Mana saved mode now merge with Raid mode Fast heal mode merge with PvP and Dungeon mode That for a more simple GUI for new user. Once you are familiar with the concept, you can tweak your own settings for optimal use. TuanHA
Well jsut tryed it in lfr, and on first boss it heals like 15% of fight, it just run oom then wait regen :x
how much spirit do you recommand to not have this mana problem ? i m acctually ilvl 461 and this mana issue sigh me :x
normally there should be no mana problem coz the "Raid"-Tab-Mode is merged with the "Mana Save"-Tab-Mode from the older version. Maybe u try the older version instead of the new one, to figure out if u'll get the same mana issues. and try to attache a log of your mana issue runs here, so TuanHA can analyze it.
SVhunter routine removed. for some reason that caused a problem with the pally CC you made. gonna test this out and let you know running mistweaver/brewmaster @60
tuanha: Could you fix the auto target problem for Brewmasters when you get a chance please? Its really a problem in raids when you need to be always on the same target and it automatically keeps switching to adds or something Its not using the lvl90 talent either, Rushing Jade Wind
foor some reasons i see in logs that it says energy and not mana in log is that normal ? 51:774 - HP: 56% - Energy: 100 - Chi: 1 - Monk - 0y - 56% hp - Renewing Mist 53:733 - HP: 58% - Energy: 100 - Chi: 2 - Monk - 0y - 58% hp - Summon Jade Serpent Statue 54:098 - HP: 58% - Energy: 100 - Chi: 2 - Monk - 0y - 58% hp - Uplift 56:000 - HP: 68% - Energy: 100 - Chi: 0 - Monk - 0y - 68% hp - Expel Harm 57:007 - HP: 80% - Energy: 100 - Chi: 1 - Monk - 0y - 80% hp - Thunder Focus Tea 57:123 - HP: 86% - Energy: 100 - Chi: 1 - Shaman - 4y - 23% hp - Soothing Mist 58:234 - HP: 93% - Energy: 100 - Chi: 0 - Monk - 9y - 20% hp - Soothing Mist 59:359 - HP: 98% - Energy: 100 - Chi: 0 - Mage - 28y - 10% hp - Soothing Mist 00:553 - HP: 87% - Energy: 100 - Chi: 0 - DeathKnight - 8y - 36% hp - Renewing Mist 01:607 - HP: 89% - Energy: 100 - Chi: 1 - Monk - 0y - 89% hp - Thunder Focus Tea 01:674 - HP: 89% - Energy: 100 - Chi: 1 - Shaman - 4y - 15% hp - Soothing Mist 02:923 - HP: 91% - Energy: 100 - Chi: 2 - Monk - 0y - 91% hp - Uplift 04:009 - HP: 100% - Energy: 100 - Chi: 0 - Monk - 0y - 100% hp - Mana Tea 05:171 - HP: 86% - Energy: 100 - Chi: 0 - Monk - 0y - 86% hp - Spinning Crane Kick 07:721 - HP: 100% - Energy: 100 - Chi: 1 - Mage - 19y - 39% hp - Soothing Mist 08:891 - HP: 100% - Energy: 100 - Chi: 1 - DeathKnight - 10y - 87% hp - Renewing Mist 10:048 - HP: 85% - Energy: 100 - Chi: 2 - Monk - 0y - 85% hp - Uplift
Ok I'm confused I know you say it's for use with lazyraider and that there is "There is NO movement." but I'm currently using it with questing and it's perfectly working. I enabled "Auto Target" and "Move to Target" Hmmm