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  • How Blizzard has (so far) won the battle of botting over me.

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by ni4ni, Oct 15, 2012.

    1. ni4ni

      ni4ni New Member

      Sep 30, 2010
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      First things first; I don't bot for the same reason a lot members on here do. It's seems a lot of botters do it for the gold but not for me. See, I'm a full-time student, part time slave, and simultaneously trying to get a small start up off the ground. That being said I don't have a lot of time to play WoW, certainly not as much as I did early on in Uni or High School. I used to play WoW pretty competitively and when my time became scarce botting gave me the edge and did the mundane for me. However things are different now, you can't just farm everything. Dailies are king, and unless there's a profile out that can fly me to do my Golden Lotus, Klaxxi, and Shado-pan dailies, then harvest my crops with the Tillers and solve whatever bullshit's going down at Halfhill (which btw: for a farming town they seem to be really shitty at you know...farming?)

      My point is this: Long gone are the days of being able to fish, herb, mine, and farm BG's to convert honor to justice. I'd love to stay current, it's the reason why I bought the bot (no pun intended), but at this moment in the game...Blizzard's won. Not to mention there's something new that's wrong with HB every other day. I know the gig is part time to the developers and I give them major kudos for doing what they do but your clients, consumers, us, are losing hope. Because for me I'm sad. One year from now I'll be getting married, starting a career, you know being all grown up & I know I won't have the time and pretty soon thereafter I'll stop paying 15 bucks a month for a game I rarely play. Maybe the time is now, maybe I should turn the page and start the next chapter of my life. Honorbuddy was the way of holding onto a great game that was with me throughout my younger years but now I might be letting go. Might. Whatever happens, thank you Honorbuddy for at least giving me an extra year.
    2. Natfoth

      Natfoth Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      This is not a part time gig for the core developers, we all work far more then the average person works a day. We work more then the average person works a week. Coding is not as simple as just flipping a switch and making it happen. It takes time, planning, and a ton of logic that goes into everything. Changing one small thing has changes to everything. We are working and getting a ton done, we have a ton of testers that test every release, and bugs are getting fixed. The tons of new bugs every release. I have no idea what you are talking about there, While I do agree that there is a lot of bugs still, a lot of them are caused by the auth system that has been posted a lot many times, that is out of my control and I get the same issues as everyone else. The rest of the bugs have been there from the start and are getting fixed and improved.

      Profiles come with time, In a few months all the community profiles will be out for all the dailies and you will be able to do everything you could before with dailies.

      Like you I bot because I enjoy it, I am probably the most broke guy on the forums when it comes to gold. I bot because I enjoy it and I love working on the core. If wow no longer suites you then you don;t need to stay and play it. You need to enjoy it. Things will be fixed on honorbuddy and the auth systems. The bot is a lifetime so if you want to stop now and check back in a few months you are more then welcome to do so. I know alot of people that have quit multiple times and always come back because there is nothing better to do. The bot is being improved on and getting better and better every single day. We knock out multiple bugs every single day and improve logic on many things. There are no new bugs poping up, just ones that are random or ones that happen because of the auth. They will be fixed and honorbuddy will be back to its very stable state soon enough.
    3. Gatherit

      Gatherit New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Aug 28, 2010
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      Greetings! I understand your frustration and it is unfortunate that the server auth problems have to happen at our busiest time for the bot. We really appreciate everyone being patient as we work diligently on updating, maintaining and providing updates for Honorbuddy. Keep in mind the team is working around the clock to push out updates. Apoc did mention a new auth service is being worked on. The bot will continue to work accordingly.
    4. steve1603

      steve1603 Member

      Aug 23, 2010
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      Ye Im like you guys I am broke as shit but, I bot because of the time factor. Dont get me wrong I love the game but some of the things in it are so mundane. Anywho I go on a hiatus from it every now and again but to be honest the bot is always what keeps me coming back. HB RULES!
    5. ni4ni

      ni4ni New Member

      Sep 30, 2010
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      I haven't finished reading yours, or anybody else's response for that matter, I will but I started to read yours and I feel like the meaning of my message wasn't sent correctly. I'm actually getting my degree in IT and have done work with the Bash of Linux and other forms of C so when I said I give y'all kudos I truly meant it. I honestly cannot believe the knowledge you all posses and am personally envious. My mistake on it being a part time gig, I thought you all hard other jobs and did this for the community on the side. I did not bot at the beginning of Cata so I'm not aware of the changes and what they entail, especially from the coding side. I was more trying to convey where my life is right now. It's fairly silly, I know, but more or so just a form of release I guess. Sorry again :(

      EDIT: Finished reading, thank you very much for taking the time to respond, address my concerns, and offer advice. It means a lot, thank you :)
    6. Phay

      Phay New Member

      Aug 5, 2012
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      HB might have some issues, but they legitimently work on them as best they can and as fast as they can, Ive seen some ugly UGLY customer service out there, but HB's devs have always been pretty on it when it comes to issues. Codings hard. Getting everything to be harmonious is harder. The MoP death patch changed so much for them, they had to redo everything. Now their auth servers are being arses. They are working on it. Wait for the profile monsters to eat their cookies and I'm sure some awesome daily profiles will come outta the woodwork.

      Natforth (much like his avatar) is always such a charismatic and dapper fellow on these forums, he gave you an answer, you can trust that shit.
    7. Natfoth

      Natfoth Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Glad someone finally gets the connection between the avatar.

      Also these posts help the dev team much more then any other posts. We work as hard as we can for the community and take everything you guys say into account. A simple thanks goes a long way.
    8. ni4ni

      ni4ni New Member

      Sep 30, 2010
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      Consider me trusting, thanks :)
    9. Insomni4c

      Insomni4c Member

      Jan 2, 2012
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      I started out botting to do the tedious things like grind honor and the bonus of making some gold via farming etc.

      But life has changed and I now bot purely because of the time aspect. I don't have time to level toons from 85-90, I want to spend the few hours I do actually get to play the game during the week ACTUALLY doing stuff (Arena etc), not just questing for levels.

      No complaints here about HB... haven't noticed anything drastically wrong or that stopped me from botting for more than 24 hours :)

      Keep up the good work!
    10. 90walosk

      90walosk New Member

      Sep 22, 2012
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      I must say that i have the same reason for botting as most people in this thread, for the mundane everyday tasks. Hb is the reason i can play this game in a fun way and i'd like to thank all the devs for that! Im also well aware about the problems HB is having right now, it's abit frustrating, but everytime i go on the forum there is a Dev answering threads, showing that you guys care.
      i've been trying different bots out there, and most of them actually don't give a crap aslong as the customer buys their product once. I just wanted to say Thank you to all the devs, showing that you guys actually care and work hard for your customers!

      (Sorry for my english, it's not my native tounge)
    11. Profresh

      Profresh New Member

      Sep 18, 2012
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      Thanks ;)
    12. furyz0r

      furyz0r Member

      Dec 4, 2011
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      I shouldn't be sharing this here, but whatever.
      At the moment, this bot makes me company, I have no one else, I have no IRL friends, or if I have, they are 40 miles away in another city.
      And when I say this bot makes me company, it really does.
      I'm botting and playing now, so I can try to make some money, so I can buy some stuff for me, food and other shit I need.
      And the way I bot, makes me feel confident and more powerful, and I can have anything I want inside the game, and if I bot hard enough, I can get something I need outside the game.
      I refresh this forum every minute, just to see if there is any update so I can get back to botting and be powerful on the game.
      I'm not mad at the staff that's always working and other shit on the bot, and trying to make it work.
      I'm mad at me for not having a fucking life, being alone, and having to use a fucking game to escape from this shit, and trying to make some money to be happier.
      I'm sorry for this shit, if you want, please delete it, I probably will.
    13. expir3d

      expir3d New Member

      Apr 4, 2012
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      I've same problem than OP. But i've been using bot for so long that i don't stress anymore. Dailys are the pain on the ass of this expansion, we'll get a profile sooner or later because this community is great :)
      Meanwhile i just keep botting for herbs. I can sit on a 200k + gold and enjoy raiding without wasting money or having to farm.
    14. cg1203im

      cg1203im New Member

      Feb 17, 2012
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      that sounds like coding is rocket science. seriously, it is not. it is logic, combined with a new language.
      i speak 5 languages. spoken better than written. thai, cantonese, german, english and french. and a coding language is nothing else than a spoken language. if you know the grammar, if you know the syntax, if you are able to calculate (=-*/) , if you are able to think logically, coding isn't so hard.
      you may ask, why i dont code my own bot, if i am so smart,... well i dont have the time and the patience.

      the hb coders do a good job. i dont know it is parttime or fulltime for bossland GmbH, sometimes i believe it is parttime, but thats just my thinking. what is really missing here is coordination.
      bossland GmbH (Gesellschaft mit beschraenkter Haftung) is a company. as i lived in germany, to start a GmbH it was necessarry to invest 20k dmark to get this form of a company. so there must be some good income from honorbuddy.
      and what the company delivers to the customers, not the developers, the company! is really not what paying customers expect to get. if a construction company would give this kind of work, they would be bankrupt within 2 months. nobody would hire them. bosslands fortune is, thats there is just a little to no competition.

      what you really need is coordination. project management. developers do their job, and they do it good. but it looks planless, if you see the whole picture. work a little on questing, than on gathering, nothing works, but continue on archeology first,... start 1 thing, finish this thing, give it to the customers. not 100% will be satisfied with the thing you finish first, but some will be.

      8 weeks after the testrealm went on, there was still nothing useable.
      you said, it was senceless to code in ptr time, cos blizz changed their code so many times. i say, ptr was on i forgot... 16047? for 4 weeks before mop went public. the same code as the published code.

      maybe the work you could have done would have been outdated. and you would have done all for nothing. but maybe not. the maybe not is the case.

      i am talking to much, and nobody reads until here, so i will stop now.
      developers, continue your good work.
      bossland, find a project manager who knows how to manage projects
    15. razer

      razer New Member

      Apr 29, 2012
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      Its funny how you blame HB for blizzard wining over your battle or something crap like that. I have botted for years and never been banned even with HB screwing up here and there, But you cant expect it to work 100% when a exp comes out and changes more crap. I am stilling botting 20 bots hard and strong. I dont know how they won but they only won against you
    16. zedyautja

      zedyautja Member

      Jan 12, 2012
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      Meh. 20/20 hindsight is awesome with regard to the build that Blizz decided to release.

      I paid less than the price of a computer game for Hb. I have used it every day for a long period of time, far more than any non subscription computer game I have ever owned, therefore I consider it great value for money. YMMV.
    17. steve1603

      steve1603 Member

      Aug 23, 2010
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      LOLZ my post got liked 2ce! thanks, tis the first time that has ever happend

      Anywho most of my extra time is spent with my wife (who hates the game) so HB makes her not nerd rage on me :eek:
    18. Reviir

      Reviir Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Mar 10, 2010
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      Been botting 20+ bots for years and never been banned? Hmm lies i think.
    19. chemical

      chemical Active Member

      Aug 30, 2010
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      shoot , my wife still hates it . even when i bot. only way i can do it is using a windows hiding program where she doesn't ever see it onscreen :)
    20. M83

      M83 New Member

      Jun 29, 2011
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      @OP, you are far from alone.... quite honestly... I think the MINORITY of botters are using it to make real $$$. I know I use it because I'm similar to you... full-time job, part-time job, girlfriend, addiction to about 10 different tv shows...

      I literally bot because it makes me look forward to seeing the progress i've made while I was at work. Sometimes a get home and I see that my bot has been running between 2 hotpoints since 5 minutes after i left it. Or I come home to find my new Shaman jump from lvl 12 to 38 questing.

      I BARELY ever even actually play the game.... that is what it has come to... I'm more interested in the progression of my characters and what they were able to farm. Just writing this is making me realize how weird this is....

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