I tested this CC an a Dummy and it works pretty good! I saw that i didn't cast Stampede, will the bot do it only against a boss?
tried to test it against a training dummy, everything worked so far except that it doesnt cast any cobra shots. I kept the standard settings (except i turned on cool downs)
Can you go over the exact settings you use? I think the largest dps setting is the "No cobra over certain amount of focus" setting. I'm pulling a lil over 100k on elegon and I'm very interested in pushing towards your 130k. Also, it seems to not want to use all cooldowns on certain bosses, namely the spirit kings. I've been casting stampede and readiness on cooldown, as they aren't getting used on the first 3 phases.
Looks like you don't have an english client. You need to have an english client. The No Cobra Shot over certain amount of focus setting is there only to ensure that you don't go over cap really, as long it you're never over capped or undercapped than you should be fine. Also what comes to cooldowns, it should use them on any world boss or high level target but note this. It will not use Rapid Fire and Bestial Wrath at the same time. Nor will it use either of those if Bloodlust or something equivalent is active. The reason being that during Bestial Wrath spells cost less focus, allowing you to practically spam them non-stop. And During Rapid Fire / High Haste you gain focus faster and can cast Cobra Shot fast. During Bestial Wrath there's no need to use cobra shot so it's a dps loss if both are used at the same time. Anyway, some news about the Combat Routine. A big update is coming up, this will be Beast Master 2.0 What I've done is recoded the combat routine to use TreeSharp, a different method that uses true priority lists. I've tested it and it's a clear DPS boost. Using TreeSharp makes the rotation cast things in more correct order and faster. Since it actually runs the priority list I don't have to make checks to make sure it doesn't cast something else instead of the spell we want to cast first. I've also added in option to cast explosive trap on a single target. As well as option for at which health % to use deterrence.
The Beast Master TreeSharp edition is live and uploaded. You can get it from the main post or SVN. There's a few new features and a bunch of fixes in addition to the new recode so test stuff out and let me know if something doesn't work right.
Haven't done heroics or raid yet, but looks like I'm not aoeing while doing dailies. I'll grab a log shortly.
Seems to be working nicely with the treesharp feature. The only thing I'm noticing is I seem to be casting cobrashot a lot. But I think that has to do with my setting what percent do you normally use?
Thanks for this great CC!! I can't wait for servers to go live so I can test the latest addition, also to the guy who said he's pulling 130k could you please tell us which talents you're using? Thanks