without tests thx
Since so many are being unhelpful: The dev version is supposed to have working GB, AB and I believe combat bot.
BG Buddy is also supposed to be working. I think it's only working in short spurts, like 30 minutes at a time. But, it's at least working in some form.
Are you talking about Battleground Buddy or Dungeon Buddy? There was a post earlier from Hawker, I believe, that said Battleground buddy was working for the most part.
Are u doing random BGs? I am playing as pala and is not moving. Singular crash as soon as toon try to move and CLU sometimes does not do anything (at least not crashing).
Grindbot worked on my pally with singular. it didn't loot over half of the time, but I didn't care, because i was almost 85. Also works on my dk, but singular doesn't do anything, used the CLU and it worked, again only looting less that half the time. GB2 works and thats about all i've tried.
Grind bot also worked for me on pally with singular. i turned it off because half the time it runs back to the mobs to loot. cptpron has same situation it seemed like. GB2 ftw
I personally haven't tried BG Buddy yet. I'm just going by what Dev posts have said. Also, Singular is broke again at the moment. Continue using CLU until it's fixed. Also, post any crashes or other data you have to the support forum. I'm sure the Devs could use the information. The more you help with troubleshooting process the quicker we have a functional stable release =D