Do you delete the acocunt and start over on a new account ot do you keep on botting on that account? I'm particoulary interested in the opinion of "professional" botter, the one with 10+ account running at the same time. This is couse i got a 72h suspention on an account with just vanilla+tbc, before buyng the other expansion for it i'm thinking abount shut it down and start on a fresh one, what do you do?
I had a authenticator put on my account.. posted on the WoW tech fourms got it removed.. got hit a with a 72 hr ban.. waited like 2 weeks before I even called to get it back.. got it back.. and played by hand for a week or so just doing 5manz and raids with my warrior bc I just got it to 80 when it was hacked.. now im 3 80s deep and still botting like a MF.. well not atm bc of the patch but even if they do throw up another update to HB for us to use... im still going to wait.. have not been banned since vanilla and glider.. so I one of the few lucky ones..
They suspect you are violating the terms. Don't bot with this account for a long time. (maybe months) It is now on somebodies radar screen. Good Luck.
I release the grip and remove some of the handlotion from my desk. Oh, and I keep botting like there is no tomorrow.
agreed , if they had proof you wouldn't have an acc. truth is gm's are outnumbered by millions and just don't have the time to sit and watch everyone so they rely on warden to catch you. just bot like hell till you have more gold than jebus
On all 15 accounts used with HB/GB I have never had a ban or suspension, guess I just do things properly.