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  • Banwawe inc?

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by Hacked1111, Oct 9, 2012.

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    1. Hacked1111

      Hacked1111 New Member

      Dec 5, 2011
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      I do NOT know of any banwawe happening currently or soon. I'm mearly asking if we are behaving in such a way that
      we are forcing a wave on ourselves.

      Right now the only bot people really use is HB. There really isnt an alternative.

      I've done some BG farming, both manually and botting and the amounts of botters is insane.
      Add to that the fact that they're really easy to spot, I think we have a problem.

      I think it's fair to assume that Blizzard has bought HB and is monitoring which profiles and plugins are popular.
      This means that Blizz knows which patterns for example most popular profile for gathering is, making it only a matter of
      (for example) monitoring servers to find which players are behaving in a certain way.

      The servers seem flooded with bots atm (my guesstimate is that 60-70% of my wow friends bot), which is forcing Blizz to take action.
      Thats ok, but I really feel like it's too easy for Blizz to spot the botters.

      Oh and the thread about the guy getting banned by association scared the living shit out of me.
      If (when) my botting account gets banned, I see no reason whatsoever why Blizz wouldnt also ban my main account by association.
      And Im guessing im not the only one who feels like that.

      Thanks for reading.
      Last edited: Oct 10, 2012
    2. whoami

      whoami New Member

      Jun 12, 2012
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      Maybe, maybe not.

      Botting is always risky. Don't use public profiles and you should be save, but there is no warranty.


      GIVEMEANAME Active Member

      Dec 17, 2010
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      make your own profiles and dont do the normal stuff, grind for hours on end and bgbuddy
    4. movah

      movah New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Agree.... with the zap recorder plugin makes it nice and easy. Just watch out for things it may get stuck on.
    5. Hardbunny

      Hardbunny New Member

      Nov 17, 2011
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      I think it's safe to assume Blizzard could ban us all if they wanted to.

      They could just track everyone who uses click to move, then bam.. All HB users banned...

      The real question is: Why would they ban us? Let's all be real here, Blizzard doesn't care about us having a good game, they care about money. And that's not a bad thing, that's just business. But as soon as the fact that too many people bot in this game affects how many players wants to play this game. That is when we are all banned.

      Right now blizzard bans botters that affect the economy in a negative way. GB2 botters, Auctionhouse bots. All of that bad stuff.
      Because that's the kind of bots that hurts the game.

      Questing bots for example, I don't see how that affects the game negatively at all. And curiously enough... This is probably the thing least people are banned for.

      So OP: I also think a banwave might come if the amount of bots keeps rising. Simply because the amount of botters right now is insane and will at some point start affecting blizzard negatively when it comes to money, and with the "official" release of HB... I don't think HB will last much longer.
    6. fr3357

      fr3357 Member

      Jun 16, 2011
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      lets not make threads with titles like this? stupidand pointless blizzard doesnt care you pay there salaries the end.

      I had 2 accounts ban'd since release of MoP

      1 account has had 3 bans, all appealed and all turned over
      2nd account 1 ban, appealed turned over...

      simple play dumb sob story wins, as long as they can see u didnt use google translate china > america they dont care...

      they cant detect, but can monitor behavior sure, and use of player reports, none of which are definite to a conclusion your a bot, appeal and done.
    7. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      At this point, I'm pretty sure blizzard has an auto-responder setup to reinstate accounts that have been banned and when the email sent in contains certain keywords...I've never not had a permanent ban overturned.

      As people have pointed out, banning people is bad business for Blizz. It just cuts into their revenue. I know if blizz banned my accounts permanently, I wouldn't come back to play.

      Also, your title is terrible, and IIRC, its not allowed in the forum rules.
    8. Hacked1111

      Hacked1111 New Member

      Dec 5, 2011
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      Not sure whats wrong with my title.
    9. Victor9909

      Victor9909 Member

      Mar 19, 2012
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      Honorbuddy is NOT the only bot. FYI. Look around
    10. Synik

      Synik Active Member

      Jan 30, 2010
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      I love how people say "just use a private profile" when talking about banwaves. It just goes to show people that people still do not understand what a banwave actually is.
      Private profiles will not protect you from ban waves, they may "help" protect you from getting a random ban which is more than likely the result of other player reports.

    11. SkyHigh

      SkyHigh Member

      Apr 15, 2010
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      You have no idea how easy it would be to ban all of us. But why?
      Let's do the math.
      This forum has 82,625 users.
      The average botter has what.. 3 accounts?
      82 000*3*15*12 equals 44.28 million dollars in yearly lost revenue were they to ban all of us.
      Add to that the cost of hiring people to keep track of botting, exploiting and hacking.

      Now I know this is overly simplified and not accurate, but a banwave is simply not a realistic move, from a business point of view.

      Just my opinion ofc.

    12. Hacked1111

      Hacked1111 New Member

      Dec 5, 2011
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      Well, they've done it before.
      Plus they also have to keep other costumers happy; the ones complaining about botters making their experience worse.
    13. lotrodude

      lotrodude Member

      Jul 2, 2012
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      BOTTING -VS- PUBLIC OPINION - I know people that still don't think it is possible to bot or exploit WoW. There is a small percentage of people playing WoW that are simply naive about such things. I have tons of friends in game that believe botting exists, but they don't think they have ever seen a bot even in a BG. I'm guessing that a large percentage of WoW players fall into that category. Many of those people struggle to come up with $15 per month to play the game. They are not concerned with much outside of their own character screen and the little chat box in the lower left hand corner of their screen. Even if a bot was obvious to most of us (like running in place against a post), these people would never quite connect such behavior to botting.

      BOTTING -VS- MEDIOCRE PLAYERS - There is a large group of people in WoW that simply don't understand pvp. When they play in a BG, they have a vague idea of what needs to be done and what is going on. BGbuddy plays very similar to these players. These players will never even join an arena team because they are actually afraid of pvp. I have a friend with a level 85 rogue that has never yet entered a battleground because he is afraid of them. For him, an arena team is totally out of the question. I have another friend (a highly educated man) that has done some BGs with me, and he never understood what I was telling him to do and where I was telling him to go. So, when I compare those actual players to BGbuddy I feel pretty safe.

      BOTTING -VS- ONLINE MAPS - There are numerous maps on the internet with diagrams of "the best route" for gathering various ingame mats for WoW. There are also addons such as "Gatherer" that show where all of the nodes are on any map in the game. When I use the addon I fly the exact same route every time, and I am not a bot. I point the nose of my character at the next node location on the map and go straight for it. So, I fail to see how anyone could so easily determine the difference between a bot and someone following a predetermined route with an addon.

      BOTTING -VS- WARDEN - This is where I simply trust the Buddy Bot devs. They claim that they have a method of preventing Blizzard's "Warden" program from seeing their bots. I detest Blizzard's invasion of privacy. They were searching your computers even before you started botting. This was one of the big selling points that led me to Bossland. So, I hope Bossland is right. I have heard rumors that Bossland failed to prevent Warden from detecting Demonbuddy in D3, but I don't really know anything about that. I just hope they know what they are doing with Honorbuddy and WoW. It's a little unnerving to think about it, but seriously, "I don't want to play WoW if Blizzard can use this game as an excuse to invade my privacy!" If I get caught botting due to Blizzard searching my computer, then I'd rather not play WoW at all!
      Last edited: Oct 9, 2012
    14. pontius001

      pontius001 New Member

      Mar 15, 2010
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      I am kind of with SkyHigh on this. I don't believe there will be any massive ban because they have lost too many core players by changing the way the game plays constantly. Too many of us on here have gotten to the point where we bot on all of our accounts and if we lose them, we are done. There really isn't anything in the game that is fun anymore. If I lose my accounts, I won't buying the game again and leveling more characters. I will most likely just end up creating my own private server to play on.
      lotrodude likes this.
    15. botter9000

      botter9000 New Member

      Apr 29, 2012
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      Ban wave? Give me a fucking break kid. I've been botting since 2006 at least 12 hours a day. I've made millions of gold, sold a lot of gold. Sold a lot of auctions.. A LOT of auctions. I've botted 24 85s to full rutheless/cataclysm pvp gear. I've botted every 85 except 2 to 85 by hand. (a lot of manual intervention with questing bot as it has never been 100% afkable.)

      I currently run multiple accounts, all on the same screen while Using ISBoxer to monitor them. I've made a lot of RL$ from this. I've never had any account banned. I've had one suspended for ninjaing my own guild bank with me as the only toon in it (yeah explain that shit).

      I've been botting ore for 12 hours a day and the other 12 hours herbing (my toons are never both as im farming for one item and that's all I want - mixed with a crafting prof.)

      Anywho. I don't see it coming. If it does.. Well no problem, I'll just raf them back up and get going again. If you are scared of this bullshit "banwave" then quit botting and keep your account out of harms way. You should never bot on an account or in association with an account in which you deem your MAIN account. My Main account has over 12k achievement points because I actually play on it. However I also bot the fuck out of it. Never banned, and don't really care if I get banned, Nobody cares what mounts you have, achievements you have, or titles you have. Anyway.. Rant over. yell at me :D
    16. Qishy

      Qishy Member

      Jun 11, 2010
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      All i got from your post was "I have a huge ego, fuck all of you"
    17. SkyHigh

      SkyHigh Member

      Apr 15, 2010
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      Well botting was once "new", evil people were automating their baby, the game they had worked on for ages.
      These evil people had to be stopped!

      Now it exists, it's always there, and it's not worth the resources to fight it. Blizzard has grouped up with activision, they see wow as their money machine and they'll do everything to keep it that way thus a banwave is only logical when the number of players quiting because of bots exceeds the number of bots.
    18. Kazak

      Kazak New Member

      May 29, 2011
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      I totally agree to this. Banwaves occured in wow, yes. How many subscribers did they have at that time? We were over the 10 millions, we are not anymore. Now they NEED us to keep their numbers high. They want our money and they want to have as many users as possible. As said by others, I doubt a bot who do not affect wow economy is going to be banned. I doubt they have "anti-botting" unity that is fighting us. I think they wait for people to complain and then, they investigate.

      Banwaves for HB, I doubt it. Many of us are modifying the bot to look how we feel it should. To use path we would use. HB implemented a lot of things to make our bots look more human and as lotrodude said, many players would not know how to identify if someone is botting even under their very eyes.

      Bans, yes, can appeal, yes, banwaves, no.
    19. acoldsnapis

      acoldsnapis New Member

      May 26, 2011
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      Blizzard wont ban you, or do any mass ban wave.

      Can they afford to lose 80% of their subscribers?

      NO because then they will have to get real jobs
    20. aRkker

      aRkker New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      As to regarding bots being easily detectable, after asking around a bit from my friends that what do they think about the level of botting in WoW now days, they just didn't know that such things exist. It of course is easy to detect a bot when you use one yourself, but from an outsider's point of view, not that easy. Perhaps my friends are just blind and/or idiots, but regardless, the point still stands.
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