If it seems to be walking somewhere weird, make sure you've: Started HonorBuddy, but have not yet clicked the 'Start' button. Click on 'Plugins', checked the checkbox for 'FightHere', selected the line, and said 'Set hotspot to my location.' Waited for the text to appear in the HonorBuddy window that dumps nearby mob names and faction id's. Turned OFF the plugin by clicking on 'Plugins', and unselecting the checkbox for 'FightHere.' Make sure you're in grindbot mode. Make sure your empty grindbot profile looks like this: Code: <HBProfile /> Check the 'Info' window to see if it's actually going off to repair or something. If you want to permanently save the file, navigate to HonorBuddy/Plugins/FightHere, and rename FightHere.xml to something else, and drag it where you want.
Hey Kamilche, Just wanted to say that I love the plugin. It's been a consistent way for me to move my grind area as if I were questing throughout the day. Overall its an A+! Using this has made me think. What is stopping you from adding the ability to add multiple hotspots? You have everything in place to do this but the <GrindArea> only has one hotspot. What I would propose is very similar to how you have it currently built. Take the current button and change it from "Set hotspot to my location" to "Build a profile". The rest can be explained in the picture file I have attached. I hope this makes sense and thanks!
Exactly like http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...plugin-zaprecorder2-profile-recorder-gb2.html ? Theres a plug in that does this already granted its for GB2 but can be converted very easily.
OK, well, I decided to spiff up this product a LOT today. It took time away from FightThisWay even, heh! Anyways - I added a user interface to it, which makes it SO much clearer what is happening. Also, now, when there's nothing left to do, it will head back to its home base (original center), instead of just standing out in the field. Here's a picture to lure you: You can check boxes to select the mobs, drag the slider to select the radius, and optionally loot chests as well.
I cant see the "Set hotspot to my location" butoon, it just sometimes create a profile thats working and sometimes not, when i click options and the save.
follow the instructions, worked perfectly for me. maybe you're just stupid or cant read idk, but get your shit together before you call it a "garbage plugin" newbie.
I changed the interface yesterday - it now has a 'Show Mobs' button instead of 'Set Hotspot' button, which brings up a UI. Make sure you have the latest version. I'll update the instructions later today.
I get this error, but it still seem to work. PHP: Styx.InvalidObjectPointerException: Cannot read a descriptor on an invalid object. at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.[](UInt32 ) at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.[]( ) at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.get_FactionId() at FightHere.FightHere.Pulse() in c:\Users\xxx\Dropbox\hb\HB1\Plugins\FightHere\FightHere.cs:line 177 at Styx.Plugins.PluginWrapper.Pulse()
Also this. PHP: Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.ProfileAttributeExpectedException`1[System.Single]: XML Error: Value "-10682,47" in "X" attribute is not supported! Expected floating type. - On line 37 - [X="-10682,47"] vid Styx.CommonBot.AreaManagement.Hotspot..ctor(XElement element) [16:45:40.644 D] Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.ProfileAttributeExpectedException`1[System.Single]: XML Error: Value "433,3908" in "Y" attribute is not supported! Expected floating type. - On line 37 - [Y="433,3908"] vid Styx.CommonBot.AreaManagement.Hotspot..ctor(XElement element) And it does not generate hotspots in the file. Full log. View attachment 1944 2012-10-18 18.44.txt
Looks like a foreign language error, I see commas in that hotspot instead of a period. What language are you using?
Also, yes the .xml has comma , and not dot . i don?t know why this is, ZapRecorder works just fine and makes it . ... Other then that issue great work, might add some mailbox list and vendor list.