How do you bot? I for myself bot only when im near the computer or watching a movie on the pc so i always know if someones whispering ETC because im botting my main acc wich has 7 80s and 2 Kingslayers How about you HB/GB users?
I just start it up in the morning go to work, get home and empty the bags and start it up again. Been doing this for over 1 year now. Maybe 4-5 Months with HB and the rest with OB. Never got reported banned or even a whisper about botting.
well, im botting when im awake and when im sleeping + afk'ing, i actually dont play myself anymore - but i dont bot 24/7 either.. sooo, i can't rly vote here.
I start it up before I go to bed, and turn it off in the morning when I go to work. At this point I give a damn if I get banned. The game is old and tired. Botting is the only thing that keeps me interested.
Basically same here, except I've started to do it 24/7 as of late. I made a private profile where I get like 1k a day with HB, and I see 4-5 people there every day minus one other botter, who's there ALL the time. We dont pay each other much mind, we just do our thing. =p.
I farm when im not at my pc (work or sleep) and i play when i am, need to fix my other box, otherwise it would be 24/7
Weekdays usually ~9am-9pm while at work and in the evenings. I do watch it over VNC fairly often to see any whispers, getting stuck, etc (work?..what's a work?) Weekends are all over the place..sometimes I'm there, sometimes I'm not...if I'm there, usually I'm botting in my VM and playing my main acct. My PC is too loud to run overnight, so I turn it off in the evenings.
24/7 - The only time the bot is off is when my rl friends are on and want to do a heroic or something, the rest of the time i'm botting yet another 80.
24/7 on both my 2 accounts :] Gathering though. Not hb. Only do hb when, I want to make a new char for raids.
This. I don't like botting overnight anymore because the last time I did I got some whispers from a guy who was like "you must be botting so I'll just kill everything here." Now I mainly do the same thing this guy does, and bot during the day and check up on it using Apple Remote Desktop/LogMeIn.
Since i moved my warlock (gatherer) to my main account to start playing... i just bought a lvl 80 dk with epic flying for $90 to be my botter... its an extra $10 from if i were to buy wow+bc+wrath but hey i save a couple weeks =D
Both 2 and 3 for me i play my main acc while watching my bot on other i some times leave it on when i go to bed ^^