By craftiestelk As the title says, a plugin to use Traveler's Tundra Mammoth or Jeeves when repairing, and MOLL-E when mailing. As the title also says, this is a Work In Progress (also called a Beta). This means that you probably shouldn't use the plugin unattended, at least not for long amounts of time, as something might go bottoms up on you. However, is you post a report here with a description of the problem and a log I'll try to have it fixed so the plugin may at some point be released as a properly working plugin. Due to being away on vacation, I haven't done extensive testing yet, and were hoping some other botters would like to give it a spin. I'll do some proper testing after New Year's Eve, hopefully. The plugin also integrates RepairFly, another plugin of mine that forces you to fly to vendor/repair when using QuestBot/GrindBot. So you should only have to use one of them (and RepairFly will be pensioned when FieldRepair is working properly). The code is a little long and somewhat lacking in commenting, but if you would like me to elaborate or comment more, you ask View attachment 53251
This is an old plugin I used a lot, and spiffed up to work with the latest release of Honorbuddy. The only part of it I was able to test, was the 'Traveler's Tundra Mammoth' repair - it worked for that. While running to repair, it stops, gets on that mount, opens up the blacksmith guy, repairs, and vendors grays. The rest - I don't know, people with those items would have to test. All of the code changes involved were basic - pointing the old locations of the routines to the new location, and changing the references, so it 'should' run the same as it did before.
Honorbuddy has the mount built in now, still working on the jeeves and the other options such as guild vaults and things like that though.
I cant get this to work in grind mode. Im farming that cow in vale and need to send the green stuff to my alt, im using MOLL-E but its not sending anything :[.
Works fantastic with grind mode using the version on this page! Only tested tundra so far, will report back when it mails.
Update: Scrap that, it works if you're not mounted when the plugin triggers but most of the time you're on your mount already running back to repair when the plugin realises you should summon the tundra. It should check whether you're mounted, dismount then attempt to get on the tundra otherwise you're spammed with "cannot do that while moving" while your char is running back to repair normally.