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  • [Plugin] Giles Trinity

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by GilesSmith, Sep 5, 2012.

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    1. Dukne

      Dukne New Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      A problem I have been having with the last builds: Bot picks up everything fine, for about 1 hour, then after that it will just ignore everything. Tomes, L63 weapons, gems. What can this be? The 'Item Handling' settings looks fine.

      Edit: Now it ignored everything from the start of the run.
      Last edited: Sep 12, 2012
    2. Makaronnik

      Makaronnik New Member

      Sep 8, 2012
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      Wow, somehow I missed it. Thank you very much!
    3. Fantas

      Fantas New Member

      Mar 29, 2012
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      it was only a question not like other ppl crying "fcking shit nothing works blablabla"

      chill down....
    4. gotteshand

      gotteshand New Member

      Jun 7, 2012
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      You're asking for something total unnecessary that's why ppl are laughing at you. I mean seriously what the heck do ppl think the loot log is there for seriously get a clue.
    5. vd3

      vd3 New Member

      Jul 30, 2012
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      2 things,

      First, I'm trying to figure out why the bot is not using rend reliably, and I don't think it has to do with the timings or the conditions to use rend (I have played around with these a lot). I notice that even when I play manually gasp, I sometimes does not cast rend when I am spamming it, which I think is caused be me getting hit but mobs with stun or knockback. What I think we need is some way to detect whether or not rend was actually cast. Ideally, there would be some way to check the animation state but a simple way would be to check the fury levels before and after attempting to rend. What do you think Giles?

      Second, my bot always gets stuck in stupid places like Stuck.jpg and although the unstucker does kick in, it is really annoying. My proposed solution is to check the "slope" from the player pos to the object (dz/dx) and if this is too high then it probably means the object is over a ledge and is unreachable. You could then temporarily blacklist the object for a few seconds or until you have traveled a certain distance. I would perhaps do this check every time a new target is selected.

      Thanks for all the hard work Giles, and for listening to all the feedback!
    6. Lazao

      Lazao New Member

      Feb 13, 2012
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      same problem at the same place :/ bot will ignore it after few seconds...
    7. r0sc0

      r0sc0 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Giles is there anyway to make the bot know if people are chasing after it instead of running away?
    8. vol.1

      vol.1 New Member

      Jun 24, 2012
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      I am still having couple issues regarding prioritizing goblins, especially in skycrown, where the grunts keep getting revived by the prophets.
      Instead of killing the goblin, it turns on WOTB and attacks the grunts.

      I have the treasure goblin set to priority.

      I am also noticing that rend is still not being used efficiently against elites. It doesn't seem to know the rend timer even when it's fighting the same elite throughout.
    9. branded

      branded New Member

      Sep 12, 2012
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      Are Demon Hunters ever going to be supported? This is supposed to be the best plugin out there. Seems silly that an entire class gets excluded :(

      Still using the 3 individual plugins and the work alright, but it would be nice to have the newer and improved one.
    10. GilesSmith

      GilesSmith New Member

      Jun 2, 2012
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      Wow, did I screw something up in that logging code I gave you? I don't think I did... hmmmm... I will get back to you on this. I have given myself the day off coding - I have done not more than 20 minutes work today, and have been enjoying my free time, having worked on the plugin heavily (12-14+ hours a day) every single day (weekend included) for the past 9 days or so! But tomorrow I will check this out, and see if I simply gave you the wrong debugging code, or if I have missed something horrible somewhere and have it NOT recording arcanes. Maybe the caching stuff? Maybe when an arcane ball *FIRST* appears, it starts off as an object type that is not treated as avoidance (eg a serverprop) - that is cached, and then when the ball "extends" it's laser beam, the object type changes - but by then it's already been cached. This might not be useful info to you but brainstorming ideas like this as I reply to people helps me remember possible solutions to look in to, so just ignore that if you didn't understand it, this will be useful to me when I read it back tomorrow ;)

      That's great to hear that even playing manually it can fail to cast. I was starting to drive myself a little crazy with all the failsafes, double-checks I was doing - both reading the code, debugging it, and tweaking the code over and over to try and find causes of it not-casting for some people, sometimes. Checking a player's energy levels could be a sneaky little way of checking if some spells have been cast, for spells that always have an energy cost - but starts to get messy when players have gear that reduce energy costs of particular abilities, or certain runes or passives that reduce energy costs etc. - only a handful of skills would never change I would imagine. Recording "any drop at all" might work - but again, it's a bit dodgy. Since it happens when playing manually, I think we should stop trying to seek absolute perfection, and just live with "good enough to bot act 3 exceptionally well" perfection.

      There is actually already some Z-checking for objects - it helps prevent your bot targetting monsters that are on a lower-level/below a balcony from you etc.. I have to be careful not to set this cut-off-point too high as it can cause you to ignore a good shrine that's up a slight decline/incline on a hill etc. - and I've had to REDUCE that check for item drops (otherwise it would ignore an item that dropped at the top of the stairs while you were at the bottom). But it could probably be safely increased for objects like containers and shrines, as it's not a tragedy if it misses them now and then - getting stuck is worse (even if the unstucker resolves it).

      No reason it shouldn't. Always restart DB after changing skills though - as it does cache your skills, and changing skills with DB still up can cause it some confusion at times.

      Hi Makaronnik. Your background FPS is way too low. This will have been causing your problems. Heavily increasing TPS, and changing that 8 to 4, will have helped DemonBuddy "make up" for the problems to some degree, but ultimately an FPS of 8 in Diablo 3 will cause the bot to act incredibly stupid, with or without my plugin.

      I believe this to be a risk. No player runs around with their inventory screen open while they play, because it gets in the way far too much and doesn't let you see everything that is happening. Learn to press i. Why you would want to see your inventory constantly, without even pressing i, is beyond me. Far more useful would be to look in the Trinity folder, and look at the item stash and item trash logs, surely?

      Could be. I'm glad you tried to restart the bot yourself. A lot of people that might post problems wouldn't even attempt that :) Reloggers can cause issues, as I mention in the common problems of post #1 of this thread. I can't help you with specifics there, you'll have to ask in the relogger's thread, or try another relogger, or go without one until Radonic finishes his relogger!

      Only by constantly tracking positions of things, I'm not sure how useful that info is/what the purpose is to know if something is chasing something else?

      To me, silly is expecting a community dev to "Have to" support all classes and all users of the bot, just because his plugin is "the best out there". "You do the best work, how dare you not include everybody for free!". The moment DemonBuddy hire me and give me a wage, I'll start doing things that users of DemonBuddy want, rather than things I enjoy or that I want to spend time focusing on. As this doesn't look likely, patience will continue to be a much sought-after virtue. Still, if it gives you any comfort, yesterday I was "silly enough" to add a new settings tab into the AOE settings in my local-copy of Trinity I work on, add all the config file stuff in for DH, and add all DH skills to the internal skill dictionaries, in preparation for going through the skills and putting their usage-code/intelligence in. But don't take things for granted. You can make demands of the DemonBuddy team, as you paid for their product, but don't make demands of me. I can be expecting a rather sizable donation from you when I release the Demon Hunter update I guess, or would that be "silly" of me to assume people would donate for my time & work? ;)
      Last edited: Sep 12, 2012
    11. CCCComboBreaker

      CCCComboBreaker New Member

      Jun 25, 2012
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      [17:53:48.092 D] [GilesTrinity] GSDebug: Stash routine ending sequence...
      [17:53:48.112 D] [GilesTrinity] GSDebug: Stash routine finished.
      [17:53:49.742 D] [GilesTrinity] GSDebug: Sell routine started.
      [17:53:58.632 D] [GilesTrinity] GSDebug: Sell routine ending sequence...
      [17:53:58.652 D] [GilesTrinity] GSDebug: Sell routine finished.
      [17:54:00.212 D] [GilesTrinity] GSDebug: Salvage routine started.
      [17:54:00.232 D] Navigator.Clear
      [17:54:00.232 D] Generating path to Town Portal (Possible) - <379.0132, 421.9469, 0.3321455>
      [17:54:00.242 D] Raycast path generated.
      [17:54:00.242 D] Generated path to <379.0132, 421.9469, 0.3321455> (Town Portal (Possible)) with 1 hops.
      [17:54:00.482 D] [GilesTrinity] GSDebug: Salvage routine started.
      [17:56:03.332 N] Inactivity timer tripped! Leaving game
      [17:56:03.332 N] Leaving game
      [17:56:03.342 D] Navigator.Clear
      This is the log about when i found the bot in the menu.
      I'm using Ciggarc Act3 Champion Farm and only RadsProfileManagerBeta as plugin with Trinity.

      I think is totally random, sometimes it runs for 8 hours without problems, sometimes it happens after 10 minutes.
      By now I've tried also 4-5 fresh install, but I have had this problem with every patch of Trinity.

      but now I'm just want to know if someone else have this problem...
      Last edited: Sep 12, 2012
    12. GilesSmith

      GilesSmith New Member

      Jun 2, 2012
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      Which act is this in? I would suggest that DB's nav server is (incorrectly) trying to calculate a path in town, and sometimes failing - despite the towninvolving only incredibly short distances. I can force a waypoint inbetween locations to help this. DB is meant to only call on the nav server for paths longer than 300 feet, but I've seen it hitting the nav server for incredibly short distances in a straight line with absolutely no objects in between just because there was a bit of Diablo 3 lag for a moment or similar, and this insatntly opens you up to problems.
    13. CCCComboBreaker

      CCCComboBreaker New Member

      Jun 25, 2012
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      act 3

      I can try to set 15 TPS, now was 13. I don't know if it fits with this problem.

      anyway, when I saw this problem while it was happen, it was near the blacksmith before logging out.

      but it happens only to me? :\

      PS: for rend problem i can confirm that playing manually it sometimes doesn't cast it when you press the button.
      Last edited: Sep 12, 2012
    14. r0sc0

      r0sc0 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Giles, well I put an idea across to track follower attacking or being attacked, and by checking if we are being attacked or targetted from behind, as I see the not running away from mobs. In wow you can check if ur being targeted or have aggro. Was wondering if they have same functionality in d3 ?
    15. GilesSmith

      GilesSmith New Member

      Jun 2, 2012
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      They don't, no. Checking follower health count is possible, but a bit of a hacky/flaky way of doing things (especially as the follower can lose health from various level/map/dungeon props that spout fire or acid etc.).
    16. Agro

      Agro New Member

      Sep 5, 2012
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      No, that makes total sense. I wondered myself if the actual ball that spawns first has a different ActorSNO before it turns into the beam. The actual beam has 2 SNOs (as you know) because one of them is clockwise and the other is reverse. Maybe the ball that spawns first has a different type? Anything I can to do help further just let me know. Ignore the dumb shits that come in demanding things and whining, you are an incredible individual and this community would suffer a great loss without you. We legit people genuinely appreciate your effort.
    17. r0sc0

      r0sc0 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Ah fair enough, hopefully we will see more functions added to dB cheers for the information bud! Your going a fantastic job donation coming when I get paid
    18. hushkey

      hushkey New Member

      Aug 13, 2012
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      hi! first: great job mate ! that plugin is awesome!

      question beside: y demonhunters are still not supported?
    19. fawkes

      fawkes New Member

      Sep 10, 2012
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      I would just like to say that this is an amazing plugin. Are there any plans to weigh MF/GF gear heavier or add an option to do so?
    20. Symbiotic

      Symbiotic New Member

      Jan 27, 2012
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      You guys reporting that "it sometimes doesn't work manually": you are wrong.

      It ALWAYS works manually, except for when you can't do anything (DUH), like when you're stunned or being knocked through the air. In fact, if you're being knocked back, it will still cast Rend as you hit the ground.

      So let's not use statements that aren't true. Thanks.

      The only reason the bot isn't casting Rend is to due a logical problem. Something somewhere is stopping it from proceeding through that "rend spam" if statement, or possibly causing the program to not even reach that if statement to begin to pass its checks.

      It's most definitely a logic problem. This is evident by having maxed out fury, walking into 2-3 white mobs, and it not casting Rend the entire time while still Leaping and using Frenzy. It happens and it's a big bug.

      Fortunately, it's not REALLY often, but it'd be awesome if we could track it down and fix it. For most of us, not casting Rend == death. So every time it hits that logic error, we die. That wastes massive amounts of time. I know I've personally spent 5-10 hours trying to debug it, but it's hard checking someone else's code.

      Removing the "bWaitForCooldown" (or whatever it's called) line seems to help the best, but there's still something else bugged.

      Also, the range-checker for Rend still isn't working either (and I have it set to 6f, I'm going to try 4f). It still casts Rend before it gets to the target. Then of course the built-in timer kicks in and prevents it from recasting Rend for 3 seconds (the default), unless it has high fury, then it recasts it every 2.2s (default).
      Last edited: Sep 12, 2012
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