I cant get rarekiller working.. http://www.thebuddyforum.com/archives/65015-rarekiller-all-one-killer-plugin-tlpd.html#post262306
http://www.thebuddyforum.com/archiv...se-profile-zone-changer-now-w-scheduling.html would be good or should i pm the author?
DungeonbBuddy (what happened to InstanceBuddy?!) is unable to see who is the Tank when queuing as healer. It will sometimes randomly select someone who is not the tank (such as a hunter) or will say there is no tank and will leave in 60 seconds.
EpicJunkbox http://www.thebuddyforum.com/archiv...ock-junkboxes-loot-epic-blue-green-items.html Really need this plugin to update
What happened to all the plugins? Mass cleansing to root out what wasn't being supported any longer? LogMeOut and Jumpy are a couple of my favs. I know Keanu has a replacement for both, but i would like the others to work if possible.
Need updated version of the plugin TALENTED dont have a thread link but I remember using it for questing. Its quite important botting leveling a toon. now with the new talent tree system. It should be a little easier? If you dont remember what this plugin did. It chose your talents for you everytime you leveled to an appropriate level.
Update og make it better http://www.thebuddyforum.com/archives/27932-plugin-stuckhelper-improved-stuck-handling.html