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  • Selling gold without getting banned

    Discussion in 'Discussions (no Ban Reports here)' started by bradallaround, Oct 12, 2012.

    1. bradallaround

      bradallaround Member

      Jul 26, 2012
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      Hey guys, I am currently running 8 bots (5 of 8 are 85 and doing their thing, other 3 are under 5-10 hours from ready) and making some gold. The questions I have and would just generally like to make discussion about is: methods to selling gold while avoiding as much risk of bans as possible with the means by which you are selling.

      I intend to sell to Chinese middle man (they will buy a lot of bulk) and I know there is a huge risk if not 99% chance of ban from associating with them, but its a price I am calculating. I am planning to definitely go through gbanks with classic accounts (vanilla) but the real thing is, how do I get gold from my bots, into 1 central bank, and that 1 bank sell it, and not link all my bots and bam everyone is banned?

      I have considered using the account house to slowly funnel (on a daily basis) money into my central bank account each month and then make a big sale of gold and expect the ban, rinse and repeat, I've also considered just having the central bank join my bot guilds, take money, leave the guild, delete the character, and move on (not sure if this is a true way to erase evidence or not).

      These (to me) sound like reasonable solutions, but I am not very confident that they won't be easily circumvented and still get bot accounts banned.

      I know the most safe way is private sales to US buyers (or just basically not chineese IP's) in smallish amounts via guild bank and maybe some f2f if its a very small amount.

      Maybe all you guys have is speculation on what would work, but I would love to hear anything helpful and insightful. If I can figure out this selling part, the money is in the bank, and I am doing this as a job right now. Makes more than I currently make at my part time job, and I do mean more.

      Thanks all :)
    2. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      Im considering doing this part time to make some nice extra cash every month.

      I dont like the game anymore, but in the end, im hooked on botting, so making something out of it after playing
      since beta wouldnt be a bad idea.

      I didnt figure out the selling part yet either, but if i would guess then i would save a lot of gold, and make one good
      deal. Make this deal on a suicide account aka buy one key for 5 euros, stick the account on a pro><y. Invite it into a guild
      where you got your gold, pick it up, remove him. Sell the gold and delete the account and never use it again. This way
      it costs you 5 euros to sell maybe 1-2-3 mill of gold everytime.

      Anyway, as said, still thinking... this might not be the sollution, but if i thought it would be rock solid.. i would be selling allr :)
    3. bradallaround

      bradallaround Member

      Jul 26, 2012
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      Yah, thought anytime you trade more than like a couple hundred thousands I believe you get insta-banned right? Furthermore I'd take the $5 loss for selling 100k at a time. It is about business and if I can sell 100k and only lose $5 I call that success (if it sells at $1/k or more). I don't know though, again, even the vanilla account could easily link back to my bots when they say "well wait, where did he get all this damn gold from?"

      I think the least risky method would be sell gold from 1 account at a time through a $5, say 200k, and the wost possible thing that can happen is you do lose your bot account, but there are more where that came from, and it is something I could calculate if need be. $200 for 200k and vanilla account for $5 isn't too bad and definitely something I can work with lol. But 6 accounts on 1 realm, that is a lot of vanilla accounts, and if they go back up to $20, that is horrible.
    4. dubs

      dubs Member

      Dec 7, 2011
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      Sell to friends and if you get banned you can appeal with the "i was helping a friend purchase an item that he has been wanting for a long time" stuff
    5. bradallaround

      bradallaround Member

      Jul 26, 2012
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      That is assuming I have friends in WoW (I don't bot for selling on my main account/main realm). I also have no friends on my main realm, rotfl. If I had friends, easy as pie, but I have two real ID's I talk to, and I doubt either would buy gold.
    6. lotrodude

      lotrodude Member

      Jul 2, 2012
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      Move it through the auction house. Buy copper from your throw away account. Pay exorbitant prices for it, and if you get caught tell Blizz you were trying to corner the market on it. :)
    7. Billybob

      Billybob New Member

      Sep 3, 2012
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      Depending on your server, you can use the guild bank to transfer funds.

      Start several guilds (or buy 1s that are high level).

      Use SGI to populate the guild offering a fun, drama-free environment with free repairs (25g/day). This will get your guild 1k low level players in a heart beat.

      Invite the gold buyers to the guild.

      Give them a rank that allows them to withdraw the funds they want. After they get their funds - demote them til next tranaction. Have different ranks that draw differing amounts.

      You get paid.

      Rinse & repeat every month.

      Using this method you will lose a little gold to repairs. But you will have a consistent means to transferring gold to your buyers.

      I would avoid too many high lvl players cause they will use more gold for repairs. The low level folks will only cost you a few copper a day. I also throw in free bags as well. Have 900+ happy guildies helping me hide from the man.

      Last edited: Oct 12, 2012
    8. MadDog

      MadDog Well-Known Member

      Nov 5, 2011
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      ive been selling 100k at a time via gbank trade just inviting the chinese guy off one of my farmer accounts and promoting him to be able to take gold out in the gbank. done it at least 6 times in past two weeks, no ban
    9. MadDog

      MadDog Well-Known Member

      Nov 5, 2011
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      I agree, i believe that because i have an active lvl 25 guild, large sums on money going in and out regularly will not get you banned as easily as a lvl 1 guild.
    10. bradallaround

      bradallaround Member

      Jul 26, 2012
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      How do you get all your gold from your accounts to the main guild to sell from? That is my only thought about it, I have considered slowly moving the gold into the banks all the time (as in having a lvl 1 alt who is always depositing like 4k a day) but x10 and then boom sell it off. Thoughts? Right now I am just using lvl 1 guilds to sell it off.


      What do you guys think about face to face vs guild bank. why are so many chinese stuck on face to face? are they just that lazy to not walk to SW?
    11. Bailr

      Bailr New Member

      Jun 2, 2012
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      They get the gold and instantly move it off to their other accounts. It's more to protect them than anything else.
    12. trader2

      trader2 New Member

      Aug 20, 2013
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      If one wanted to sell on a regular basis (which I assume you want to do) you would have to appear trustworthy to the buyer(s). Therefore, look for a site that has a feedback system like Account-Bay.com for example. As soon as you have a few positive feedbacks, you'll be fine.
    13. mangravey007

      mangravey007 Member

      Apr 28, 2012
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      I was wonder if you know how to set up 1 battlenet with multiple accounts to use at the same time. I know that the gold sellers use one bnet with multiple accounts to spam a lot of servers at once. I think this can help with selling gold faster.
    14. chtpm

      chtpm Member

      Nov 26, 2011
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      If you deposit all gold in a single gbank and they "catch" one bot you will get all banned too, no matter if you got diferent IP or w/e safety concern youve taken. Usually taking the gold out for the chinese middle man is what triggers the ban.

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