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  • [Plugin] Giles Trinity

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by GilesSmith, Sep 5, 2012.

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    1. MonsterMMORPG

      MonsterMMORPG Member

      Aug 22, 2012
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      how should we edit here to increase orb taking health limit

      i want to set it as

      if below 65% maximum health, loot globe no matter what

    2. satan2004

      satan2004 New Member

      Jun 12, 2012
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      a full clean reinstall of DB and the plugins fixed the problem
    3. Kumquat

      Kumquat New Member

      Aug 10, 2012
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      any chance we can get a "Spirit walk" for movement? would be great :D

      other then that, so far im <3'n it!
    4. b5x1

      b5x1 New Member

      Sep 6, 2012
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      loving the itemstats log giles its really genius. been running tests all day - hammer of the ancients with birthright rune is giving me a solid 5-10% increase in ilvl 63 drops.
      Last edited: Sep 9, 2012
    5. GilesSmith

      GilesSmith New Member

      Jun 2, 2012
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      Huge set of replies below! Be sure to read through it to see if your concern has been answered!

      If you reply back to this, try and cut the quote down to the bit you are responding to, rather than quote this whole post please! :D

      Sorry, that is for me - I accidentally enabled them in a release version. I will try to remember to disable them before next release. You can ignore/delete it (though it will be auto-recreated). It is related to the caching of item data to help prevent item mis-reads, but the actual file itself is not needed at all, and was purely for my own purposes.

      Can you try either just deleting "GilesTrinity.cfg" from your /Settings/ folder within DB then starting DB up again (causing it to re-create all settings from default) - or a clean fresh install of DB into a new empty folder, and newly downloaded & installed plugins (this is a hassle I know but won't take more than 3 minutes and has fixed performance issues for many people).

      Same as above - follow the above instructions. You can also go into the advanced tab, and try setting "TPS" up to 15, and enabling TPS, see if that helps. I will be working on trying to increase bits of performance over time.

      Those old plugins like notification ok clicker/auto clicker are very old and have problems. Also be warned that a "disabled" plugin in your plugins folder still can cause problems (because DB still runs it's "initialization" code - which for some plugins can actually activate the entire plugin, or cause various other problems). You should delete all plugins not in use, or move them to another folder altogether as backup. DB has built in notification clicking and has for a while now. I personally run with only 2 plugins - Radonic/Ciggarc's profile manager, and Trinity. A clean install (newly downloaded DB into a new, empty folder), followed by clean plugins (download new plugins - and if a plugin youw ant to download hasn't been updated for weeks, you probably shouldn't be running it or should try without it incase it's causing problems), fixes a LOT of problems.

      There's definitely some issues with priority, infact I'm beginning to suspect that rather than it being the nature of how I calculate priorities, I think there's just an outright bug in it somewhere causing it to always force on close-range even when it doesn't need to, I'm going to have a play around with that over the next day or two, see if I can find and fix it!

      I think you are exactly right. I think I only have the SNO's for the "unexploded tree pods" - not the ACTUAL gas that appears when they detonate. I'm not even sure if those clouds have their own SNO's. Could somebody try and find it for me? You'll have to have DB stopped, and use the Dump Ractors button in the info dumping tab when close to tree pods that have detonated. See if you can find a unique SNO/unique object for the actual gas cloud.

      Good spot, I will disable out-of-combat movement abilities when in town for next release! :D

      This plugin should have no issues with stash timeout *EXCEPT* in the case mentioned in the post I quoted above - perhaps it is trying to teleport to the exit portal and then getting stuck. If that is the cause of the issue, it will be fixed next release. If it isn't - then it's not an issue with the plugin that I can see!

      Sounds like an inactivity timer/unstucker kicked you out of a game but didn't let the game get re-entered. Though it could be related to the above problem (above 2 quoted posts), if you have teleport/leap. So watch out for next release.

      This will be fixed next release! :D

      Extended kill range means that after combat, your bot uses the routine/s current full kill-radius to look for new targets for a couple of seconds, before reverting back to the "non-elite trash range kill" slider in the combat tab. Unticking this option means you will only ever go for trash that is below this slider value, rather than "extend it briefly after a fight". Extending it briefly after a fight is useful for getting chained-kill-exp bonuses, so will give a bit more exp for levelling your paragon levels up.

      Just go into the plugin config, go to the AOE-Wiz tab in the combat section, and slide the health-limit for Azmo pools all the way to 0% health (it's the right-hand-set of sliders for health). You will now ignore Azmo pools :)

      There's quite a few of these - I need their SNO so I can add it to the attack-blacklist. You know the status bar when it says it's attacking the guard - could you grab the number in curly bracers after the name of the guard? It might look like this: "Attacking guard_dead_npc_1 {12345}" sort of thing - give me that number, it's the "SNO ID" of that NPC, and I can add it to the blacklist.

      Same as above - get me their SNO please, so it can be blacklisted :D

      When there are no enemies!?!? What!? :O You mean it's constantly throwing the spear whenever there is nothing to attack... or... something else? Is it JUST after combat? Just before combat? Give me as much details as possible please, so I can try and work it out :D

      Atm arcane-orbs are set to wait until you reach a "reserved amount of mana" before allowing arcane orbs to spam (to allow your wizard to always build up a reserve of mana incase other spells that have higher mana costs need it). You can remove this check if you open the code up, and find this line "// Arcane Orb" - immediately below that is the arcane orb check. Change this line
      ((playerStatus.dCurrentEnergy >= 35 && !playerStatus.bWaitingForReserveEnergy) || playerStatus.dCurrentEnergy >= iWaitingReservedAmount)
      To this;
      (playerStatus.dCurrentEnergy >= 35)
      And you will now cast arcane orb whenever you have >= 35 energy.

      Yes, find this line;
      return new GilesPower(SNOPower.Wizard_EnergyTwister, fThisRange, new Vector3(vCurrentDestination.X, vCurrentDestination.Y, vCurrentDestination.Z), iCurrentWorldID, -1, USE_COMBAT_ONLY, USE_SLOWLY);
      Above it you will find two values relating to range. One is for if critical mass is ticked, one is for if not. Change whichever value is appropriate to you, to a lower range. Eg try 15. (you could change both to 15 if you aren't sure which to set).

      Simply go into the plugin config, go to the item handling tab, and select "use custom loot rules". Your item rules will now be used for the decisions on which items to pickup, stash, salvage or sell. My code will still do the actual work of picking them up in combat, stashing them safely, randomized timers while selling etc., so you are still getting some benefits of my item handling code even with custom loot-rules (word of warning though - DB rule-checking is less reliable than my own, so you may miss some items, but this is only a maybe - generally you should be fine! I just can't vouch for the safety of DB's item-rule-matching as much as I can vouch for my own code, of course!).

      As above, you can use your own custom loot-rules. I'll always look to improve the automated stash scores, but people who have their own specific needs can use custom loot-rules, just like they can with default DB! :D

      Radonic's profile manager handles leaving a level after XX deaths, and it is a configurable amount. As for avoidance, try resetting settings to defaults, and then double-check your health-limit for Azmo pools in the AOE settings for your class, in my plugin config window.

      It already should be doing/already does...

      That stuck is an issue with the routine/issue with DB. It needs to increase the timer-delay after entering that doorway.

      Crit damage/crit % already gets a good score. Items without it can still sell on the AH, but I'll admit they do seem to be becoming less valuable. But I still sell many items every day for hundreds up to millions of gold that have no crit damage, crit percent, or attack speed on. Admittedly crit stuff sells much better and for higher.
      I can find no reliable way to identify a plan-type that will work for all language-clients. So atm it's "all or nothing" for the plans that is the safest bet for everybody on every client-language.
      Items with attack speed, crit and critdamage should already score well. Is Trifeca a legendary? If so it is always auto-picked-up and auto-stashed anyway. If it is not a legendary, do you have an example of good stats on one that scores below the default score-limits for stashing?
      I can increase the Life % scores, and will do so next release.

      DBEnhancements, as far as I know, is neither needed and in fact could cause issues with later versions of Rads profile manager. I personally only use Trinity and RadsProfileManager. UnstuckMe (that's the updated one by Sinterklaas right?) is a decent plugin and should be safe/good to use - it's own anti-stuck mechanisms should help kick in if Trinity's own built-in anti-stuck measures fail.


      With what class/what skills? And what screen-res? Keep in mind that a higher screen res means you might have been able to see them onscreen just fine, which means it's safe to do so. But there may be specific spells that need their range reducing - without telling me what they are though, I can't really help you :)

      Try a clean, fresh install of newly downloaded DB into a new empty folder, and then newly downloaded plugins. Also list all plugins you have, and make sure you have no disabled plugins in your plugins folder (which if you did a fresh clean install, you would not). This sounds like a specific issue with your install, your setup, or your plugins.

      I will paste what I told somebody in IRC just now;
      Find this line;
      thisgilesobject.dThisWeight = thisgilesobject.dThisWeight = 17000d - (Math.Floor(thisgilesobject.fThisDistance) * 50d);
      Change that 17000 to like, 25000
      A little bit below that, find these two lines;
      if (hashAvoidanceObstacleCache.Any(cp => GilesIntersectsPath(cp.vThisLocation, cp.fThisRadius, playerStatus.vCurrentPosition, thisgilesobject.vThisPosition)))
          thisgilesobject.dThisWeight = 1;
      And delete them (they make it ignore globes that are in an AOE, or with an AOE between you and the globe)
      Would this work exactly like a barbarian's sprint skill which is used out of combat until your mana/energy is empty? If so, I can do that no problem. Let me know if this is the case.
    6. jinny1

      jinny1 New Member

      Jun 10, 2012
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      wow great replies Giles!

      Any ETA on the next version?? i gotta go sleep soon :p
    7. Midas

      Midas New Member

      Jul 22, 2012
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      What they mean by "trifecta" is the three damage mods.

      attack speed, crit chance, crit damage.

      Items with trifecta are rare and very valuable. They should be stashed for sure. Its only really gloves and jewelry that can roll this i think.
    8. bombastic

      bombastic New Member

      Jun 18, 2012
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    9. MonsterMMORPG

      MonsterMMORPG Member

      Aug 22, 2012
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      wow awesome reply giles :)
    10. MonsterMMORPG

      MonsterMMORPG Member

      Aug 22, 2012
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      One more thing about AOEs. When there are multiple AOEs bot really becomes slow to decide. I mean it waits before make movement. TPS enabled and set to 15.
    11. LordLucifer

      LordLucifer New Member

      Aug 15, 2012
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      I see, thanks for the info man! I already tossed away the Notification Clicking plugin, and I'm also with only 2 plugins now, the Radonic/Trinity combo. As far as the issues go, making a clean DB folder with everything clear made the deal for me, I'm also very fond of the 15 TPS option, it made everything a lot better for me on both characters, so far, I am experiencing zero issues, everything running smooth!

      As per the annoying ''clear everything'' issue, I just put all the clean files organized on the proper folders, like Profiles/Plugins/Routines, let them ready to go, save it somewhere else, and whenever I need to do change into something new, I just delete the old DB folder and put the new, organized one in place of it, change the new stuff I downloaded for the old, and hit start, a lot less painful to do. :p
    12. MonsterMMORPG

      MonsterMMORPG Member

      Aug 22, 2012
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      usage of ancient spear is still very poor (same applies furious charge as well)

      throwing targets that are out of range
      throwing invisible targets (i don't see any in the visible area so basically throwing randomly ^^)
      throwing dying targets so wasted

      Also i am using weapon throw build and it is not breaking objects such as act 3 barricade :(

      thank you
      Last edited: Sep 9, 2012
    13. JoeC

      JoeC New Member

      Aug 3, 2012
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      any response to the above giles?
    14. Shinyknight

      Shinyknight New Member

      Dec 23, 2011
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      You're pretty freaking awesome, Giles, as usual.

      Donated, as promised. :D
    15. MonsterMMORPG

      MonsterMMORPG Member

      Aug 22, 2012
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      i closed avoidance but it is still waiting when there are too many enemies end up death
    16. Thirdi

      Thirdi New Member

      Jul 10, 2012
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      With the last patch my WD tends to cast acid cloud way in front of guys instead of just barely in front of them or on top of them like it used to. It does not work as well this way, just letting you know :) Not that big a deal.

      barbs are working like champs though, farming A3 with almost the same gear I was farming A2 with since the avoidance is so good.
    17. Fantas

      Fantas New Member

      Mar 29, 2012
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      Another problem:

      I use a WW barb and in fight with cydaea, he goes only to the little spiders. is there a priority change that he attacks cydaea ?!

      one fight he needs 15mins to put cydaea down :/
    18. lolwatpear

      lolwatpear New Member

      Jun 13, 2012
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      curious to why 'sell' is on by default instead of 'salvage'. will selling net more gold/hr than salvaging now?
      Last edited: Sep 9, 2012
    19. Maxasy

      Maxasy Member

      Sep 19, 2011
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      On the default loot rules it can be, yes - as essences are basically useless.
    20. Maxasy

      Maxasy Member

      Sep 19, 2011
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      On the default loot rules it can be, yes - as essences are basically useless.
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