Is there a way to do that? I'd really like to know how to get my lvl 85 to go farm lower level dungeons with Instancebuddy.
Its not working anymore i guess - whenever i loot something green it causes HB to freeze for like 5 sek. and does absolutley nothing. Any advice?
Sometimes it could be because of my lootfilter plugin and maybe if a lot is looted from 1 mob, but it will not DE always, sometimes it will try to de and say i don't have the right level to do it, even though I am 525 and so I will have to manually do it. This is with me running endless pit of saron profile. and yes I checked the green item was not soulbound.
I'm with alot of other people when wondering if it would be at all possible to incorporate this with AutoEquip and have the DE plugin, DE the items after AutoEquip decides if they are worthy of equipping. That would be amazing for leveling and DeIng at the same time. Would really push this Plugin over the edge of being a must have.
Revision Revised last bits to make it fully functional with 2.5.6187.420 It's updated to the latest API and should work as it always did (it compiles fine, you use it, you test it ) Still a good 2 weeks to go before I'm really home to test and work on stuff when I find the time, but for now it's all remote and on eye. Make sure it's in it's own folder inside your plugin directory (like it's packed up on the attachment). You find the new version on the first post. Enjoy and have fun, Liquid.
sweet, i use this plugin quite a lot and actually updated the old release earlier today so i could keep using it, wish id waited a few more hours
delay between disenchants thanks for the work.. just want to let you know that theres a delay of up tp 13 seconds between disenchants. cheers
Could you tell me where the delays exactly appears... Does it appear while selecting a item do DE, while actually DE-ing or while looting the DE-d item?
When I extract the plugin into the Honorbuddy/Plugins Folder, It successfully extracts, then I get a message after logging into Honorbuddy as follows: Compiler Error: c:\Users\Owner\Desktop\hbuddy\Plugins\Liquiddisenchant\LiquidDisenchant.cs(4,13) : error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Combat' does not exist in the namespace 'Styx' (are you missing an assembly reference?) Compiler Error: c:\Users\Owner\Desktop\hbuddy\Plugins\Liquiddisenchant\LiquidDisenchant.cs(5,16) : error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Combat' does not exist in the namespace 'Styx' (are you missing an assembly reference?) Honorbuddy is fully up to date as well as Liquid Disenchant.
Latest HB deleted Styx.Combat from the API. I'm updating the package as I write this and it will be available from the first post. Regards, Liquid. Revision Removed the references to Styx.Combat as they have been removed from the API and caused compiler errors on startup of HB. Revision Temporary commented out the Styx.CommonBot.LootTargeting.LootMobs because it always returns true. Revision Another change in the API on bot/player state changed in the plugin file.
Hey man I use your pluggin alot, thanks!!! Just want tell that I downloaded your last version + lastest HB version and I just had a Blue item DE. Dont know if is a bug, but as far as I read and remember it only DE green items right? This was a blue BoE item.
Yes, it's not supposed to DE blue items, only green BoE ones.... Maybe another item relocated or spoiled in the new HB API. I will check everything trough in about 2 days. It's already dark here, and I have to travel 2AM with train to the capital of Poland to my country's embassy to request a new passport. The old one is expiring soon and I need it for work Thanks for your report, Regards, Liquid. Edit1: Just looked into it quick, and you are absolutely right, I used a local copy for the last update (shame on me). That one is set to DE green and Blue items, my bad :S Hope the DE'd item was not too valuable. I will update it quick and repost it here. Regards, Liquid. Edit2: Revision Mixed up local copy with actual release file (local copy DE'd blue items, release should not do this).
Hi liquid, i always used your plugin and is very usefull!! Thanks But i instaled the new version the plugin disenchanted the green itens, but he tryed do DE some others itens too like [LiquidDisenchant]: Alexandrite (Entry:76137). [LiquidDisenchant]: Sunstone (Entry:76134). [LiquidDisenchant]: Tiger Opal (Entry:76130). [LiquidDisenchant]: Pandarian Garnet (Entry:76136). [LiquidDisenchant]: Lapis Lazuli (Entry:76133). Thanks
Green MoP items that still had to be added to the ignore lists. At least here's a few items to add already (and you can do it yourself too if you don't wish to wait for a revision). Thanks for the ID's, I will see to it they get added.
Absolutely amazing, i have over 1k greens that had to be de'd loaded this up and BOOM ?!! AMAZING would be amzing if we could have somethign like this for milling aswell >.<