Finally established a bot. Fishing is good. The only problem - intermittently flying between wells. It is very noticeable.
Finally established a bot. Fishing is good. The only problem - intermittently flying between wells. It is very noticeable.
For a list of MoP fishing profiles please see my blog post with all of my profiles. Thanks!
FYI: for those using ElvUI, if you turn off the "Loot" and "Loot Roll" options under "General" in the config, AA will loot properly.
just installed again, but AA doesnt show up in the dropdown. Did reinstall/update with SVN multiple Times now, no solution found. Ideas? Honorbuddy v2.5.6358.486
Not sure of this is AA or not but it seems that it pauses every so often between hotspots either in air or on the ground. Other than that it seems to be working fine. Using my own profile atm (not ready to release to public imo) but I'll have it up soon!
Two questions: How do you get AA2 to attach a lure to your fishing rod? How come when I have Walking Walk (YES) on, i just sits there and spams Levitate (Priest) over and over again? Thanks
Two questions: How do you get AA2 to attach a lure to your fishing rod? How come when I have Walking Walk (YES) on, i just sits there and spams Levitate (Priest) over and over again? Thanks
This seems to be a problem. People are thinking its my profiles causing the pausing but it's not. Something is wrong with AA and pulsing.
I would like to know this also. And if there is a way to make it use the Weather Beaten Fishing Hate and (new) Nat Pagle rep Fishing Hate since they have Lure abilities. I would be happy to donate if this something that has to be added.
Fix for Nat's Hat: Code: // Nat's Hat if (head != null && head.Entry == 88710) { AutoAngler.Instance.Log("Appling Nat\'s Hat to fishing pole"); Utils.UseItemByID(88710); return true; } In ApplyLureAction.cs Under the entry for Weather-Beaten Fishing hat Working on the Ancient Pandaren Fishing Charm and the Sharpened Tuskarr Spear.
Alright, ive figured out that if you have a fishing rod equipped and lures in your bag, that it does in fact attach them automatically. Now for my second question: Does anybody know why AA2 just sits there and spam casts Levitate when I have Water Walking enabled in the preferences?
Same Problem here as well ive had to disable the levite but blizzard has made allot of pools close to shore Please Fix Soon