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  • [A2 - Normal] Leoric's Signet Farming w/ 5 NV Stacks

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by la7eralus, Sep 5, 2012.

    1. kayes

      kayes Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Start here :)
    2. capitaine

      capitaine New Member

      Sep 29, 2012
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      try to change start here by that just to be on the right quest at the beginning (it looks like you try to take a tp that is not available yet):

      <Name>[A2 - Normal] Champion-Hunting and Questing 1.4a HandBananna Profile Starter!</Name>
      <GameParams quest="57337" step="26" act="A2" difficulty="Normal" resumeFromSave="False" isPrivate="True" numGames="-1" />

      <If condition="(not Me.IsInTown)">
      <UseTownPortal questId="1" />
      <WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="5000" />
      <Continue profile="HandBananna_Mine.xml" />

      and for the sewer profile use the modified put by mlemond so you just use directly the tp to go there and don't have to take the quest
      Last edited: Oct 4, 2012
    3. medavid16

      medavid16 New Member

      Sep 27, 2012
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      Is it any better to just use CIGGARC's and change it to "normal" instead of "inferno" modes? Tried twiddling with the Ash stuck with above recommendations, but still gets stuck
    4. bhope11

      bhope11 New Member

      Jun 3, 2012
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      That's what I'm doing, it works great. The profile in this thread is broke. Just make sure you go into the code and replace "inferno" with "normal" in the start here profile.
    5. kayes

      kayes Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Here is a fix, havent tried the solution suggested a few post over regarding crashing when the toon take the TP.

      All I did was to add some moveto lines so the toon wont stop on the way to the quest NPC.

      Also, add theese in trinity.cs in the blacklist section (blacklist NPC's)

      181857, 181563, 56598, 53628, 54272, 209018, 219223, 62522, 5512, 55005, 2965, 4109, 181858, 210087, 181309, 181290, 180941, 225300, 4675, 164057,

      Warning, I might have blacklisted some npc's that is needed for other profiles to work.

      <Profile>    <Name>[A2 - Normal] Champion-Hunting and Questing 1.4 HandBananna Profile 4</Name>
          <GameParams quest="57331" step="-1" act="A2" difficulty="Normal" resumeFromSave="False" isPrivate="True" numGames="-1"  />
              <TargetBlacklist actorId="181857" name="Guard" />
              <TargetBlacklist actorId="114527" name="Belial" /> 
              <TargetBlacklist actorId="180254" name="Belial2" /> 
              <ToggleTargeting questId="1" combat="False" looting="False" lootRadius="60" killRadius="60" />
              <WriteReport />
              <!-- QUEST: A ROYAL AUDIENCE -->
              <If condition="IsActiveQuest(57331)">
                  <!-- Accept Quest -->
                      <TalkTo questId="57331" stepId="-1" actorId="6353"  x="295.2574" y="253.9176" z="0.1" />
                  <!-- Talk to Asheara at the Gates of Caldeum -->
                      <If condition="IsActiveQuestStep(1)">
                          <!-- If Zone == Hidden Camp -->
                          <If condition="ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == 161472">
                              <UseObject questId="1" actorId="178304" isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="70885"  x="192.8457" y="236.1105" z="-7.674453" />
                              <WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="3000" />
      [COLOR=#ff0000]                    <MoveTo questId="1" x="3470.671" y="1682.233" z="250.7494" pathPrecision="10" unsafeRandomDistance="5" />
                          <MoveTo questId="1" x="3469.881" y="1589.189" z="250.7494" pathPrecision="10" unsafeRandomDistance="5" />
                          <MoveTo questId="1" x="3562.127" y="1475.605" z="251.4701" pathPrecision="10" unsafeRandomDistance="5" />[/COLOR]
                          <TalkTo questId="57331" stepId="1" actorId="3205" x="3562.127" y="1475.605" z="251.4701" />
                          <WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="5000" />
                  <!-- Talk to Asheara to enter the Imperial Palace -->
                      <If condition="IsActiveQuestStep(38)">
                          <!-- If Zone == Hidden Camp -->
                          <If condition="ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == 161472">
                              <UseObject questId="1" actorId="178304" isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="70885"  x="192.8457" y="236.1105" z="-7.674453" />
                              <WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="3000" />
                          <TalkTo questId="57331" stepId="38" actorId="3205" x="3560.424" y="1344.704" z="259.0255" />
                          <WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="1000" />
                  <!-- Cinematic -->
                      <If condition="IsActiveQuestStep(18)">
                          <SkipCutscene questId="1" />
                          <WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="1000" />
                          <ToggleTargeting questId="1" combat="True" looting="True" lootRadius="100" killRadius="80" />
                          <WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="1000" />
                  <!-- Kill the demons in the Imperial Palace -->
                      <While condition="IsActiveQuestStep(21)">
                          <WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="1000" />
                  <!-- Escape the Imperial Palace -->
                      <If condition="IsActiveQuestStep(2)">
                          <If condition="ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == 81715">
                              <WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="6000" />
                              <UseObject questId="1" actorId="185156" isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="86594" x="831.4628" y="783.815" z="0.1000004" />
                              <WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="3000" />
                          <MoveTo questId="1" name="Escape the Imperial Palace" pathPrecision="10" x="561.9354" y="559.0338" z="-0.03961291" />
                          <MoveTo questId="1" name="Destroy demon summoners" pathPrecision="10" x="621.631" y="559.6577" z="-0.03961271" />
                  <!-- Demon Summoners destroyed -->
                      <While condition="IsActiveQuestStep(31)">
                          <WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="1000" />
                  <!-- Escape to the Sewers of Caldeum -->
                      <If condition="IsActiveQuestStep(34)">
                          <WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="5000" />
                          <MoveTo questId="1" name="Continue escaping" pathPrecision="10" x="615.3193" y="684.892" z="0.1" />
                          <MoveTo questId="1" name="Move down the stairs" pathPrecision="10" x="616.3242" y="841.6176" z="-29.21581" />
                          <MoveTo questId="1" name="Run past the sewers" pathPrecision="10" x="613.8516" y="921.5649" z="-29.67083" />
                          <WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="3000" />
          <Continue profile="HandBananna_Pooptubes.xml"/>
          <Continue profile="HandBananna_Pooptubes.xml"/>
      Last edited: Oct 5, 2012
    6. drifter5

      drifter5 New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      I tried your profile fix and it did fix the issue being stuck at Asheara but now it gets stuck right after you leave the room with the cinematic and killing the guards. It just sits there and does nothing after you leave the room but you force it to start by clicking a few steps ahead and the guards come running towards you.

      Also in the sewers, it will get stuck at a barricade.
    7. Nosh

      Nosh New Member

      Oct 3, 2012
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      (first post, just got forum registration fixed)

      I'm new at this, so please dont flame me too bad!

      Running Demonbuddy 1.0.1008.259 - Giles 1.6 with Kayes' modifications

      Same two problems here, but have manual workarounds. After it leaves the room and you get stuck, walking towards the bottom left for a moment wakes it back up. I'm new at this, but assume that adding a moveto might fix it. I also get stuck in the sewers because it will not attack the rotting debris barricades. I wonder if one of the blacklist id's might be for them.

      On a side note, I am running in windowed mode. Does anyone know if the window width/height matters? Curious if it could be throwing things off.

    8. Nosh

      Nosh New Member

      Oct 3, 2012
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      I tinkered around with some things and think I might have a fix for the two bugs.

      Current Configuration:
      Demonbuddy 1.0.1008.259 - Giles 1.6.1

                  <!-- Escape the Imperial Palace -->
                      <If condition="IsActiveQuestStep(2)">
                          <If condition="ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == 81715">
                              <WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="6000" />
                              <UseObject questId="1" actorId="185156" isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="86594" x="831.4628" y="783.815" z="0.1000004" />
                              <WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="3000" />
      [B]                    <MoveTo questId="1" name="Escape the Imperial Palace" pathPrecision="10" x="280.946" y="558.270" z="-0.03961291" />
                          <MoveTo questId="1" name="Destroy demon summoners" pathPrecision="10" x="374.772" y="556.631" z="-0.03961271" />[/B]
                          <MoveTo questId="1" name="Escape the Imperial Palace" pathPrecision="10" x="561.9354" y="559.0338" z="-0.03961291" />
                          <MoveTo questId="1" name="Destroy demon summoners" pathPrecision="10" x="621.631" y="559.6577" z="-0.03961271" />
      I added the two MoveTo's in order to scoot the toon down the bridge enough so the bot does not get stuck.

              // Destructible things that are very large and need breaking at a bigger distance - eg logstacks, large crates, carts, etc.
              private static readonly Dictionary<int, int> dictSNOExtendedDestructRange = new Dictionary<int, int> { 
                  {2972, 10}, {80357, 16}, {116508, 10}, {113932, 8}, {197514, 18}, {108587, 8}, {108618, 8}, {108612, 8}, {116409, 18}, {121586, 18},
                  {195101, 10}, {195108, 25}, {170657, 8}, {181228, 10}, {211959, 25}, {210418, 25}, {174496, 5}, {193963, 10}, {159066, 12}, {160570, 12},
                  {55325, 14}, {5718, 14}, {5909, 10}, {5792, 8}, [B]{108194, 7}[/B]

      When I got stuck on the rotting debris in the sewers, I dumped the actors and found the following:

      GizmoType: Barricade Name: a2dunSwr_Breakables_Barricade_B-3557 ActprSMO: 108194 Distance: 10.76619 Position: <374.9243, 529.9672, 9.776237> Barricade: True
      No idea why GilesTrinity is not destroying this particular barricade, especially because it is detecting it as a valid barricade. When looking in GilesTrinity.cs, I noticed there was not a dedicated routine to designate specific barricades. I added the ID to the destructible section and the first couple of rounds of testing looked promising. The range might need tweaking a bit, but it seems to be working for me.

      Also found another spot where my bot is getting stuck in the Oasis, so I added a quick MoveTo fix.

      <!-- continues run after cellar finished, or if no cellar has spawned here -->
      <MoveTo questId="1" x="3689.919" y="4460.191" z="97.59747" pathPrecision="3" unsafeRandomDistance="1" />
      <MoveTo questId="1" x="3658.434" y="4364.588" z="100.1" pathPrecision="3" unsafeRandomDistance="1" />
      <MoveTo questId="1" x="3597.224" y="4384.44" z="100.1" pathPrecision="3" unsafeRandomDistance="1" />
      <MoveTo questId="1" x="3448.229" y="4414.834" z="100.1" pathPrecision="3" unsafeRandomDistance="1" />
      <MoveTo questId="1" x="3389.899" y="4364.895" z="100.0591" pathPrecision="3" unsafeRandomDistance="1" />
      <MoveTo questId="1" x="3355.035" y="4231.469" z="100.1004" pathPrecision="3" unsafeRandomDistance="1" />
      <MoveTo questId="1" x="3235.141" y="4182.993" z="100.1" pathPrecision="3" unsafeRandomDistance="1" />  
      <MoveTo questId="1" x="3124.169" y="4123.921" z="100.1" pathPrecision="3" unsafeRandomDistance="1" />
      <MoveTo questId="1" x="3081.957" y="4034.642" z="100.1" pathPrecision="3" unsafeRandomDistance="1" />
      <MoveTo questId="1" x="2992.25" y="4197.32" z="100.1" pathPrecision="3" unsafeRandomDistance="1" />
      [B]<MoveTo questId="1" x="3027.731" y="4243.196" z="100.1" pathPrecision="3" unsafeRandomDistance="1" />[/B]
      <MoveTo questId="1" x="3202.938" y="4453.584" z="98.65264" pathPrecision="3" unsafeRandomDistance="1" />
      <MoveTo questId="1" x="3151.411" y="4529.596" z="100.1" pathPrecision="3" unsafeRandomDistance="1" />
      <MoveTo questId="1" x="3169.398" y="4609.085" z="98.00623" pathPrecision="3" unsafeRandomDistance="1" />
      <MoveTo questId="1" x="3231.027" y="4674.403" z="97.34128" pathPrecision="3" unsafeRandomDistance="1" />
      <MoveTo questId="1" x="3109.926" y="4551.934" z="100.1" pathPrecision="3" unsafeRandomDistance="1" />
      <MoveTo questId="1" x="2874.354" y="4573.568" z="100.1" pathPrecision="3" unsafeRandomDistance="1" />
      <MoveTo questId="1" x="2714.692" y="4474.128" z="101.6243" pathPrecision="3" unsafeRandomDistance="1"/>
    9. braz1k

      braz1k New Member

      Oct 6, 2012
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      Hi all :)
      FARM 1.4a Q4.1 is very good, but when it comes to drains that lead to the oasis, he should talk to the emperor that he opened the gate, but he just stands there and if I have to manually click on the emperor, he moves on. can someone help me fix this.

      and is there a profile that appeared in the bot last check Point namely - vault of assasin took there 5 stacks and walked straight into an oasis?
      Last edited: Oct 6, 2012
    10. Marselle

      Marselle New Member

      Oct 1, 2012
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      It stuck when he need to talk to asheara, leave the game and do nothing else... the last note on the log is

      [18:31:11.621 N] Loaded profile [A2 - Normal] Champion-Hunting and Questing 1.4a HandBananna Profile Starter!
    11. Pir8e

      Pir8e New Member

      Oct 8, 2012
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      tried this to avoid ashea stuck - first run was okay, however got stuck at the second and further runs.
    12. Gwydion

      Gwydion New Member

      Sep 24, 2012
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      Strange since the new version of DB, and with the stucks : my bot didn't restart a new farm -_-
    13. evoxtasy2010

      evoxtasy2010 New Member

      Sep 19, 2012
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      I am going to reiterate what I said in this thread earlier. In detail for the momo's out there still having issues with this. I just ran it through six times and it didn't have a single issue.

      This profile is still very much functional (1.4a). If you are having issues. Do the following:

      -DELETE your entire demonbuddy folder
      -download from here on the big shinny Demonbuddy button the latest release (yes i just repeated this today to make sure my information was accurate).
      -Navigate to the first page of this thread.
      -Download the Giles that the moderator listed on this profile (GilesTrinity_v1.4.9.1), along with the GilesBlankCombatRoutine
      -Download RadsprofileManager
      -Start-up Diablo 3... Go into your video settings and turn everything down as low as possible (this may sound stupid but it potentially allows for less errors) including sound and screen resolution and make sure it's running windowed.
      -Unzip your new demonbuddy you just downloaded.
      -In your tiny Diablo screen, login to where your character is standing behind the backdrop with the auction house option
      -Right click demonbuddy.exe and select under the tab for compatibility for it to "Run as administrator".
      -Launch Demonbuddy
      -This will populate the "Routines" and "Plugins" folders and let DB get some initial settings.
      -Close Demonbuddy once it's done flashing the screen and you can actually select options.
      -Close Diablo 3
      -Unzip to or unzip and copy GilesTrinity_v1.4.9.1 contents to the "Plugins" folder.
      -Unzip to or unzip and copy RadsProfileManager contents to the "Plugins" folder.
      -Unzip to or unzip and copy GilesBlankCombatRoutine Contents to the "Routines" folder.
      -Launch Diablo 3 and login to character screen again
      -Launch Demonbuddy.
      -Make sure you can see the two Plugins you installed on the Demonbuddy plugins options and check the box to turn them on.
      -Once again, close DemonBuddy and Diablo 3.
      -Navigate to your Demonbuddy folder and go into the "Plugins" folder and then to the "GilesTrinity" folder.
      -Right click the GilesTrinity.cs file and select "EDIT" This launches a notepad file.
      -With the notepad window as your focused window hold down CTRL key and F, this launches a search box.
      -type "black" without quotes in the box.
      -that will take you to the blacklist section
      -scroll slowly past the last blacklist number in that table should be 245910,
      -Copy this 56598, 53628, 54272, 209018, 219223, 62522, 5512, 55005, 2965, 4109, 2901, and past it after a single space from the last comma.
      -On the notepad, click File, Save.
      -Close the notepad.
      -Launch Diablo3 and login to character screen
      -Launch Demonbuddy.exe (note: if you can complete these steps fast enough you'll get a "max sessions" error cause the Demonbuddy server is slow at logging out your ID, just keep trying to login, it will get in eventually)
      -change gilestrinity settings to whatever you prefer within demonbuddy's profiles tab/config
      -On your Diablo 3 window select the quest "A Royal Audience"
      -On your demonbuddy window Click "load"
      -Load the HandBananna_START_HERE.xml from the profile provided on the first thread page.
      -Click start.
      -Select GilesRoutine
      -Stop eating paint.

      I have just done this again and let it run through 6 times... Tighten up.
    14. Nosh

      Nosh New Member

      Oct 3, 2012
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      Evoxtasy2010's write up is excellent! Thanks dude!

      For those of you wishing to try the latest DB and Giles, I have attached what I am using. They have been fully updated with the recommended blacklist entries from La7eralus and Kayes. The GilesTrinity.cs contains updates I added to help get past the rotting debris in the sewers. I notified Giles about the fix i found so he can look into it.

      This is compatible with the latest builds of DB and Giles (as of today 2010-10-09).
      Demonbuddy 1.0.1008.259
      Giles 1.6.2

      Be sure you have downloaded and setup these first. I have not tested this using any other plugin. Replace the existing GilesTrinity.cs with the attached copy.


      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Oct 9, 2012
    15. Gwydion

      Gwydion New Member

      Sep 24, 2012
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      Thanks to evoxtasy and nosh : it works :D
    16. Nosh

      Nosh New Member

      Oct 3, 2012
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      Glad it is working for you!

      I just got a PM from Giles. He's going to add the sewer debris fix into the next release. :D
    17. Napoleon

      Napoleon New Member

      Oct 9, 2012
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      What do I do when it gets stuck during the talks with Ashera (that woman on the way to belial)

      If I manually move forward, it doesn't seem to understand how to progress further
    18. Nosh

      Nosh New Member

      Oct 3, 2012
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      Hey Napoleon,
      Can you please let us know what version of DB and Giles you are running.

      Also, are you running my what I just posted? Curious because the changes that were added by Kayes (and implemented in my post) or running the way evoxtasy2010 described a few posts back are supposed to resolve getting stuck in that spot.
    19. Napoleon

      Napoleon New Member

      Oct 9, 2012
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      I'm using your files, indeed it's true that it's not been getting stuck at that point anymore.

      It now stops looking for the ladder in the sewers of caldeum (or another sewer). You mentioned it getting stuck because of debris, I'm not 100% sure if it's that in my case, since it hasn't gotten stuck behind debris the times that I had to manually find the ladder.

      It's just a little annoying that I need to babysit it, thanks for all the help and work =)
    20. kfabias

      kfabias New Member

      Oct 9, 2012
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      Hello guys.
      Im new here, i welcome all :)

      At first big sorry for my poor english language.

      I have a problem with that script :
      All should work fine, but bot only do continuously only one area (if i choosed oasis do only oasis, leave game, host again and do same oasis)

      How to make for work with whole act2?

      Big thx.

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