You made a good CC. It's understandable that you have other things to do. I'm looking forward to a nice balance CC. Ignore the haters. They are leeches. If they aren't going to contribute at all, then their posts are useless. They like the swarm the forums too. It would be cool to have an ignore function on the forums.
Dude 3D > 2D. Your real life in the real world is far more important then these forums trolls. Don't listen to all these fucking faggots who trash your CC. If your CC has (2100 views), and 132 pages, chances are it doesn't suck. Let all those fucking amateurs bitch and cry, if that kid was so hot, then he would fucking play by hand. I'd rather you spend as much time as you need and realize a solid CC like in Cata then rushing it and it conflicting with your studies and work. Take your time! ~We'll still be here.
I cant working in heal in party or raid whit this CC. I use LazyRaider + Hazz, but no healer nothing, but if i use lazy +singular heal whiout problem. How i can configure Hazz to work in raids or party?
I cant working in heal in party or raid whit this CC. I use LazyRaider + Hazz, but no healer nothing, but if i use lazy +singular heal whiout problem. How i can configure Hazz to work in raids or party?
Update 4.1.1 1. Restoration rotation fixed! (Sorry no Lifebloom as it still bugs in Honorbuddy) 2. Feral single rotation has been added. (Will change depending if stood in front or behind.) 3. New combat rotation change when verses a boss!
Update 4.1.2 1. Fixed spamming in log. Should no longer post multiple cats for spells. 2. Fixed a slight bug with Nourish causing it to spam multiple times. 3. Lifebloom should now stack on a tank and refresh before it expires. (In raids) 4. New refresh system to refresh spells a few seconds before they expire on a target. 5. Feral system now switches to bear form on 3+ mobs. 6. Feral system now switches to AoE rotation on 3+ mobs. 7. New facing and movement options added for use with questing, grinding and battlegrounds. 8. Will no longer cast innervate or defensive cooldowns when outside of combat. What would you guys/girls like next? Guardian or Moonkin?
Update 4.1.2b 1. Corrected a mistake I had made with Regrowth. 2. Added Wild Mushroom AoE healing. 3. Slight bug fixing with Restoration rotation. Remember to delete your old settings file or it will not work!
Dude nothing works with GatherBuddy! *Jokes* Yes it does mine loads fine. Enable 'Movement' options under the 'General' tab.
Code: public override WoWClass Class { get { return StyxWoW.Me.[COLOR=#ff0000]Class[/COLOR]; } } The CC now loads on every class =/ Just a heads up Code: public override WoWClass Class { get { return StyxWoW.Me.[COLOR=#0000ff]Druid[/COLOR]; } }
Update 4.1.3 1. Added new burst damage for Feral when targeting a boss. 2. New trinket usage system now on the 'General' tab. 3. Feral will now refresh bleeding effects before they expire. 4. More talent spells have been added to increase performance.
Update 4.1.4 1. New Guardian single rotation added. 2. New Guardian multi rotation added. 3. New defensive cooldowns for Guardian added. 4. Druid will replenish abilities on a target before they expire. 5. Druid will hold high threat to current targets in Guardian. 6. Fixed dismount bug where druid would not dismount. Note: I will have Balance and Battlegrounds done by the end of next week.