It's a DB issue. Revert to the latest version if you want to avoid the stucks. They can't release anything without causing like 10x more problems. (If you look at the status bar for those stucks, babosa, demonbuddy thinks it's in town still and is trying to use the waypoint. It's not recognizing what zone it's in) I'll have giles send a test profile to the developers so they can fix it.
Go to ur plugins on DB, click on plugin tab, select radatom/radprofile and set your death handling and next profile maximum value.
Using RadsProfileManager /w GangnamStyle profiles. I have Next Profile set to 2 and Logout set to 3, but this happened after the bot died only once on that particular profile.
That's odd, does this happen to you every time? Also, did you change the gangnamstyle profiles to be RadsProfielManager compatible? (or did you download the version I edited to be compatible)
Can anyone plz tell me the link to download previous DB versions? I updated and forgot to back up the 250 build sorry
You need to edit the last profile the bot uses before the Core of Arreat script. Open it up using Notepad, Notepad++, or Dreamweaver, and find the following code: Code: CoreOnly.xml And replace it with: Code: CoreAzmodan.xml Hope this helps.