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  • HB product plan? pls read

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Kowpye, Sep 27, 2012.

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    1. Kowpye

      Kowpye Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      I have held off writing one of those - "HEY DOOOD MY BOT NO WORKY - WHY YOU GUYS SUCK - I HATE MY LIFE AND MY MOM!!!"
      So instead -- I would like to address a few concerns I have and see if any DEVs can offer any insight. This is not a place for flamers and fanboys to nerd rage.
      I basically want to open the floor for discussion with DEVS, MODS, PROFILE MAKERS, and SUCCESSFUL botters (currently botting)
      No angry customers - flamers - arguing.
      Just a discussion please.

      1. I have been browsing the forums for a few days and as a business owner myself I kind of get the feeling that things aren't going as planned with the bot? I see some name calling --- the lazy comment from apoc (not that it wasn't warranted - i just want to know what's up)... I can't help but worry that HB might be falling off the epic wagon a bit. This worry of mine could be completely ludacris -- I have 2 lifetime accounts and absolutely LOOOVED the bot while I had it. IF things were going south for the botting company right now as far as development and timelines are concerned --- I think I could stomach the accounts being useless at this point -- my second account only got 2 weeks of use before it all went south. My other account got TONS of use and brought sooo much fun back to the game for me. I would really just like to have an honest answer from someone as to what the NEAR future of HB looks like with MoP already being released.

      2. I was botting WSG last night with almost no problem -- AV was a different storry -- my fatty tauren would get stuck on stairs as he climbed fortresses -- and he was just keep running into stuff -- Is anyone else experiencing certain pathing issues in BGs?

      3. As far as lazy raider goes --- I think lazyraider is what sold me on getting a 2nd account with HB -- I understand its not OFFICIAL --- but do the devs ever think of adding some official like lazy raider --- or whoever the developer of LAZY RAIDER is -- do you think of updating and fixing it? I myself would pay even the price of the bot again to use it.

      I guess my main concern is the lack of profiles (WORKING profiles) available.
      Before you flame -- YES - i know -- MoP was JUST released -- but lets be honest - beta was available and there is no reason it shouldn't be working at least 50% better than it is now.
      This is my question -- is there trouble amongst the ranks? are we seeing the downhill slope of HB?
      I for one hope not -- I thank the devs, mods, and profile makers for ALL of the hard work---- if I can throw some donations to the profile makers to bump up motivation to get things going please PM me --- I want to get these forums teaming with profiles and info like they were this summer.
      I lack the knowledge and skill to do what you guys do - therefore I am incredibly grateful that this program is out there -- I just want to see it spoil me like before!
      Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this and I basically want to know what people think about this situation --- IN AN ORDERLY MANNER --- no flaming - no whining -- how about some useful input and insight!
      Thanks all! BOT STRONG!!!!
      noamchomsky likes this.
    2. noamchomsky

      noamchomsky New Member

      Mar 20, 2012
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      I share your concerns. Many other do too.


      HB is obviously not a priority to Bossland. I think that much is undeniable. IMO, the reason HB was not updated on time despite months of opportunity to develop it on the Wow test server is because the Bossland team was busy developing apps for mobile phones and the DB bot.

      Bossland: if you read this, I would be willing to pay more for a more reliable product. :)
      Last edited: Sep 27, 2012
    3. Cocaine

      Cocaine Banned

      Aug 21, 2012
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      I like HB, but think it would be better dropping development for everything but WoW and D3.
    4. Croga

      Croga Well-Known Member

      Jun 7, 2010
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      Hey, look, another one that is requesting Standard Forum Answer #59:
      "Do you want cheese with that?!"

      Most importantly:
      If you find the profiles lacking, why don't you develop one yourself!?

      Let's be honest here. HB is still and always will be the best WoW bot out there. No one else can do what Bosland has done, is doing and will keep on doing. MoP is less than a week old and HB is grinding like mad without issue. So let's all stop whining (yes, this post, like all others, is a whine) and start supporting the devs to get it back up to where it was a month ago.

      So if you have problems with the BOT:
      - Explain the problem
      - Include a log

      If you have problems with a PROFILE:
      - Explain the problem
      - Include a log

      If you find there aren't enough profiles:
      - Develop one yourself. It's not hard, even I can do it.
    5. Nocturne

      Nocturne Member

      Sep 4, 2012
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      I like using this bot, but personally I don't understand why HB is essentially selling just a base that is largely unusable without volunteer coders to write profiles and CCs. I think that many people don't understand that when they make the purchase, it is not made clear with the sale that functionality depends on other unpaid users.
    6. noamchomsky

      noamchomsky New Member

      Mar 20, 2012
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      Personally, I have submitted at least 4 threads with 4 problems with questing with 4 different toons. I got a response to one single thread from a dev to acknowledge that Cata questing is broken. The other 3 threads got no responses.
    7. Croga

      Croga Well-Known Member

      Jun 7, 2010
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      Not entirely.

      Singular CC is developed by Bossland.
      Kickazz006 is the official Profile developer.

      That means that even without unpaid users there is support for everything you need to run HB.
      The rest of the community, however, is able to add to that. You have all the tools you need to make HB do whatever you want.

      With the sale comes the advise to read the forums before you buy. From the forums it should be clear that you get a BASE and "basic" CC/profiles (although calling Kick's profiles "basic" is really an insult to Kick).
    8. noamchomsky

      noamchomsky New Member

      Mar 20, 2012
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    9. laria

      laria Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      AW: HB product plan? pls read

      Its not bossland that makes Singular. It is a hand full of people that is working on it including codenamegamma, highvoltz, mastagh , natfoth , bobby , handnavi and myself. Coding and testing takes time and when you hit roadblocks like spellmanager issues it takes a little longer. Other people like tuanha or wulf or wuzz fill the gaps more or less pretty well till Singular is back in black, with more specs and classes.

      Kick has been moving back to the states from germany. Dont blame him for not being around for a while ;)
    10. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      hes been around after that, but you try moving from another county and writing profiles, kinda hard to do.

      that whole "not top priority" comment from the op is just ludacris IVE along with at least 6 other people, have been doing nothing since patch 5.0.X then work on things like Singular and Honorbuddy, chasing down api issues fixing bugs writing rotations. the problem is you people dont see it, because of the way we changed how releases work now. now its automatic, as soon as we fix a problem and commit it, it gets built by the server for you to download and when hb starts it will ask you to update. theres no more, wait a week, of all the changes then do a release thread, your getting it all as its being worked on or its being fixed. less then 4 hours ago i fixed the conjure food problem people where having with mages, and its already out and already fixed and people are running the fixes a lot faster now then having to wait for enough fixes to get done to manually pack the release and post it. HB has and will be TOP priority, nothings going to change that.
    11. turbo

      turbo New Member

      Apr 6, 2010
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      Croga's responses are always so kind and helpful. What a guy!
    12. primo

      primo New Member

      Sep 19, 2010
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      But he is RIGHT all the way
    13. xsol

      xsol Member

      Nov 7, 2011
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      Croga loves us; he took time to express his love in a response :O
    14. Reignwolf

      Reignwolf New Member

      Aug 9, 2012
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      "Colorless green ideas sleep furiously."
      - Noam Chomsky
    15. Natfoth

      Natfoth Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I have been working on honorbuddy non stop for a while and we have some great things coming to honorbuddy with a lot more fixes and stability. We just have to get past the patch hurdle is all as believe it or not a lot did change even if there was no physical changes, blizzard did a lot of cleanup and it affected everything we did.

      As for the getting stuck, you can post that in the Navigational Issues thread and I can get it fixed asap. Honorbuddy is not falling off the map and it is only getting better and better especially with things like Dungeonbuddy supporting LFR, major questbot improvements, and lots of stability fixes. Just takes time, we all have lives and developing code is not the fastest of things.

      As far as core support issues go, I do read every single report posted on the forums. But if I was to answer every single one I would not have the time to actually work on the core. So even if your thread goes unanswered it doesnt mean it was ignored.
      Last edited: Sep 27, 2012
    16. imprint

      imprint New Member

      Jun 3, 2012
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      Your logic is so flawed, it is no longer logic. When you pay for a service, you expect it to work. The end. When it doesn't you don't don't then tell the customer to fix it, which is exactly your suggestion. If you buy a car and the stereo no longer works, sure you can go buy a better aftermarket one. Should you have to? No. In your case, your example is saying that once you did, and the aftermarket radio broke (because the original OEM was shit, ) you should go design your own radio. I mean, WTF are you smoking?
    17. xsol

      xsol Member

      Nov 7, 2011
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      Creating your own profiles is the best thing you can do. Use Kicks questing profiles if you like, but in terms of grinding, farming etc making your own is the best option.

      You should be thankful you have the option to make behaviors, profiles and plugins; it wasn't that many years ago (really) that if you couldn't do it yourself you couldn't do it. Now companies like Bossland enable nubs and scrubs to bot... hmm that is a good thing?!?!?!?
    18. BaturalNoobs

      BaturalNoobs Member

      Feb 10, 2012
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      Thanks for the update Natfoth. I know you guys are working your asses off and I can't wait to see what you've got planned for us.
    19. imprint

      imprint New Member

      Jun 3, 2012
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      Ironically, the profiles are the only that does work. Well, most of the time. Kick's work is phenomenal. Nothing is perfect. The problem is when you can't use the profiles because HB itself doesn't work, and you have routines to run them with. Finally PB seems to be up (which I don't use, ) GB is functioning...which is great since MOP is a no fly zone...awesome. Things like Lazyraider ruled, but as was already stated wasn't official (might want to rethink that.) Might also want to rethink some of the CC's...looks like the best ones teamed up for CLU....which unfortunately isn't focusing on lower levels, questing, gathering....hmmm.

      Also, customers should never be "thankful." This shit isn't free. Get your head out of your ass. I don't code. I don't use this to sell and make a living. I just found it because I got tired of WOW and was going to stop playing and decided to give it one last chance. Do you really think I am going to start creating profiles and plugins to make up for what is lacking in a product I am paying for, or do you think I would ask for a refund? Right now, it is ok. I will wait of the fixes. There is enough working due to CLU and Kick...and the devs at HB that finally got the bare bones going. Hopefully they will get the rest going before I get sick of WOW. How dare you blame the customers.
    20. noamchomsky

      noamchomsky New Member

      Mar 20, 2012
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      Yeah, we didn't pay KickAzz and we're not blaming him or the devs personally. Our money went to Bossland. Perhaps they should hire more employees.
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