I know it's beta but I'm having these problems. First it detected my spec as assasination and (maybe because of that) it doesn't attack. It could also be not attacking because it's trying to apply poisons and trinket off mark of the wild View attachment 7000 2012-09-13 14.07.txt
How do I use this? I've put it in the Routines folder and CC folder, but when I run the bot and click Class Config it only shows CLU. ow do I chose which one? If I delete CLU and use only this, an error pops up and the bot crashes. Also does glue work anymore?
Ok thank you very much for your bug report. The whole point of the beta is for people to test It and tell me what bugs there are. I think i know the answer to your problem.
Hi, dont have log, but i am new to honorbuddy and trying to EXP my Rogue (35 now), your behavior works just fine, but it have some glitches. 1. Not using poisons at all, even filled bracket in options 2. Dont brake blade fury after fight with more mobs If i find more bugs, glitches i will edit this post. Nevertherless, GREAT CC
Hi, I am not sure if I uploaded the log correctly. I am having a couple issues with my lvl 38 Blood Elf rogue in Battle Grounds. I have the SVN in the Routines folder. It will not load unless I move "-PvPRogue 5.0.4 BETA" out of the sub folder "maddogs-svn" in Routines into the base Routines folder. It will load the cc at that point and time, everything goes well until after the opener "Ambush" then if the target moves it will just stand there doing nothing until it leaves combat and mounts or stealth's. If the target does not move it will just auto attack. After mounting/re stealth it will open with "ambush" again then auto attack or just stand there. Also, when it does load, it is constantly trying to Trinket, kings, mark...anything and everything basically Thank you for your time updating and maintaining this. It is much appreciated.
Thanks heaps for your bug reports guys. I really need them to get this CC fully functional, and I will be on in 2 hrs to do some updating so if any of you are still online to test that would be great. Thanks MD
Spec detection should now be fixed. I have updated it for the new 5.0.x talent system. PS. i havent tested it XD
MadDog, Thank you for taking the time to put this together. I understand you are busy with this but I am having trouble understanding what file goes in to what folder. I have used Kick's Profiles in the past so I am not new to the process however some of the folders no longer exist and do not match up with old directions. Can you please breakdown what goes where. When I copy the plug in over and put it in the plug folder I get an error so I am assuming it no longer goes there. Thank you in advance. I will post logs once I get this working correctly.
you put the pvprogue 5.0 into routines folder Speaking of plugins, MadDog have you been working on glue at all? or waiting till cc is good before doing that. Thanks