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  • Remembering the Past: <GM>Comesticus

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by CodenameG, Jun 25, 2010.

    1. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      so i was going though my old glider files, and i found this list of whispers back when GMs used to whisper bots before they banned them. i figured a lot of the new comers to botting might get a kick out of this.

    2. gaspowered

      gaspowered New Member

      Jun 11, 2010
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      lol, is that back when they had a sense of humour?
    3. Chemdawg

      Chemdawg New Member

      Feb 18, 2010
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      There was another GM who was really big about messing with you before the ban.. think his name started with a Z.. I remember seeing him in screenshots sitting in trees or in some creepy place watching botters..
    4. gaspowered

      gaspowered New Member

      Jun 11, 2010
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      lol, i dont think i've ever seen a GM..
    5. Chemdawg

      Chemdawg New Member

      Feb 18, 2010
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      this was on the glider fourms back in vanilla.. i remember people talking about him..
    6. dbtor

      dbtor New Member

      May 18, 2010
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      I remember this from the glider forums, epic topic :p
    7. lepton17

      lepton17 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Zarborough... Legend :D
    8. ski

      ski Well-Known Member

      Feb 12, 2010
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      Don't forget Bekyn and Zarborough:

      1:54 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      1:55 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      1:55 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      1:55 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: /farewell

      2:24 AM You receive loot: |cffffffff|Hitem:7973:0:0:0|h[Big-mouth Clam]|h|r.
      2:24 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      2:25 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      2:25 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?

      2:48 AM <GM>Bekyn whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      2:48 AM <GM>Bekyn whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      2:48 AM <GM>Bekyn whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      2:48 AM <GM>Bekyn whispers: Thank you, come again.
      2:48 AM <GM>Bekyn whispers: /bye

      3:45 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      3:45 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      3:45 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?

      3:55 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      3:55 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      3:55 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      3:56 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Good night.

      4:03 AM Bekyn whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      4:04 AM To Bekyn: shoot
      4:04 AM Bekyn whispers: Hi
      4:04 AM Bekyn whispers: Hello?
      4:04 AM To Bekyn: ja, whats up?
      4:05 AM Bekyn whispers: Your account is being suspended at this time. I will be sending you an email explaining the details to your suspension. Please make sure you check your registered email address. Thank you.
      4:05 AM To Bekyn: so.. i suppose i will be refunded the rest of the prepaid amount then?
      4:06 AM Bekyn whispers: You'll have to contact the Billing department in the morning to resolve that matter.
      4:06 AM Bekyn whispers: As of right now I will have to log you off the game.
      4:07 AM Bekyn whispers: Please remember to check your email.

      4:09 <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      4:10 <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      4:10 <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?

      5:50 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      5:50 AM To <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: Sure.
      5:50 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: How has your night been?
      5:50 AM To <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: Uhh... Pretty good. Why?
      5:51 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: What are you doing at this moment?
      5:51 AM To <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: Just getting ready to auction off some stuff.
      5:51 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Do you think you will make money off of it?
      5:51 To <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: Yeah. Why?
      5:52 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Well, I regret to inform you that you will not see that money.
      5:52 To <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: Err.. Why? Did the AH just explode or something?
      5:52 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: No.
      5:52 To <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: Then, wtf?
      5:52 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Well, are you eating anything?
      5:53 To <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: wtf does that have to do with anything. and yes, I'm eating a donut.
      5:53 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Mmmmm... I like donuts. Can I have one?
      5:53 To <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: No, I'm hungry.
      5:54 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Oh that makes me sad. But not as sad as it makes me to tell you that you will not be able to access this game on this account again.
      5:54 To <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: Mother****er. You are really pissed that I didn't give you that donut! lrn2geturownfood
      5:54 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: You need to lrn2bot nub.
      5:54 To <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: Eh. **** you.
      5:54 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: No thanks. I'm married.

      5:20 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      5:20 AM To |Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: hey sorry i have to go
      5:20 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: So soon?

      5:29 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      5:29 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      5:30 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?

      6:00 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      6:00 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      6:00 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      6:00 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Peace."

      6:01 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      6:02 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      6:02 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      6:02 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Maybe another time my friend.

      7:43 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      7:43 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      7:43 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      7:43 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: LFM Bots pst
      7:44 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers:

      8:31 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      8:32 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Anybody home?
      8:32 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: ......maybe not

      8:32 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      8:32 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      8:33 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      8:33 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: GM 1 - Bot 0
      8:33 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers:

      8:47 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      8:48 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      8:48 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Hello?
      8:48 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Bye?
      8:48 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Okay.

      9:13 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      9:13 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      9:14 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: /point
      9:14 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: /laugh
      9:14 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: /banned

      9:16 AM |cff33CCFF[09:16]|r 107 Normal Kills to level (Exact)
      9:16 AM |cff33CCFF[09:16]|r From <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn|r]|h: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      9:17 AM |cff33CCFF[09:17]|r From <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn|r]|h: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      9:17 AM |cff33CCFF[09:17]|r From <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn|r]|h: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      9:18 AM |cff33CCFF[09:18]|r 78 Normal Kills to level (Exact)
      9:18 AM |cff33CCFF[09:18]|r From <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn|r]|h: Have a good day.

      9:22 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      9:24 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      9:25 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      9:27 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Once again i stand here banning another account belonging to you. Good night

      9:25 AM [11:24:12] <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      9:25 AM [11:24:23] To |Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: Hello
      9:25 AM [11:24:46] <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Your account is being suspended at this time. I will be sending you an email explaining the details to your suspension. Please make sure you check your registered email address. Thank you.
      9:25 AM [11:24:54] To |Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: ?????

      9:35 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      9:35 AM To |Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: Hello
      9:35 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Hi there
      9:35 AM To |Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: hi

      10:32 AM |cff33CCFF[10:32]|r From <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough|r]|h: Hail, adventurer! This is Game Master Zarborough. Do you have a moment?
      10:32 AM |cff33CCFF[10:32]|r To |Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough|r]|h: sure?
      10:32 AM |cff33CCFF[10:32]|r From <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough|r]|h: This makes number three, I believe?
      10:32 AM |cff33CCFF[10:32]|r From <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough|r]|h: This account is being suspended for exploitation. Please check the registered email address for further information. I will now remove you from the game.
      10:32 AM |cff33CCFF[10:32]|r To |Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough|r]|h: well I would like say **** you and Mr. Beykn
      11:03 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      11:03 AM You receive loot: |cffffffff|Hitem:4304:0:0:0|h[Thick Leather]|h|r.
      11:03 AM To |Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: sure
      11:04 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Hi there
      11:04 AM To |Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: hey
      11:04 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: I have some sad news today
      11:04 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Your account is being suspended at this time. I will be sending you an email explaining the details to your suspension. Please make sure you check your registered email address. Thank you.

      11:05 PM 08/09/06 23:05:37 <GM>|Hplayer:Valcar|h[Valcar]|h whispers: Greetings, this is Account Administrator Valcar. Do you have a moment to speak with me?
      11:05 PM 08/09/06 23:05:57 <GM>|Hplayer:Valcar|h[Valcar]|h whispers: Your account is being suspended at this time. Please check your registered email address for an email explaining the further details of this suspension. Thank you.

      11:17 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      11:17 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      11:17 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      11:18 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: This might sting a little.

      12:13 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      12:14 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      12:14 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      12:14 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Good night.

      12:24 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Hail, adventurer! This is Game Master Zarborough. Do you have a moment?
      12:25 PM To |Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h: brb brother playing right now- i told him dont respond to anyone
      12:26 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: That's a shame. Tell him I said Hi!

      12:24 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Hail, adventurer! This is Game Master Zarborough. Do you have a moment?
      12:25 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Please be aware that failure to respond may have serious consequences for your account. Please hit 'R' to respond.
      12:27 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Nothing? You're just going to stand there and get wailed on?
      12:27 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: I'm disappointed.

      12:26 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Hail, adventurer! This is Game Master Zarborough. Do you have a moment?
      12:26 PM You receive loot: |cffffffff|Hitem:8170:0:0:0|h[Rugged Leather]|h|r.
      12:26 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Please be aware that failure to respond may have serious consequences for your account. Please hit 'R' to respond.

      12:50 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Hail, adventurer! This is Game Master Zarborough. Do you have a moment?
      12:50 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Hail, adventurer! This is Game Master Zarborough. Do you have a moment?
      12:50 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: How poor are they that have not patience!lol yep

      1:17 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      1:18 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
      1:18 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: What? That's right. Bots can't talk.
      1:18 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Have a nice day.

      1:29 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Hail, adventurer! This is Game Master Zarborough. Do you have a moment?
      1:30 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Hail, adventurer! This is Game Master Zarborough. Do you have a moment?

      2:15 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Hail, adventurer! This is Game Master Zarborough. Do you have a moment?
      2:15 PM To |Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h: No, the server is not laggy, now leave me alone
      2:15 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: I'd love to- I hope you've had fun!

      4:31 PM [4:31] <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Hail, adventurer! This is Game Master Zarborough. Do you have a moment?
      4:32 PM [4:32] <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Hail, adventurer! This is Game Master Zarborough. Do you have a moment?

      7:26 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Hail, adventurer! This is Game Master Zarborough. Do you have a moment?
      7:26 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Hail, adventurer! This is Game Master Zarborough. Do you have a moment?

      <GM>|Hplayer:Kaldrozen|h[Kaldrozen]|h whispers: Greetings, **! This is Game Master Kaldrozen. How are you today?
      To |Hplayer:Kaldrozen|h[Kaldrozen]|h: fine
      <GM>|Hplayer:Kaldrozen|h[Kaldrozen]|h whispers: Unfortunately a character on this account has been found violating the World of Warcraft policies
      To |Hplayer:Kaldrozen|h[Kaldrozen]|h: when?
      <GM>|Hplayer:Kaldrozen|h[Kaldrozen]|h whispers: An e-mail has been sent to your registered address with further details to the violation. Please review the notification for more information
      |Hplayer:Kaldrozen|h[Kaldrozen]|h: um alright may i know what charecter was violating what agreement?
      <GM>|Hplayer:Kaldrozen|h[Kaldrozen]|h whispers: At this Time I will need to remove you from the game.
    9. ski

      ski Well-Known Member

      Feb 12, 2010
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    10. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      ski that was EPIC!!!!!
    11. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      thanks for sharing ski, back when gm's had class, instead of automated bans. plus this illustrates the point, screen shot or it didn't happen.
    12. AEther

      AEther New Member

      Jun 11, 2010
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      rofl made my day
    13. ski

      ski Well-Known Member

      Feb 12, 2010
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      I miss the good old days when you actually got to talk to them before they off'd you.
    14. aricias

      aricias Member

      Mar 31, 2010
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      sweet ski. thanks.
    15. panYama

      panYama Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      nice screenies;) makes it more fun and personal when you do get banned:D, instead of email notification tadaaa perm ban ciao!
    16. bballmike156

      bballmike156 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Ski you really liked getting in trouble with the law eh?
    17. w00tsauce

      w00tsauce New Member

      May 15, 2010
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      Are those all to you? JEsus you went through some accounts.

      A damn good read lol.
    18. Morga

      Morga Member

      Feb 18, 2010
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      GM Morga: hi there, I have a bit of good news. I'm reversing all your bans, HAVE A GREAT DAY!

      I wish :/

    19. namaze

      namaze New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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    20. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      idk, i guess if a Gm did that to me and i could respond, i would of said "F#$! You Mr.Bitey!"

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