Good Afternoon, As this is my first thread i would just like to say hello to the community and thank you to the Devs for the software. never have i found it so easy to grind all my PVP gear! i do have an issues with the bot though which im not sure are just general fixes or are on going problems that everyone encounters but have learnt to accept. When ever i go into combat my screen goes very choppy (lets say 1 frame per second for argument sake), im not totally sure why this is but nether the less it is happening. to be fair the bot is still doing its job but im worried that this "lag" may affect how my player looks to other plays. i do not want any reason for other WOW players to look at me for too long. Any help would be much appreciate, Happy Botting ! Kind Regards Sinety
Hb allows 1 injection per frame. Sometimes this happens with heavy Combat Routines(singular). Try using CLU and tell me if it still happens.
HB can't load the CC, just gets stuck at "Initializing Flight Paths", biggest lie of Honorbuddy, it's actually loading Combat Routines or "CC" i've given it up to 15 minutes to load but nope, doesn't work. btw sorry for the thread invade sinety
no problem wilbo if you get it to stop the choppyness please take the time to explain how to managed it because im still trying to understand all the HB lingo, CLU i have no idea what that means for example, CC - Custom Class , i get that im playing a monk now so im only on the singular class, also using singular on me rogue which has the choppy frames
The chopyness is often occured due to "Allow Framelocking" or similiar settings (at least for me), try turning it off if u have one (i.e in DungeonBuddy)
bump! i posted another thread with more details under 'choppy routine'. basically i was just asking there if it was a computer related problem. i tried using tuanHA monk and its just choppy as hell. same with singular and most of the old hunter and mage CC's. and CLU is codified likeness utility. its available in the all in one section of the routine tab in the forum.
yes and no, it can be fixed if you wanna upgrade your pc. remember the better framerates you get the better honorbuddy is going to run, not only that but your processor as well, it has to be able to run though the combat routine fast enough, as well as your memory, since the bot is a memory intensive application, you wanna make sure its fast enough and you have enough where its not going to the swap file for everything. for the most part if your seeing this its nothing to worry about.
CLU (Codified Likeness Utility - or something like that is a CC, just like Singular. You can find CC here --> Combat Routines. I would personally reccommend downloading several cc's for each of the classes you play. If you every have problems, changing the cc is usually a quick 1st step to a resolution. I have been having good success on my Monks with gl
I've tried CLU, singular and individual cc and still had the same problem. Pc shouldn't be the issue 16gb ram, i5 3570k oc'd 7970. As it runs at 100+ fps and randomly just jitters / stops. Using lazy raider but just running around no combat still has the issue, as soon as you stop lazy raider frees it up and no longer has issues.
it cant be a computer problem as im running with a powerful computer and can usually run my wow bot on one monitor and play league of legends on the other! ive had a go at changing my CC but it still isnt making a difference unfortunately kind Regards Sinety
Try running your machine in it's normal state, no oc's. I ran into crahes/stuttering a while back on my oc'd 7970s. They were tested stable for 24, and every other app/program ran fine with the oc. WoW was a diff story. So now I don't use any oc when playing/botting.
Well my PC used to handle Honorbuddy before this new update perfectly, no jittering, 80+ fps whilst botting no stuttering or lag, but since this new update there's been lots of stuttering and lag no matter what CC I use.