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  • [HB2][1-60] Wajke's Questing [Horde]

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by wajke, Jun 1, 2010.

    1. peteyboy23

      peteyboy23 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Wajke: This is a problem you *will* encounter now, and forever. It's unfortunate, but some people simply aren't going to know how the different components interact, will get frustrated, and lash out - sometimes (perhaps even often) at the wrong person. I think this is just human behavior of certain people. When they either don't want to, or can't figure something out, they get adversarial. I'm just sorry that people who contribute so much to the community take the brunt of this, including devs of HB itself, and people like you who are equally important, the profile creators. If I may give you, and your fellow content creators, some advice - take a step back, and realize where this sort of feedback comes from, and take it for what it's worth - which is zero. Focus on the people who give you solid, usable information, and ignore the rest. Otherwise, you'll let these type of people get you down, and there's no reason to get that way. We want people like you to stay active in the community, and anything that works against that, is counter-productive.
    2. wraithrider

      wraithrider New Member

      May 23, 2010
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      Ok, so you're saying there's no one for you to put in a profile to tell the bot which level to do which quests? If im not mistaking I have seen questing profilees where they have a section for what quests are done at a certain level range

          <Name>Coldridge Valley</Name>
          <Factions>32 36 189</Factions>
            <Vendor Name="Rybrad Coldbank" Entry="945" Type="Repair" X="-6104.651" Y="391.6877" Z="395.5427"/>
            <Vendor Name="Adlin Pridedrift" Entry="829" X="-6226.09" Y="325.0958" Z="383.1523"/>
            <Hotspot X="-6374.996" Y="268.6868" Z="385.8251" />
            <Hotspot X="-6283.456" Y="395.3112" Z="381.4657" />
            <Hotspot X="-6276.301" Y="516.603" Z="387.4124" />
            <Hotspot X="-6431.353" Y="386.172" Z="390.0995" />
      is this just to tell the bot what area to quest in. All I was saying before as it was picking up quests that were in orange and going to try and do them and being a hunter with no pet and trying to do orange quests is bad and was just asking if it could be fixed then you went on a rampage
    3. wajke

      wajke New Member

      Mar 9, 2010
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      COLDRIDGE VALLEY? Dude, you're not even using MY profile.

      This is my lvl 1-4:
              <Name>Valley of Trials</Name>
              <Quest Id="4641" Name="Your Place In The World" />
              <Quest Id="788" Name="Cutting Teeth" />
              <Quest Id="792" Name="Vile Familiars" />
              <Quest Id="789" Name="Sting of the Scorpid" />
              <Quest Id="4402" Name="Galgar's Cactus Apple Surprise" />
              <Quest Id="805" Name="Report to Sen'Jin village" />
              <Vendor Name="Duokna" Entry="3158" Type="Repair" X="-565.428" Y="-4214.199" Z="41.59077" />
              <Vendor Name="Zlagk" Entry="3882" Type="Food" X="-560.1253" Y="-4217.204" Z="41.5906" />
          <Factions>189 7 </Factions>
              <Hotspot X="-400.4335" Y="-4123.184" Z="50.27891" />
              <Hotspot X="-413.0057" Y="-4149.96" Z="51.57033" />
              <Hotspot X="-452.1552" Y="-4251.166" Z="49.24586" />
    4. Mupp

      Mupp New Member

      May 3, 2010
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      Haha priceless :)
    5. wraithrider

      wraithrider New Member

      May 23, 2010
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      LOL woops, puppled up the wrong one, sorry it was like 5am and just had woken up

              <Name>Valley of Trials</Name>
        <Quest Id="4641" Name="Your Place In The World" />
        <Quest Id="788" Name="Cutting Teeth" />
        <Quest Id="792" Name="Vile Familiars" />
        <Quest Id="789" Name="Sting of the Scorpid" />
        <Quest Id="4402" Name="Galgar's Cactus Apple Surprise" />
        <Quest Id="805" Name="Report to Sen'Jin village" />
        <Vendor Name="Duokna" Entry="3158" Type="Repair" X="-565.428" Y="-4214.199" Z="41.59077" />
        <Vendor Name="Zlagk" Entry="3882" Type="Food" X="-560.1253" Y="-4217.204" Z="41.5906" />
       <Factions>189 7 </Factions>
        <Hotspot X="-400.4335" Y="-4123.184" Z="50.27891" />
        <Hotspot X="-413.0057" Y="-4149.96" Z="51.57033" />
        <Hotspot X="-452.1552" Y="-4251.166" Z="49.24586" />
      so the bot is suppost to stay in the area of what is stated in the subprofile and then when it hits the next level it will move onto the next subprofile and next area, is that correct? if that would be correct and if the bot is wondering off to another area anyways, it's because the bot is being retarded and has nothing to do with the profile correct? Im just trying to understand how everything works
    6. Zugga

      Zugga New Member

      Jun 6, 2010
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      So im trying to try something out.. I have a higher lvl undead rogue, can I force HB to ignore my lvl and it do the quests anyway for the reputation in durotar?
    7. mbrooks102

      mbrooks102 New Member

      Jun 16, 2010
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      Very nice job so far.

      Wajke you have done a great job so far. I am incredibly iimpressed with your profile so far and how its adding a whole new level to botting, I have leveled 2 chars in the past two days to level 10. Before I comment any more, these are just my experiences and I would love to hear your feedback. However, I do have a few questions about my issues and maybe you can tell me if its profile related or HB related. Levels 1-7 went pretty smoothly(I would have to restart HB and reload your profile every 10 or 15 minutes because of the grinding bug), but other than that its great. My characters were doing the quests in your profile, and doing them without dieing (amazing btw :D) Around level 8, the chars started to stop doing the quests and start hotspotting to grinding spots and grind them over and over(This is when I would reload HB and your profile). This is when I first experienced repeated deaths and it started around level 8 when it would accidently hotspot into a group of mobs(after grinding them repeatedly). Then when I resurrect it will go right back to that hot spot. Basically from 8-10 my chars grinded mobs and didnt do any quests, is that how it is supposed to be? When I got to level 10, I restarted HB and your profile and it started moving me towards new quests in the new zone and I was ecstatic, however on the way it hotspotted and started grinding mobs again :(. For some reason I have not been able to get it to stop doing this since. If you have any ideas/feedback on to what might be the issue(s) here let me know! Once again thanks so much for this profile it is going to amazing when it is finished. I am really excited.
      Last edited: Jun 17, 2010
    8. wajke

      wajke New Member

      Mar 9, 2010
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      Heya mbrooks102,

      Great that it's been working flawless up until lvl 8. Do you know if the bot has completed these quests?
      <Quest Id="815" Name="Break a Few Eggs" />
      <Quest Id="808" Name="Minshina's Skull" />
      <Quest Id="826" Name="Zalazane" />
      If he have, then he should grind until lvl 10. I'll try to get my lazy ass to those hotspots and add a few blackspots to make sure that the bot doesn't run into a bunch of mobs. Thx for the feedback and I hope you enjoy the rest of the profile.

      As of new BETA release of HB I'll delay the release of 20-30 for a few more days. The new beta gives me the option to give HB instructions on how to handle certain quests. This mean that it's possible for me to improve the xp/hr even more.
      Last edited: Jun 18, 2010
    9. mbrooks102

      mbrooks102 New Member

      Jun 16, 2010
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      well that explains that, he completed all 3 ;). however when my char got to level 10 he started to go to the new quest zone when the grinding bug took over. once again great job keep up the work.
    10. wajke

      wajke New Member

      Mar 9, 2010
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      But I assume Xroads part worked fine when you restarted the bot, right? :) Great, thx for the feedback.
    11. wilsonj17

      wilsonj17 Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      You do know the new questing Beta 4 has been released today? and im questing now and not come across the grinding bug anymore xD
    12. wajke

      wajke New Member

      Mar 9, 2010
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      Alright, I'll need your guys help on efficient questingpaths cause 20-30 is driving me insane. I've been through Stonetalon mountains, Ashenvale & 1k Needles but neither of those locations provide the amount of quests to be good at all.

      It's worth mentioning that the bot needs manual control over the Great Lift @ 1k needles, that's why I've removed 1k needles part (for now).

      If you have any ideas please write them down in this thread. Otherwise he'll have to grind a few lvls due to lack of quests.
    13. wraithrider

      wraithrider New Member

      May 23, 2010
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      I just wanted to say, Im using th is on my pally and started at level 15, now is level 19 and running with pretty much no issues, I just left it for 2.5 hours while I went to visit my brother I was level 16 came back and was level 19, it works great once you get past those first 10 hiccup levels. 20-30 I would go to hillsbrad if possible there's a lot of horde quests there I believe, most the good places to quest at that level are on the eastern kingdom continent
    14. Razkaz

      Razkaz New Member

      May 22, 2010
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      What about the mesh?
    15. wajke

      wajke New Member

      Mar 9, 2010
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      Yeah, good point; thing is, I don't want it to change continent too much cause that means that you'll need to stay at the bot for certain ocasions. I could however split up the profiles (for example: 1-20 Kalimdor, 20-35 Eastern Kingdoms, 35-52 Kalimdor and so on) but that's up to you guys whether you'd want a full 1-60 profile that requires no kind of "babysitting" or best possible lvling profile.

      But I'd love to get him to Eastern kingdoms, that means that he'll be able to do alot of the farming quests in STV.

      You won't need any meshfile, HB downloads it automatically.
    16. Razkaz

      Razkaz New Member

      May 22, 2010
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      First of all - Great job! Thanks!
      Secondly - problem with a quest,

      Activity: Moving to turn in quest Sting of the Scorpid.
      Activity: Moving to quest turn in at quest giver Gornek.
      Activity: Moving to turn in quest Sting of the Scorpid.
      Activity: Moving to quest turn in at quest giver Gornek.
      Activity: Moving to turn in quest Sting of the Scorpid.
      Activity: Moving to quest turn in at quest giver Gornek.

      but I manually just autoattacked him and it worked.

      Had to manually turn it in too, then it tried to go to Sarkoth but he just stopped, so I went to the quest giver and turned it(you know, deliver the news about Sarkoth)
      Last edited: Jun 18, 2010
    17. wajke

      wajke New Member

      Mar 9, 2010
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      Sarkoth isn't required for the quest Sting of the scorpid. However, the issue you encountered is a so-called HB2 loop. It's not caused by the profile, a quick HB2-restart solves the problem. :)
    18. mbrooks102

      mbrooks102 New Member

      Jun 16, 2010
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      Never made it to crossroads..I would restart HB over and over, reloading your profile each time. Brought me to the same hot spot (Razor Mane Quailboars i think level 7 or 8) and just kept grinding the same hot spot over and over. I am pretty sure it is HonorBuddy related as others seem to be having the same or similar issues (from what I am reading on other questing profile threads).
    19. wraithrider

      wraithrider New Member

      May 23, 2010
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      I personally think that's a great idea to do it that way, makes people have to check on the bot every now and then because IMO afking 1-60 non-stop = bad idea, but that's just me, this way if you split it up like that, it forces people to take some time and move their toon to the other continent
    20. wajke

      wajke New Member

      Mar 9, 2010
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      20-30 Released. Sorry but it includes a few lvls to grind due to lack of working quests. Other than that, the profile should be fine ;)

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