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  • blizz making there own rules.

    Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by womping, Oct 3, 2012.

    1. womping

      womping Member

      Feb 11, 2011
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      OK guys so i have a bot account about 2years now got the cd key with it and forgot the secret password my account and email got hacked yesterday and an autenticater put on my account.
      So as you do i rang up blizz they disabled the account as the hacker was still on-line on the account,that was grand.GM says to me do i have another email handy that he could change my account
      name as the account/email were compromised.
      I was out in the car at the time so said no he said ok all you have to do is open a ticket and email us with your new email etc and we will get it sorted.Grand.
      Did all that then got an email saying there needed a photo ID to get the account back...crap.
      So rang them again said whats he story with my account are ye unlocking it now for me..then asked for the name on the account told them and he said ''you dont sound like a ----- ----- '' , what could i do im Irish and the previous owner was Lithuania ha,so i said look my friend made the account for me as i was new to Warcraft i didn't no what to do to set it up so it did it and gave me the account. I said you can look at payments and you will see there from my own credit cards etc...then the GM said what about when the account was opened payments were from the person named on the account, i said i got him to do it as i didnt have a credit card and i gave him the cash.....so GM said can you hold a moment.
      5 minutes went by and he came back on and said look we don't want to leave things like this so just so you no if the (original ) owner who made the account comes looking for the account we will have to give it back to him but for now if you could give us a new secret answer i will unlock the account and your free to play.

      Happy out cant complain lol
    2. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      its definatly social engineering at its best, or they just plain don't care. etherway thats kinda scary.
    3. Dark57

      Dark57 New Member

      Jun 6, 2012
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      Very lucky, I'm surprised they didn't just ban the account for suspected account selling. I guess its the start of a new expac and want to keep everyone happy while they work out the bugs.
    4. Zher0

      Zher0 Member

      May 10, 2010
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      Good job thinking quickly, usually when social engineering, over the phone is your best bet.
    5. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      this just shows they dont care, but if people moan, your toast

      same goes for botting, they dont care to much, every customer even a botting one is a paying one.

      its when the non botters complain, you are toast!

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