[23:34:11.338 N] [RadsProfileManager beta] Last profile used was Silhouettes_CoreOnly.xml. still loads last profile
Anyone noticed lower legendary drop rates? I run 10 bots and usually get 8-10 63 leg/set items. These last 3 days Ive been averaging like 1-2..
Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please? Any stucks experienced in the past 24 hours are likely the result of the nav server. That is all. Thank you.
Yeah. Which words were tripping you up there, slick? Was it the "nav," which is short for "navigation"? Or was it the "server"? Because I'm not a moron, and I know how to check logs.
Open up Silhouettes_CursedTower.xml and change <Continue profile="Silhouettes_CoreOnly.xml"/> to Silhouettes_CoreAzmodan.xml Hope this helps.
Yea I definitely have... I think every since I hit level 50 havent found much maybe about 2-3 legendaries and im coming up on level 55 right now I believe. I figured it was the level 50 drought lol who knows I also thought maybe it was because before that I had some runs where I was getting like 6-7 legendaries every day when I woke up.
I ran the profile it three times before stopping it and it always happened. Maybe I did something wrong when editing the file. Do you mind posting the one you use that takes you to Azmadon? Thank you!
Is there any way to make some random brake (let's say something between 2-8min.) between each run ? I'm using Giles Trinty and RadsProfileManager.
I think I figured out what you did wrong! It sounds like you opened Silhouettes_CoreOnly.xml and changed it to point to Silhouettes_CoreAzmodan.xml, instead of opening Silhouettes_CursedTower.xml and making that change Here's a cursed tower one with what you need. https://www.dropbox.com/s/k848dxlwmp28lvr/Silhouettes_CursedTower.xml
im having the issue of the bot will run the profile fine but once it finishes core it Teleports to town leaves game and loads at core again. I do not want to fight azmo so i didnt change anything in the files just running stock your profile and giles trinity and your profile switcher thats it fresh installs of everything. BUt it will only loop core over and over after it finishes 1 complete run through.
None of us are able to reproduce this. We've all tried extensively. However, we're currently reworking the plugin so it shouldn't even be "possible" to happen anymore, although the new change will probably cause issues with inactivity timers.
so odd ya it happens every single time. ive done fresh install of the bot and only core plugins needed. its like its resume instead of starting the quest again.
I get stuck here running act 3 champ farm from ciggarc? Its suppose to continue on to Level 2, but it doesnt sometimes :/ Rad's Profile manager, giles trinity are my plugins
Im getting this problem where my bot gets stuck right before Azmodan. Its like it doesnt walk far enough to trigger the cut scene and just stands there until inactivity forces it to leave the game. It doesnt do this every run however.
Are you using Giles Trinity with a barbarian, with inactivity timer <2? The plugin forces you to wait for your WotB cooldown before starting the event.