I am currently trying to use the developers HB, and when I'm opening HB I'm getting stuck at the "Initializing flight paths" under the initializing.. I have been waiting for over 1 hour now, and nothing happens. I'm running wow on windowed, 32 bit and with dx9. Both wow and HB is ran as administrator.
im having the same problem, stuck on intializing flighpats for over an hour. Seems to for for some people tho
[16:20:52.019 D] Error saving settings. [16:20:52.030 D] System.AccessViolationException: Could not read bytes from 00F9B8DE [299]! ved Styx.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.ReadBytes(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative) ved Styx.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.Read[T](IntPtr address, Boolean isRelative) ved Styx.StyxWoW.get_IsInGame() ved Honorbuddy.MainWindow.SaveSettings() settings & tools - advanced mode (tick) - log level - diagnostic save / close kill hb restart and give new log
i would give a log yes, but you can't click on the settingboxes when its intializing. edit// nvm , re installed hb to diff folder, works now.
Since it is the dev version, you are right, nobody really cares. They know it has bugs; and that is why they are hard at work taking time to get us what we paid for, available. Figure it out and quit posting senseless forums.