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  • [Plugin] Giles Trinity

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by GilesSmith, Sep 5, 2012.

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    1. mephuser1000

      mephuser1000 Active Member

      Jun 10, 2011
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      Using WW: Blood Funnel, bad idea?
    2. mephuser1000

      mephuser1000 Active Member

      Jun 10, 2011
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      Please do the same for Battle Rage. Thanks :)
    3. lazygun247

      lazygun247 New Member

      Aug 12, 2012
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      Hey Giles,

      Great job with the plugin! Keep up the awesome work/updates!

      For those of you who are having avoidance issues... It's a bot. Don't expect it to think like a human. If avoidance doesn't work (for instance with arcane, at least not as well as you would expect it to), just don't use it. Meaning just set it to ignore. It works much better. 90% of times, it will just move because the elites are stupid and run away like idiots anyways. the other 10%, you may die. But I must reiterate, it is a BOT. Expect some deaths here and there especially in act 3 where no matter how geared you are, the is a possibility of deaths.
    4. kayes

      kayes Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Has anyone managed to use a scheduler that works with this? I need a plugin that take breaks from time to time so my toons don't run 8 hours stright while Im at work.

      Would appriciate if somone could post their setup with scheduler and crash handling.
    5. Anonuzer01

      Anonuzer01 Active Member

      Sep 9, 2010
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      All in all a great update.

      Issues I've seen thus far are:

      1) Loses Goblins 100% of the time if there are any other mobs around.
      2) Sometimes will forget the last elite in a pack. Generally this hasn't been an issue as my dps mostly takes them all down pretty quickly before they have a chance to get any spacing but occasionally one will be away from the other two when they die and the bot takes off running in another direction.
      3) Have seen the bot reach the end of it's run-attempt a teleport-get aggro'd-and keep attempting the port over and over again instead of stopping to kill whatever is attacking it.

      Nothing that hasn't been reported and nothing earth shattering (at least in my opinion). Love the plugin! Keep up the great work.
    6. Symbiotic

      Symbiotic New Member

      Jan 27, 2012
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      As a Barb getting annoyed by every combat routine not working Rend properly, Giles seems to be the best. With that said, I've found a decent "fix" that seems to address the biggest issue of him not casting Rend on regular mobs and elites:

      Find this:
      (!bWaitingForSpecial || playerStatus.dCurrentEnergy >= 75) &&

      Change it to this:
      // (!bWaitingForSpecial || playerStatus.dCurrentEnergy >= 75) &&

      That fixes 90% of the problems of him not casting Rend. Yes it means Rend is prioritized over Wrath, but it's bugging out Rend in situations where he clearly doesn't need Wrath, but he needs Rend (trash packs, regular mobs, etc.). Rend should be top priority.

      p.s. Once again and as always though, I appreciate your work Giles. I look forward to the eventual Goblin fix. <3 Cheers!
    7. jack104

      jack104 New Member

      Aug 26, 2012
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      Loot ignoring!

      Started for 5min. Seen it ignoring gold piles of 1k+, drag it back and it still ignores the gold. Let it kill a mob and drag it back, still ignores. Haven't seen it ignore rare yet.

      This was exactly the problem I had with combatreplacer, and never occurred before with previous trinity version.

      System ref: deleted compliedassembiles and cfg before installing.

      Are anyone else having this issue? Thanks again Giles.
    8. liquidsnakeblue

      liquidsnakeblue New Member

      Feb 1, 2012
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      Change the output of the stat files from ".log" to ".txt" in the .cs file, and then you can use a program like Dropbox or Google Drive to sync your entire demonbuddy directory to your mobile device, and you will be able to view the stat files. (most mobile devices don't know what the hell a .log file is)

      Pretty handy, I get live updates from my bot pushed to my Android and iPad
    9. sTARk27

      sTARk27 New Member

      Jul 25, 2012
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      Hi Giles, here is a stuck location that kept popping up

      Original Destination=<4399.848, 340.5641, 22.24511>. Current player position when stuck=<4392.174, 348.6102, 22.24511>
      Profile Name=[A3 - Inferno]Champion-Hunting 1.0 Silhouettes - Battlefields
      Original Destination=<2937, 3537, 8.303836>. Current player position when stuck=<2923.682, 3528.705, 0.3137375>
      Profile Name=[A3 - Inferno]Champion-Hunting 1.1 Silhouettes - The Skycrown Battlements
      Original Destination=<2938.865, 3198.563, 25.14568>. Current player position when stuck=<2971.405, 3198.209, 25.14568>
      Profile Name=[A3 - Inferno]Champion-Hunting 1.1 Silhouettes - The Skycrown Battlements
      Original Destination=<2947, 3197, 25.04568>. Current player position when stuck=<2971.406, 3198.211, 25.14568>
      Profile Name=[A3 - Inferno]Champion-Hunting 1.1 Silhouettes - The Skycrown Battlements
      Original Destination=<2947, 3197, 25.04568>. Current player position when stuck=<2971.405, 3198.211, 25.14568>
      Profile Name=[A3 - Inferno]Champion-Hunting 1.1 Silhouettes - The Skycrown Battlements
    10. jinny1

      jinny1 New Member

      Jun 10, 2012
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      fucking hate arcane sentries...

      The only i die is now if the bot decides to stand on top of the centre of arcane sentries//
    11. GilesSmith

      GilesSmith New Member

      Jun 2, 2012
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      Every single post read up to here. Please no need to repeat things. And just for others that don't want to read back, here's my priorities atm;

      Elites on some occasions ignored:
      - Find the cause of sometimes missing the last elite mob in a pack (possibly a data-mis-read from DB<->D3, which because data is being cached, may cause issues, I have a couple of solutions to try in my head incase this is the cause).

      Grey/trash mobs sometimes prioritized wrongly:
      - Work out why trash is still sometimes getting an incorrect extra priority. Either the "force-close-range" flag is being triggered too easily (this is the flag that gets triggered if your bot is trying to MOVE to a location, but detects >= 6 loops without any movement at all, decides you may be stuck or blocked in the direction you want to go, so forces close-range targets for 2 seconds...), or there is some simply small mistake in the additions and calculations of priority giving code that is like a single character out of place so hard to notice at a quick glance. If it's the first problem, some ideas may be to only force-priority if it detects itself stuck twice in a row - so simply search for a new target 1st time it happens, then force priority the 2nd, or similar.

      Avoidance not always working:
      I have a feeling this is largely just an issue of getting the balance between doing NOTHING when monsters are around (so prioritizing staying OUT of avoidance at all costs even if taking damage, which would mean no LOH either), and attacking monsters when the only monsters around mean going into or through an avoidance. As past updates have shown though, sometimes there's little oddities hidden in the code that just need sniffing out that can sometimes improve/fix things.

      Skill Uses:
      Atm the skill selection code is the worst bit of code in Trinity, in terms of how messy and slow-to-process it is. It's now also the biggest performance hit (although this is still only minor). I have a feeling I need to come up with a whole new layout for skill/spell selection and re-do things. I have a few ideas in my head.

      This plugin has been out for less than one week. I started coding it eight days ago. Yes, time flies, but because time flies it's sometimes easy to lose track of perspective. Also add to your perspective how Demonbuddy runs without Trinity enabled at all when you come across issues - so instead of being upset, irritated, or angry that something in Trinity is broken - instead try to be happy that there is somebody as active as me that is a bit OCD about perfection and wants to try and fix eeeeeeeverything, and am churning updates out so fast! :D

      Demon Hunters:
      I haven't forgotten about you. But adding a whole new class, means a whole new set of people demanding changes, tweaks, fixes, improvements to skills (it took a while for the other classes to get where they are). On top of this, many Demon Hunters would probably start asking for some sort of Kiting intelligence, which is yet another routine to work on. If I focus on adding the final class, I can't focus on the things above. I want to add Demon Hunters, but atm, sorry, youa re not on the top of my priority list! If somebody else wants to work on the code and send me the code for an initial Demon Hunter outlet I would welcome it! - though do be aware what I said above about the skill selection code atm, and the fact I may well be re-doing it...!
    12. carguy

      carguy Member

      Jan 21, 2010
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      I want to add two things:

      1- If you are one of those people who is constantly bitching (even if you don't think you are) and saying "AMG WHY DOESN'T X WORK RIGHT!?! WHY IS IT DOING X TOO MUCH TOO FAST, WAT FUCK!?!", consider donating for Giles times -- it gives you a little more leeway for complaints at that point at least.

      2-While I'm sure Giles appreciates all feedback, keep in mind that this plugin will never ever work 100% to everyone's expectations. There will always be some quirk that isn't liked by all or some function that doesn't do what it should in someone else's eyes. The reality is, even with this not being perfect, it gets the job done and is 95% usable (and has been for days). The point of botting is to bot. Who gives a shit if it works perfectly or not. I leave my 5 dudes in act 3 unattended pretty much 24/7 outside of auction housing. I know they die occasionally, but honestly I don't give a shit -- every day i'm still making 25-300m without doing any work.

      It's D3, your guy is going to die. Eventually, you'll either kill the elites/rare or the bot will move on either way. Many of you spend way too much time sitting there analyzing the damn bot. Go outside, read a book, play some other game. The point of botting is to not play manually; otherwise why bother botting at all?
    13. solitudethedude

      solitudethedude New Member

      Jan 11, 2012
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      The Fallen Grunts really need to be ignored. They get spawned over and over by the Prophets or whatever and the bot seems to have downs syndrome attacking them instead of the prophets that are spawning them.

      You guys are morons for complaining about stupid shit like Goblins getting away, meanwhile the fuckin bot is spending hours killing fallen grunts that get spawned over and over.
    14. r0sc0

      r0sc0 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I think my idea on this is the best as its fully Customizable.
      GUI with each Class.
      Each spell for your selections and have a tab next to each one - ON ADDS, On Single Target, As Buff, On Cooldown.
      this kind of idea, then you wouldn't need to worry as much about people complaining they just need to sit and do there own setup.
      or would this be more effort giles? just an idea to save you some headaches as everyone has different runes activated which do different things.

      Again cheers for your devotion doesn't seem like 8 days!
    15. thekingkong

      thekingkong New Member

      Jul 13, 2012
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      Then don't whine and let him do what he does best. He said he does read every post so post once and patiently wait. Don't Expect to much as he's trying his best to fix all you guys' problems.
    16. Eddyno

      Eddyno New Member

      Jul 24, 2012
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      because ppl dont get how a plugin should be used

      just skip..set trigger range for non-elite combat 3 or less and your run from 1 hour will become 35 min with x2 yellows

      ===== Misc Statistics ===== monk 80 mln gear
      Total tracking time: 5h 14m 26s
      Total deaths: 14 [2,67 per hour]

      ===== Item DROP Statistics =====
      Total items dropped: 1431 [273,05 per hour]
      - Rare: 296 [56,01 per hour] {20,51 %}

      ===== Misc Statistics ===== barb 45 mln gear
      Total tracking time: 9h 4m 33s
      Total deaths: 25 [2,75 per hour]

      ===== Item DROP Statistics =====
      Total items dropped: 2023 [222,9 per hour]
      - Rare: 406 [44,73 per hour] {20,07 %}
      Last edited: Sep 11, 2012
    17. woutknutsel

      woutknutsel New Member

      Aug 13, 2012
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      I strongly disagree, but let's not start a flame war over this. Let the "Likes" speak for themselves :p
    18. bombastic

      bombastic New Member

      Jun 18, 2012
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      Finally fixed elites / goblins / fallen shamans not being prioritizing!! :D

      Just comment out the lines from number 2724 to 2730 and the line 2837 (put a "//" in front of them)

      Don't forget to erase CompiledAssemblies folder after the changes :)

      About wotb on 1.4.3, 70% of the time is not being activated. No solution so far.
      Last edited: Sep 11, 2012
    19. Eddyno

      Eddyno New Member

      Jul 24, 2012
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      maybe your are looking at the wrong line? -.- or my log is fucked up ? :D

      act 3 lv 50 paragorn
      [16:29:43.060 N] Number of games completed:7
      [17:02:34.282 N] Number of games completed:8

      --- ilvl 63 Rare: 26 [4,72 per hour] {1,71 %}
      Last edited: Sep 11, 2012
    20. GilesSmith

      GilesSmith New Member

      Jun 2, 2012
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      If that does it then it's exactly as I mentioned in my post above;

      Grey/trash mobs sometimes prioritized wrongly:
      - Work out why trash is still sometimes getting an incorrect extra priority. Either the "force-close-range" flag is being triggered too easily (this is the flag that gets triggered if your bot is trying to MOVE to a location, but detects >= 6 loops without any movement at all, decides you may be stuck or blocked in the direction you want to go, so forces close-range targets for 2 seconds...), or there is some simply small mistake in the additions and calculations of priority giving code that is like a single character out of place so hard to notice at a quick glance. If it's the first problem, some ideas may be to only force-priority if it detects itself stuck twice in a row - so simply search for a new target 1st time it happens, then force priority the 2nd, or similar.

      It's the force-close-range flag. Commenting out those lines might seem like a sensible quick-fix, but you're going to cause issues where your bot can get stuck trying to target something far off but is trapped/body-blocked in a corner and will just stay stuck and die. That code is there as a safety - I obviously just need to find a better balancing point for that safety.
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