Rogue Logs I tried both of my specs out. Sub and Assas. In sub my toon continues to try and stealth. He spams stealth chasing people around and not attacking. I tried assas and my rogue stealths but does not attack anything. Also, he does not apply poisons. Here are the logs.
All you need to do is SVN checkout anywhere, then drag the CC into the Routines folder. If its a plugin put it into the Plugins folder. This SVN has lots of different stuff in it so if you put the whole thing in routines it probably wont compile. l337pally answered your question too, below. I am just starting to look into glue now. Im going to be on for the rest of the day so ill probably get stuck in. Assassination wont work, although it detects your spec as assassination, there is no code for it, hence why it doesnt attack. Ill look into your issue now.
Hey guys, I have rewritten Poisons, so hopefully it will now work. Nearly 200 lines of code lol This is untested, so there is a good chance it wont work, but please test it. Just trying to tackle one thing at a time.. SVN Update! MD
Couldn't get it to load at all for some reason now. I am including a couple screen shots just to make sure I am not messing anything up on my end as well as the log. I have updated Honor Buddy and the CC approximately 15 minutes ago.
Just to be sure. Please take the pvprogue beta folder out of the maddog svn folder and put it into the routines folder. Also delete glue
Alright, I deleted "Glue Strafe" from the Plugins folder and moved "-PvPRogue 5.0.4 BETA" into the Routines folder Which got rid of some of the errors. Now it is giving me a lot of "poisons" errors. I also mad sure to update the pvprogue SVN again while I was at it.
Tested with updating both the CC and Honorbuddy about 10 minutes ago. I get an error and it says no routines are loaded. The routine is placed here: C:\Users\User\Documents\Honorbuddy 2.5.6213.432\Routines\-PvPRogue 5.0.4 BETA And I have also uninstalled Glue. So basically as soon as I click start or class config it won't load the routine or crashes honorbuddy, using Combat Bot. I attached a log as well. View attachment 5992 2012-09-15 11.40.txt
Now it gives another error and still won't attack. It says that it 'cannot run Tick before running Start first'. Using Combat Bot with latest updates. If I auto attack the target myself it won't attack but it will freeze honorbuddy and give loads of errors. It uses sprint though if I run away from the target. I attached a log for when I just click start and do nothing. View attachment 5964 2012-09-15 14.40.txt
Getting the same errors as Sodaone in Sub. I appreciate the effort you've put into this MadDog - looking forward to the working product!
Downloaded the latest from SVN. Still not working. Log just shows the following 4 lines repeating over and over. Bot will only autoattack. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? [PvPRogue] Trinketing - Name: Blessing of Might Timeleft: 00:59:16.1870000 [PvPRogue] Trinketing - Name: Frost Fever Timeleft: 00:00:28.7340000 [PvPRogue] Trinketing - Name: Chilblains Timeleft: 00:00:04.7670000 [PvPRogue] Trinketing - Name: Blood Plague Timeleft: 00:00:23.5300000