My account has been recently reported on bot usage. As far as I know it doesn't mean a ban but highly increases chances of being banned for such things as spending a lot of time in game, having AH flooded with my goods etc. What should I do to prevent my account of possible further ban? Does anyone have such experience? What helped you in this situation and how long a period of suspicion and observation can last? Will it make a difference in this situation If I don't put my goods into AH but send the via COD mail?
I have been in the same boat as you mate. I made the stupid mistake of supplying my guild with tons of mats to make guild flasks. However, I left to join a progression guild and the guild that I left kept reporting my Bot each time it logged on. My Botting account was suspended many times during that period. The longest suspension lasted 48 hours and it was suspended a total of 7 times. I am unable to answer the question of How long the observation lasts for but I can say that after the 7th time it happened I ended up taking 2 weeks off and leveled another bot using Kicks profiles. I have never logged back to the old farming toon and everyone in the old guild thinks they got me banned. Never outright banned..... I still use the account now. I have never used the Bot to post items on the AH. You can usually tell who bots when there are 200 stacks of the same items selling below the average cost. I horde most of my items in a Gbank and feed the AH manually when my main account needs some extra items.
it is simpel. dont bot for now and you dont get a perma ban. if it is not satisfactory, The more you bots the larger size is the chance to be discovered.
I was thinking about not botting for a few weeks, may me a month. But it's a pity that I just bought this account two days ago. But at least, it has already covered the expenses. Thanks you, guys, for your advice.
i dribble the bots, i have 3 in total, and alternate - some times i use all at once, but very rare; if you cant alternate then, keep it offline for a few days, or login and stand in stormwind for couple of hours or do the odd quest, just so you can pass as a legit
Yeah, good idea. So let's see what will happen. Btw, if I have some other accounts on different servers so can they be under suspicion?
hard to say really, but if you think one account is under threat etc, then just keep it offline; its all about playing it safe and using your own logic instead of just letting "bot 24/7 not caring at all" just remember to try and keep your IP "refreshed/newish" also.