looking for testers for: Quest Profile Townlong Steppes start at lvl 88 Fire Camp Osul (Townlong Steppes) Finish at lvl 89 at Niuzao Temple (Townlong Steppes) This profile runs for achievment One Steppe Forward, Two Steppes Back Download here http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/submitted-profiles/68612-cava-s-profiles-lvl-1-a.html PLEASE REPORT ALL BUGS
So far so good have just got to the quests at Lower Sumprushes - A Spear through my side..... and no problems so far at all.
Not sure if this is a bug Never did this before but it cannot find the repair sell vendor steelbender dosho , I just started the bot at the last inn i was hearthed to used all your quest profiles so far level 89 about 12 bars from 90. Anyways here is the log.
At approximately 75/85 buy the canons at Gao-Ran Battlefront toon tends to get stuck there just runs into them and when it recovers it gets stuck a few more times before it figures it out.
just repair manualy and start the bot, can you please upload the log before this one? the one when he got all armor broken that need repair?
I was on the quest to heal the pandas and kill the mobs sorry can't remember the name!! 2nd bug Hands in Quest Thieves and Troublemakers then HS then has to run back to hand in In the wrong hands just need to move the HS command down a line or two Thanks again This profile went great!!!!
I just finished every profile up to kun-lai summit, and the toon(fury warrior, singular CC) dinged 89 exactly at the last quest on the kun-lai summit profile , going to load this one up.
Profile in development, Please check again later Why does it tell me that? everytime i try to start the bot?
hi great 88-89 profile up to now apart from when i had to fight the big sha of hatred i think it is inside the building it tried to acceped a quest what wasnt there so to make the profile work again i had to remove these quests </If> <Objective QuestName="The Sha of Hatred" QuestId="30968" Type="KillMob" MobId="62541" KillCount="1" /> <TurnIn QuestName="The Sha of Hatred" QuestId="30968" TurnInName="Taoshi" TurnInId="62802" X="1400.644" Y="4430.052" Z="86.87626" /> <PickUp QuestName="The Threat in the South" QuestId="31656" GiverName="Taoshi" GiverId="62802" X="1400.644" Y="4430.052" Z="86.87626" /> <If Condition="HasQuest(31687)" > <RunTo X="1800.423" Y="4208.081" Z="156.4559" /> <RunTo X="1818.497" Y="4221.948" Z="153.2466" /> <RunTo X="1531.73" Y="3963.7" Z="227.666" /> <CustomBehavior File="ForceSetVendor" DoSell="True" DoRepair="True" /> </If> <TurnIn QuestName="Thinning the Sik'thik" QuestId="31687" TurnInName="Rensai Oakhide" TurnInId="62278" X="1566.833" Y="3981.817" Z="227.2577" /> <TurnIn QuestName="The Search for Restless Leng" QuestId="31688" TurnInName="Rensai Oakhide" TurnInId="62278" X="1566.833" Y="3981.817" Z="227.2577" /> <If Condition="!HasQuest(30921) && !IsQuestCompleted(30921)" > <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="62874" NumOfTimes="1" WaitTime="1000" CollectionDistance="100" X="1846.069" Y="4274.018" Z="148.8683" /> <CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/click StaticPopup1Button1" NumOfTimes="1" WaitTime="1000" /> <!--new HS= 1846.069" Y="4274.018" Z="148.8683" />--> <CustomBehavior File="ForceSetVendor" DoSell="True" DoRepair="True" DoMail="True" /> but its working again now i guess it was because i didnt do a cirtain quest but yea just thaught id let you know
Bot is getting stuck trying to pickup The Threat in the South after Killing Sha the hatred Toashi is the quest giver that is there helping u kill Sha the hatred but after killing him she dont offer a quest i ended up flying over to where she was an picked it up but where the profile is trying to get it she isnt there offering the quest not sure if i missed a quest in kun-Lia summit or not but ive read a few posts on the forums an alot have the same issue mybe wana fix that quest or point it in second directon to have it pickup the quest if she isnt offering it to others she is at northeast corner of the zone to the Terrace of Gurthan.there is Fp there an she is in the left corner.