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  • My account just got disabled.

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by furyz0r, Oct 10, 2012.

    1. wesker1213

      wesker1213 New Member

      Jun 21, 2012
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      I probably bot a total or 10-14 a day, but never more than 2 at a time usually.
    2. Simoz1337

      Simoz1337 Member

      Apr 4, 2012
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      Question, are you in an active guild?
      Do you Quest/Grind/Dungeon or just Grind fish..?

      do you chat while fishing (to guildies RLID ect).

    3. furyz0r

      furyz0r Member

      Dec 4, 2011
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      I'm on a level 25 guild with my main, no one talks.
      I've leveled by hand from 85 to 90, I play everyday by hand, I do dailies, I do heroics, I play 10 hours, 5 by hand, and 5 botting with 15 to 30 minutes interval between 2 sessions of 2 hours of botting.
    4. DaSoul

      DaSoul Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      People like YOU writing "ban wave" and shit SHOULD GET BANNED FROM THIS FORUM. This is so stupid.
    5. primo

      primo New Member

      Sep 19, 2010
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      IDIOT try to read what your mail says :by someone not authorized

      not a banwave
    6. bambam922

      bambam922 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I'd like to remind all of you about the rules around posting about banwaves.

      If there is a banwave, the buddy staff will address it accordingly.
      Please stop posting "OMG BANWAVE" in your title.

      It's alright to post about your ban and your theories behind it, but titling thread with banwaves causes a scare, and we get more and more.

      Thread title edited.
    7. Simoz1337

      Simoz1337 Member

      Apr 4, 2012
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      There is no way your Banned via Honorbuddy.

      Ring Blizzard and they will lift the ban.
      This exactly what happen to a friend of mine.

      PS. all those retards posting "OMFG STFU ABOUT THE NON-EXISTENT BANWAVE, can you stop posting useless shit.
    8. grindin

      grindin New Member

      Apr 17, 2012
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      looks like an account thats been sold and reclaimed too many times and blizz finally said f it.
    9. kacetado

      kacetado New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      just wait and the account will be restored, that isnt a ban... cant you read? omg....

      EMAIL: "the account has been accessed/compromised by someone not authorized to do so by the World of Warcraft Terms of Use (Blizzard Entertainment: Blizzard Legal Documentation).
      To protect your privacy and security, we have temporarily disabled this account."
    10. slye

      slye New Member

      Sep 25, 2012
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      Sidalol is right, that is an email you receive when your account is compromised. this account was locked by hand and you need to contact the customer support in order to unlock it. Standard procedure for compromise cases. And your account could still be compromised, even though no one accessed it.
    11. Exploiter

      Exploiter New Member

      Dec 6, 2011
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      Ok, i need to post something regarding all those people saying this isn't banwave. This isn't really full banwave where all HB users lost all accounts but this is banwave that affected a lot people. If someone lose 2 account and someone else lose 3 accounts we can't say that's banwave, but when many people lost all or almost all in same second, than we can call that banwave. For example, if there is tornado in your city, and kill 3% of people in that town and destroy 2% infrastructure you cant say "THERE WAS NO TORNADO, IM STILL ALIVE AND MY HOUSE IS NOT DESTROYED". This is first i wanted to say. Second thing, if you expect FULL BANWAVE it will NEVER HAPPEN, and next logical question is WHY. Reason for this is because Blizzard don't want to remove all bots, because Blizzard is making (maybe) equal or even more money on bots than regular players. All they do is, keep balance, when they see too many bots in game, they ban some of them, like they did yesterday, and than you send them mail and return 50% of you're accounts back. Yesterday i lost 7 accounts, and guess what, today i got 3 perma (they don't want to talk about them anymore), 3 restored without penalty (restored after first mail) and 1 acc 72 hours (after first mail). This is i think 5th banwave for me, where i lost all accounts and than i restored around 50% of them. Now please don't tell me "how many hours you botted per day" because like all others i started MOP with 1 account, and started adding more acc-s in last few day, last account was added 14 hours before banwave and that account is now perma banned without any sense, he filled his bags 2 times and got banned. Blizzard don't want to talk about this account, they say i used 3rd part software and they consider it closed. So can someone explain me how blizzard can perma ban account after 10 hours of botting and tell me they have evidence i used bot, and return me account that was botting for 15 days 15-20 hours per day, and they dont have evidence for him. That's just joke, and you all should know that. From now on, blizzard will perform those banwaves every 10-20 days when they see there are too many bots in game, after that we will spam forum again, and people will claim its banwave and others will say it's not. The point is this, Blizzard will let you make just enough money to buy new accounts and have some profit. 2 days ago i was thinking "ok cataclysm times came back, we are making 50$ per account each day and nothing can stop us, keep adding accounts and more profit" but 24 hours later, im sending mails, i lost a lot gold and 3 accounts permanent and when i now think about this, its not so nice after all, blizzard got money for game keys and game cards and i need to add new accounts and start leveling and HOPE they will not ban me in next banwave before i get enough money to get some profit. I guarantee Blizzard will perform this action again in 2-3 weeks when we level up more bots. And in my opinion, im 99% positiv about this, if we ever get mass banwave where all HB users get ban in same day for same reason, than reason will be that Blizzard don't need us anymore to collect money from customers for them, and probably they found other way to collect more money from "rich" customers. And i also noticed this behavior in last expansion when they added BOE pet for $ on site (you buy pet at blizzard store for $ and sell it as BOE pet at AH for i think 10k gold) so how do we call that? GOLD SELLING by Blizzard, but i guess it wasn't so profitable so they decided to still let us collect money for them.
      And last thing i want to say, i have account with few characters that have characters with professions and only 1 gatherer. Since im not able to use professions atm i gave that account to my wife (didnt want to use GB for 1 sec on that account) to farm and make some money with him. After 7-8 days she did nice job gathering ore/herbs worth 150k gold and leveled 85-89 without single quest done, and guess what that same account was closed, witch makes me believe they ban you when they see you are collecting too much mats. I hope this will be informative for someone.
      standza likes this.
    12. wesker1213

      wesker1213 New Member

      Jun 21, 2012
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      The sky is not falling, I repeat, the sky is not falling.
    13. standza

      standza Member

      Mar 16, 2012
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      Exploiter was explain all!

      1. Blizz must keep balance between us and normal players
      2. This is banwave! Bot dont need to be detected for banwave. They just cleaning servers. Nobady talking about that is HB detectable. They are doing this from time to time
      Last edited: Oct 11, 2012

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