Hi, All this is not a advertisment. E-bot was closed the doors by,(NOT TRUE) blizzard. good to know right ? He just started, an new bot (my wow bot) old e-bot key's will not work any more. That sad, i pay 3 mouths ago for lifetime key, and u can't us it anymore. So, HB/GB is save Or Better just u all stay on this project Honorbuddy / GB , it Will NEVER Rip u off. Thanks all to Bossland.
Hey, All Ive post, this to tell all off you there in the world. Honorbuddy and Gatherbuddy : Are Best buy for your money. So : 9.5 / 10 For Bossland. But, it's realy sad, if buy a product, that has lifetime buy on it ! it not life time if the program gets a new name ? It's still the same program, i payed for a bott software, So why if it gets a new name and it's still a bott ? why do we need to buy a new key ! for same program's It's Sad , but hey, life goes on !
http://vforums.mmoglider.com/showpost.php?p=1572854&postcount=26 Or, for those that can't see it. PS: Thanks for deleting my post asking what on earth 75david72 meant, seeing as I somewhat understand it (I think? ) now.
What a complete noob JuJu is, for starter's blizz wont take kindly for him opening a new bot when they have just told him to shut down his last bot, this time blizz will sue him without warning him and it wont supprise me that his NEW bot has the same source code as his past bot but with a different UI. so it make's me think what's the point posting that he has started a new bot when he should of just carryed on with e-bot since blizz will just sue him now? plus he has lost his user base and people wont buy it anymore since there was a real poor support with E-bot.
I'm an ex-Ebot customer. I've bought Ebot lifetime and then Juju have closed it a couple of months after. It seems that I'm not the only one, but the other ones are oversea, so difficult to complaint... I've paypal paid to Emmanuelle Bosch and, of course, can't obtain an invoice. Credit card Mic-Mac ? The real name of Juju seems to be Julian Bosch. I can confirm that legally, Blizzard e.g. Vivendi can't initiate a trial against a french bot, because there is nothing in the french law allowing that. So now I have lost 5 accounts and money with eBot. And now I have bought GB/HB lifetime (with an invoice ). 2 LVL 80 in two weeks, happy with this. Have fun ! NB: Of course I have the real address of these fine people... I don't like to get fucked like this !
I can confirm that legally, Blizzard e.g. Vivendi can't initiate a trial against a french bot, because there is nothing in the french law allowing that. Thats true ! Pulled : CLOSED Theard !
Seriously, spell check your posts. There are plenty of addons that do this for you and it'll make everyone else's life and your life so much easier.
Looks like he got busted and is trying to save face now, would steer clear of anything to do with it imo.