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  • Q/A for the Honorbuddy MoP Release

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by BotOperator, Sep 18, 2012.

    1. BotOperator

      BotOperator Well-Known Member

      Jan 17, 2012
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      Hi Community,

      I am monitoring the TestRelease thread for a while now and want to give a short Feedback answering the most common questions.
      From a technical perspective Kickazz006 is giving updates from the DEV's in his thread here.

      [Test Release]
      Q: What is a test release?
      A: A test release is an internal beta which we share with the community in order to get your Feedback

      Q: Why has a test release still so much bugs?
      A: No matter how much we internally test, it takes only a couple of hours for you to test the latest version more than we ever can with this limited resources and platforms we have.

      Q: For whom is a test release?
      A: A test release is mainly for advanced bot users and private dev users writing bots and classes for our bot. It is not recommended for new botters to use it.

      Q: Is it secure?
      A: A test release has the same security like the rest of our releases but for sure there is no 100% guarantee that it cannot be detected.

      Q: When will you release a final version?
      A: Our DEV's are working day and night on the bot and as you might have seen there were already updates for the test release too.
      Nevertheless due to your findings and also Blizzard Client updates there is not a release date for the final version yet, and still work to do.
      I see a lot of users complaining that this time updating the bot takes very long and I agree.
      Compared to bot updates in the past this one really takes long. Compared with all the changes in WoW that we have to reflect in the bot we're on a good track.

      Q: What about profiles, classes and bots
      A: We focus on a final release of the bot. If you use additional classes or bots please turn the original authors and ask them to update their stuff too.
      I think most of the people will do so but wait atm. until we have a final new release.
      If you want to use our test version you should not use additional addons if the author did not say that it is 100% working with the actual version, otherwise
      it is very hard for you and us to track down failures.

      Q: Why does no one answer on my post in the test release thread.
      A: Well our Dev's can either code or post in the forum. We decided they better should code :p
      For sure that does not mean that Dev's and Mods do not read the posts and take up things.

      Tony has written a thread on How to report bugs?
      Support on test versions is very limited but it does not mean that your bug reports are senseless. They are very important to us.
      Please make sure you create an own thread in the support section for each bug you might have found following Tony's guide.
      Do NOT hi-jack other threads or use the test release thread for this!
      With a couple of hundred answers in this thread we will loose overview if you simply make a short reply in there without the detailed information we need.

      Q: Does A,B,C work or is ready?
      A: If you did not read it in an official thread why do you expect it to be? :D
      We're not hiding any information so it makes no sense to ask the same questions about an ETA or bot functions atm. again and again.
      If we have new info to share we will do so in an official thread to all of you.

      Q: Bot ETA?
      A: We do not have one. It is in our own interest to have a final release asap but some things take time and sometimes more than expected :eek:
      In the end we want to release a secure and stable bot which can do all the things you like it for. An early release will not make you happy if the bot still has major issues.
      So let's focus a few days more on development. Personally I hope that a final version is out before MoP will go live but NO this is not an ETA and depends on the DEV's. ;)

      Please do not forget that discussions on the board should always be about things and should never become personal.
      I see people are frustrated because they want to bot again - better yesterday than tomorrow - but this does not allow anyone to ignore our forum rules.
      Stay patient and trust in our work like you've done in the past and do not insult other customers, Mods or Dev's or you make our little Panda's cry ;)

      Greetings from Pandaria

      --- Mod's and DEV's are like WoW Monk's - very relaxed and cute but do not make them angry or.......BAM......^^
      whoami likes this.
    2. xmsnxtradex

      xmsnxtradex New Member

      Sep 10, 2012
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      hope that helps some ppl to stop bitching about bugs ;)

      YAY first,,,,,,,,,,,,, You are with each single word right.. even so Kick is updating us over things what happen. i still would appriciate a "better change-log", ill meen with that, we are getting small updates over the day and of that a few.. what got changed or is supposebly better now, it would help reporting bugs on things wich just got changed and no1 knows the bug yet ;)
      Last edited: Sep 18, 2012
    3. rascal9

      rascal9 Member

      Aug 8, 2012
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      Dead link here http://www.thebuddyforum.com/releases/35046-how-report-bug-error-issue.html on that post !Dead Link!(http://www.thebuddyforum.com/support-issues/).!Working Link! Support Issues

      Is there an actual bug tracker to report bugs and set there priority's in some sort of order or just post on the forums and hope the Devs see it? There busy guys and having them sift through pages upon pages of mostly mumbling then the occasional bug seems like a task all in its own.

      Lets get this up and running seems like no better time :)


      Bugzilla is Down
      Last edited: Sep 18, 2012
    4. starl1te

      starl1te New Member

      Feb 20, 2012
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      well, this definitely answers the only question that matters - there is no release date of any sort for the bot. You should link this thread from your Test Release thread, since this is finally the UPDATE everyone's been waiting for.

      I have a suggestion for the devs. Honorbuddy is first and foremost a WOW BOT, and I would say it's *primary* function is the same as for all other bots:

      1) Make gold
      2) Grind boring stuff like BG honor, Archeology, fishing.

      That's it. *After* that comes all the secondary stuff, like doing complicated rotations in raid, afk questing, dungeons, professions etc etc

      So maybe please just prioritize the BASIC stuff first, so that it's ready for MoP. That will at least add a lot of value to your customers, and should be simple to do - and since you haven't stopped *selling* the bot through all this downtime, maybe you all will sleep better at night knowing your product works. Then you can work in peace till 2013 on obscure questing behaviors. Again, I would say the PRIMARY reason the majority paid for HB is to make gold (and grind honor etc), NOT to automate their hardmode raiding or to level alts 1-90 completely afk via questing.

      So how about a priority list for MoP release:

      1) Singular somewhat stable at least for dps specs (you only need a VERY simple rotation to be 100% successful gathering, grinding equal-level mobs and doing battlegrounds)

      2) GatherBuddy functioning 100% - most important, the first few weeks of expansion is the one and only time herbs and ores are an absolute goldmine with stacks selling for 150G instead of the current 15g

      3) FIX ARCHEOLOGY OMG. ok nothing can be simpler than flying around lowbie areas and clicking Survey, why is this still broken? I'm going to *guess* it's a relatively simple fix, please prioritize over something else. Reason is: Archeology is a *fantastic* foolproof method of leveling, and you can level past 85 in non-panda zones. VERY important to have at MoP launch

      4) Make sure fishing is working, it's a rock-bottom basic function of any bot. Yes fix it yourselves if it's a separate plugin and the author missing. Again, it's at least a reliable way to make gold if other stuff is broken.

      I hope I made some sense. Personally I've moved on to a different bot but I like HB and just wish you guys got a better grip on the value of customer service and communication and setting reasonable dev product timetables - charging money brings with it some extra responsibilities. For example Apoc is a world-class dev but lets face it he can't stand the "end-user"... but this end-user is the only reason bossland exists, it's a for-profit company not a hacker "community". In my opinion you'd do SO MUCH better if someone that understood customer service was communicating to us what's coming up, all the way weeks before 5.0.4
    5. chris378

      chris378 New Member

      Aug 26, 2012
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      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I would rather have questing fix then anything..it makes gold, EXP for leveling and it also builds rep for my guild so i can climb the tree of people above me in my guild. BG and Gatherbuddy2 is how ive been leveling lately but it takes forever compared to questing. I dont fish bc there is better proffessions and Archeology is a good thing to have but not above questing.
    6. BotOperator

      BotOperator Well-Known Member

      Jan 17, 2012
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      I fully agree but there are so many tiny changes at the moment that there is no changelog. Most of the internal changes are code function stuff and would not say much to people anyhow ^^

      Thanks for correcting my link.
      No, there is at the moment no bug tracker. Please report bugs like described in Tony's thread that I linked in the first post.

      That totally makes sense but where you would set a high priority others would say it's not needed. So we're not judging what is more important and what not. We think that all functions are important and should work ^^
      I agree to the point about communication and transparency. I hope I can bring this forward a little bit here ^^

      One small comment about "setting reasonable dev product timetables - charging money brings".
      I read this very often used as THE argument to put pressure on the devs. GO FIX THIS BECAUSE WE PAY FOR IT!
      Yeah you are right and we're fixing it but there is no Service Level on our side which says we have to fix everything within 24h.
      Like I said - and I have to repeat myself here - the DEV's currently work their ass off.
      You want to see the bot released and working and we want the same but not everything is magic, most is hard work and that sometimes take time :)

      If I had a magic hat and could grap a final version out of it, I would do so but I have not ^^
    7. Natfoth

      Natfoth Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      If you saw the panda trailer then you know what he is talking about.

      Also changelogs will be provided when it leaves test release state as we are changing so much, we are getting very close though. If you want information there is always the IRC. No guarantee but things are occasionally talked about or people are given a heads up on incoming changes.
    8. Zejabel

      Zejabel New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Just a question : what about gatherbuddy? I still prefer the first version. Honnorbuddy is really great for all other thing, but I still prefer GB1 vs GB2.
      Will you release a version of it or is it now obsolete?
    9. Chimpers

      Chimpers New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Get your shit together, can spew as many excuses as you want but this is still unacceptable.
    10. botter9000

      botter9000 New Member

      Apr 29, 2012
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      Lol this guy. gtfo
    11. Chimpers

      Chimpers New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Join Date30.04.2012

      'nuff said
    12. botter9000

      botter9000 New Member

      Apr 29, 2012
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      This is certainly, hands down, the best bot out there, that I have used. And I have used a lot. However with it not working....... it kind of sucks. But, I've looked at some of the code... and I tell you.. I see why everything is taking so long. I'm not an expert with coding but... I know it's a lot of work. Making every string work perfect and not conflict with anything else is a pain. Not to mention learning everything that is new and having to adjust, take things out, add things, etc. Most other bots i'm using.. ie shadowbot, isn't very good and definitely not what I expected for the money I paid. It is garbage. Terrible in bgs, slow ass grinding bot, fishing sucks, etc. I <3 hb. Props.
    13. botter9000

      botter9000 New Member

      Apr 29, 2012
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      Just wanted to say, I used to use Piroxbot which was nice, HB is nicer obviously, and still around. And Just want to welcome you to the HB community. I am really glad to see you staying active on the forums and bringing life to the forums. Glad you're here bud
    14. BotOperator

      BotOperator Well-Known Member

      Jan 17, 2012
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      It's obsolete atm. and not on our list.

      Thanks for the nice Feedback.
    15. TheMaff

      TheMaff New Member

      May 15, 2012
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      I agree in some points and i disagree in others :p I would agree with @starl1te that Archaeology should be fixed, since it's almost working already.. It's only a pathing issue between digsites that's the problem, and is a fairly small problem i guess?
      Anywho Questing is such a "large" thing to 'start' with, since close to everything is/was broken. It's limited who's questing/lvling before MoP i assume. But yet again i think there's alot of 'newbs' that want to bot on the Release date of MoP or a few days after when Kick has some beta profile released for testing.

      And it was nice to see that you stated most of us profile devs will update our projects once the bot is working properly.. My thread got spammed even tho i stated that nothing really works as it should, they kept saying i should fix it and the bot was working(JK!). I ended up making a small fix for it, and that kinda shut them up :(. I could have spendt that time on something else when i know i might have to fix it again later on when a final HB release is ready.

      And a last thing is it would be nice to have changelogs actually updating when we update the bot. The past 14 updates(or so) i've had the same log, I doubt they keep fixing the flightor x)! Just want it out of curiosity because we can't really see or notice(all the time) what's getting updated when it's behind "closed doors".
      * Flightor should no longer cause stop&moves between hotspots when randomize hotspots is on.
      * Auto updater has been added for dungeon scripts and profiles.
      * Bunch of scripts and profiles have been updated.
      * It should queue up properly after completing a dungeon.
      * It will no longer move when helping to summon a mage table.
      * It will no longer try to mount if mounting is not allowed in the dungeon.
      * It should no longer release if dead and there are party members still alive during a boss attempt.
    16. BotOperator

      BotOperator Well-Known Member

      Jan 17, 2012
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      Hey TheMaff I agree. Changelog would be nice for Dev's and advanced users but >90% want to click on start and the bot should do something. They don't wanna know which function was changed or why things work/don't work like they think it should.
      Maybe this is an internal discussion on a later stage to divide the people a little bit and give some more detailed info to a collection of experienced users while the rest don't know what to do with them anyhow.
      It's worth to think about so thanks for your input. Really appreciate it!
    17. Zejabel

      Zejabel New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Well, will it be possible to run GB2 without repairing ? That's why I couldn't use GB2, my bots were repairing all the time, it was easier to run the bot with all stuff red.
    18. Chimpers

      Chimpers New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Uh... you can't be serious can you? This is the dumbest thing I've read on these forums
    19. Michaelcain6

      Michaelcain6 New Member

      Feb 29, 2012
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      Your trolling enlightens me.
    20. Chimpers

      Chimpers New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Enlightens? That doesn't make sense either.

      But seriously "90 % of botters dont want to know what is working and what isn't"

      Its just a straight up asinine comment to make.

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