What im usually doing is BG and i go away for an hour then come back and ive been disconnected from the server and logged out..this happens often maybe once or twice a day? Am i being watched or close to being banned? Pls help
Let me ask my crystal ball for you... Well, yes, it says that you will get banned soon. Of course it could be just because of you going afk but that's just an assumption.
just use a Plugin of Sharp and you shouldnt get that anymore.. if you do still got the problem. THEN you should post a Log and ask for more help.. but first try out possible ways to fix it.. or just be patient and watch him 1hour and you see what happens. you shoud see your AFK status
View attachment 7020 2012-09-20 09.35.txt View attachment 7020 2012-09-20 09.35.txt View attachment 7020 2012-09-20 09.35.txt This is the log for wow and HB..had to edit HB bc it was to big to fit in this forum And now WoW keeps crashing when i use GB now : (
K thanks but what kind of info? Nvm, Ip address and charater name gotcha ; )..do you know why it keeps crashing wow though?