So i got account perma-banned (closed for good), email said: exploitation of game economy, selling gold for real money bla bla (did nothing of the sort) When I got on the phone they said it was because of use of 3rd party program. I ONLY used AutoAngler (to fish) a few hours a day in a very secure spot. I very much doubt that someone reported me. I think they have some way to detect botters.
Very secure location with Cross Realm Zones seems relatively impossible. Your best bet is to look into disabling cross realm zones. No NPCs, No People, but still water from what I hear.
So having had an account banned myself for the first time in the 5+ years I've been botting with a similar situation above, the econ email, phone says 3rd party program, etc.. I feel someone should just stay this.. IF YOU ARE BOTTING IN PANDALAND YOU NEED TO WATCH YOUR BOT AND NOT LOOK LIKE A DAMN BOT! There is an automated ban system in MoP that is nailing gatherers (this is what the lady on the phone said) many times in error which is why so many people are able to reverse the bans. In my case they threw up the middle finger back at me after 3 reviews and a superviser because I was seen "acting in an unhuman-like manner" by one of the ghost GM's and they would not turn over the ban. Most of the customer support staff in-game are out in Pandaria. It's the only area for the new xpac, and with x-realm, there are more people than usual sometimes. I've also seen blizzard ticket reports saying "after looking over logs it appears you automated your characters movement". They cannot detect HB or many other bots, but if they look closely into accounts it can be quite obvious for some. If you bot in the new area you are taking a risk...
I leveled up fishing on one of my characters yesterday from 1-600 in a few hours. Standing at Angler's Wharf in Pandaria. Got no report or ban.
sounds like bad luck. im botting on my 4th character and trust me. i look botty. been botting 24/7 for the past 4 days and im taking a break this weekend and right now while the bot is in need of updating.
Unfortunately, no. When asked I got the standard "While I cannot reveal our methods of detection.." blah blah blah, "There has been a number of accounts recently that have triggered our detection system in place for Mists of Pandaria, and while many of these accounts are legitimate players gathering materials, some of these accounts are using third party programs to do the work for them as it appears to be the case on your account" Now, she may also of been blowin smoke up my ass and it was simply they looked at logs and flags from reports to determine a real player wouldn't slam their face into a wall for a few hours or kill themselves over and over and over in an alliance town (horde gatherer, tried to gather too close to alliance town in Jade). I was told they sent me the wrong email and it should of been the 3rd party email. So also from that it sounds like there is something in place that is either banning accounts or flagging them for review. Based on the number of people banned for Econ that get turned over, I am leaning towards the side of automated system doing the dirty work.
Im starting to think that X-REALM sole intention was to populate said "SECURE SPOTS" Im in Krasang Wilds at the moment and ive ONLY seen a few toons here all with an asterisk * above their heads. I did a /who and there was only 1 other Druid on MY realm. X-Realm is definetly gonna kill us.
Karma is a beautiful thing sometimes. I hope they close all accounts you own now, and in the future. You rat.
If you fish in a zone or spot for several hours your botting, period. They look at the logs and see that. Simple.
Shit, guess i better swap back to gathering and stop fishing on my main. Guess useing pool fishing may be a better idea. Hmmm... gotta give the company credit. they are putting a hurt to us.
guys you have to be smart about it. bot for a few days. then dont bot for a few days. rinse and repeat. they will never know the difference. dont be like some people and just bot 24/7 it dosnt work.