I have had Slow Forum Syndrome for about last week, last night was getting database problems, probabily due to the fact that every HB user is on the forum eager for news
Update: QB does not throw the errors I mentioned earlier, but tries to pick up quests my toon already got. Will wait for further updates.
Running very well in GB mode, though a bit rough on the memory until you guys work out the kinks. I was hoping to have Combat mode working so I could level, but honestly, this is better than nothing and I'm glad you guys are taking your time for a stable and secure release. Thank you for this version in the meantime. This just gives me time to finish AC Revelations before the new one comes out.
Did u use the HB questing pack's ? From the clean install/update or did u put some behaviors extra to the bot ? Also wich lvl range and fraction ? I got the problem that in Questing bot toons dont accept quests only clicking all the time on the quest giver.
I must ask, are you guys running the dev or regular hb? coz my regular hb dont work, its not attaching to wow even do i run it as administrator , got windowsmode (not fullscreen), use it as 32 bit and got both c++ and net framework installed, :O > http://www.bilddump.se/bilder/20120909121651- < Followed every step in the guide! :O
Hello, when the enduser release comes out, the profiles of Kick still works? Or must Kick rewrite the profiles? Greetings