Just wondering if anyone is working on a plugin/botbase to fly/run around azeroth collecting and leveling RARE pets there is A LOT of gold to be made here..
The Buddy Team will probably. I'm also pretty sure NOBODY will make anything like that before the whole Honorbuddy Core is more stables. A lot of changes to the core, codes etc are being made everyday. So wait one month or something like that, then somebody will probably work on it FO REAL.
all the api changes that needed to be made are made, and the core is stable, the problems we're having now arent with the core of the bot.
Sorry, my bad then. What are causing all the DCs people didn't have before MOP? HonorBuddy also freezes often for me etc.
If think something like this should get on the to-do list but at the end. There is way more important stuff to be fixed than create new stuff. For example bot doesn't recognize being stuck.
thats a good idea. i have considered if its possible to let 2 accounts fight each other and set the settings for account 1 to win and for account 2 to lose.^^ or versus npc petmasters.. this can be connect with collect rare pets. hmmmmm does the buddy team works on something like PetBuddy? Or must the users write some profiles? i dont know if this is possible only with profiles, i must test this^^ yes this is true... BGbot does not works well also archbuddy doesnt works well and i have several auth issues or errors. on my win7 notebook he wont start at all ( i start 32bit), on my vista notebook and win7 pc it works. other things should get priority i think. but also interested for a PetBuddy^^