Hello everyone, this is my first contribution to this forum, and is maybe the third profile i've ever created, so please be gentle. Constructive criticism is very much appreciated. This profile was made with one objective in mind, although it can serve quite a few purposes. It follows a grinding route in southern VoEB and grinds Ancient Mogu Spirits. The advantage is that those mobs are already occupied with fighting pandas so you will *very rarely* have to fight more than one at the same time. I like this profile because the route doesn't seem "botlike" at all and covers quite a large area. You can use this profile to farm motes of harmony, skyshards, black prince reputation, and there's also quite a few mining nodes on the way. Currently there is no mailbox or repair support, as i simply don't know which ones to implement, or how to do it. Once again, constructive criticism is very much appreciated. I am using a retribution paladin with full dreadful gear, and i never came close to dying with The Saint CC. They seem to drop Funeral Ashes at a 100% drop rate (grey item 1sil20cop) so i suggest using Lootfilter with a proper configuration As far as settings go, I put pull radius to 50 and left everything else to default. I average 177 loots / 186 kills per hour. Please give this profile a try and if it is found successful, I will certainly make more!
I'm just giving information on the setup im using; im sure singular works just as fine. I like the saint for the self heals mechanics
110+ views and only 3 replies? c'mon guys i already see people on my server using the profile all i want is feedback; wether it be positive or negative