Can I answer your question with a question? If I post here what we know and Blizzard uses that to ban all our users, will you thank me for being so open and honest?
You have all read it wrong, Apoc didn't say it was completely re-written, the tripwire on how it detects bots is basically re-written. (It has some new features added) - Jackie Moon
I confess I am curious about how Warden does what it does, but thats only from a personal interest and curiousity about all things interesting. But, by no means give up the game to them by making the buddy protection methods public - although we know you won't. I'm sure nobody else here wants you to either. I think this thread is just idle speculation and chatter among those of us not in the loop, as it were.
I am totally with you on that. I think it comes down to faith - do you have faith that the dev team knows what they are doing? Do you have faith that they want there own product to work, and to continue making money? I think they do. And if they do manage to get it all wrong, and get everyone banned - the company will probably loose there credibility and reputation, thereby sparking no new sales ($$) - doubt they want that. In the end, botting is a risk no matter how you bad ass dev makes the product.
this is the thread where i got the false information that warden was rewritten (which it wasnt according to apoc) sorry guys for causing confusion.