great one. just 2 more things (been watching the bot for about half an hour to check the rotation and stuff): 1. where do i set up a bigger pull range? the bot starts fighting when about 15-20 meters from the target whereas it should start fighting (or in the case of hunters sending his pet to battle) at 35-40 meters range. can i edit the range somewhere? i mean even when he disengages he runs a few meters straight back to the target and as it seems to me it must be the same range he uses as pull range. 2. where do i find the parameter to make the bot start eating food at X percent? i think right now he starts at 65%, would love to have him eat at like 40 oder maybe 50 % beside that: this all-in-one class clearly owns many other custom classes for ease! great work, rocks like hell. a GUI would be nice tho but it seems kinda easy to edit the .txt to special needs
Um, that's a good idea. It was hardcoded, but now I've modified it to be a variable you can change. Download the latest version, and look for the phrase 'Me.Range' in the file. Change the number after that, to whatever range you prefer fighting at. Melee should use 4.95 or lower, ranged should use 20 or higher. Keep in mind that not all spells cast at 40! Some have a 30 yard range. Use a range that reflects the 'shortest' ranged spell in your rotation. Regarding the health - look for the phrase '', 'me.drink', or 'me.bandage.' Change the numbers after them to the values you prefer. Thanks for the suggestion!
Thanks for the feedback. I actually found and fixed 2 bugs based on your feedback. Mind Flay will no longer be clipped, and CastAll now works against the training dummies.
What class and spec are you playing, and where are you playing at? If you are an elemental shaman or a beast mastery hunter, I 'set you up da bomb.' Everyone that complains about their class not performing well enough without giving specifics, gets a 'PullMore' line added, so they pull 3 mobs at once. :-D If you don't like it, comment them out or remove them entirely. I like fighting 3 mobs at a time - wastes less time.
My code does no mounting or dismounting - it sounds like a different plugin is getting in there doing that maybe. Turn off all plugins except Refreshment Detection, make sure you're in grindbot mode, and try again.
It casts arcane shot, I just tested it. What kind of framerates are you getting in it? I get between 30 and 140 fps depending on what graphic options I have enabled (aging computer, about 2 years old). Make sure you have no plugins enabled except Refreshment Detection, and aren't using LazyRaider (or use it with framelocks off). If you have an older computer and suffer low framerates, look in the help file for instructions on how to make your computer play WoW better. Finally - while trying to repro your bug, I had occasion to whip out my Beast Master hunter and play with her some. Man, watching her fight with FTW is a thing of beauty! Pulling mobs, siccing her pet on them, feigning death - the kills go a lot faster with her that a lot of other classes. Playing my rogue, priest, and druid seems slow in comparison. Thanks for the feedback, and the excuse to look at my hunter again! I DID find and fix a bug in the hunter stuff, where it wasn't casting 'Mend Pet' out of combat, but I didn't see the performance problem you mentioned.
Woohoo release! About to level two fresh toons side by side running FTW all the way. +drink for a great all-in-one!
I think I saw what you were talking about, and tweaked it. If you click on an attackable mob, it would start attacking it for you, even if you weren't in combat yet. Is that what you were experiencing? If so, download the latest version, I changed it to not do that.
Tryed it with Raidbot, and Combatbot and got the same results. Very low FPS, like 4 and 5 when normal its around 60.
Is there any way you can add an option to override the scroll-lock combat function? I always run 2-3 toons at a time (saves doing dailys on each toon over and over) and I don't want my master moving, or targeting, but at the same time allowing my other instance to function as normal. I suppose I can reverse the true/false on the scroll lock function, but I am sure you could do something a bit better then me.
That is an interesting question, one I don't have an immediate answer for. I will think on it and get back to you!
Just a quick Q, i cannot get it to cast soulburn, and then soulswap on new mobs, i dunno why(when leveling a lock) other than that it is running awesome
OK, I got the 'Soul Swap' and 'Soul Swap Exhale' combo going, and updated the file. HonorBuddy's SpellManager didn't have it, but that wasn't all - it also always returns 'CanCast = false', so I had to override it in code as well. I had to do a 'CastOnce' on it, so it wouldn't eat the rotation, remove the spell override for Soul Swap, and modify the class rotation to use it - it comes before all the debuffs, since it expires so quickly. Took me about an hour - one of the more complex spell combos I've implemented.
Got another one for ya. And it is most likely not possible. Disengage for hunters: is it possible to make it only disengage to a safe spot, so you don't disengage into more enemies or over a cliff? This goes way over my coding and I haven't seen another coder being able to implement it
Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I realize I can't get by with having NO gui - that scroll lock toggle needs to be in a gui. I'll put it in one and release it later today.
It can be done, but it won't be easy, or 100% reliable. You know how if your back is to a hill and you disengage, you only go until you hit the hill? Or if you disengage with your back down hill, you go farther? It wouldn't accommodate those scenarios, it could only calculate the length of the disengage and treat that as your projected position. I'll keep it in mind as a feature, but don't hold your breath waiting for it, because it will be a while. Just comment out disengage if it's acting foolishly, for now.