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  • What happened to Honorbuddy?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by elode, Oct 19, 2012.

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    1. elode

      elode New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I remember a time when I could press start and bot for hours or even days on end without worrying. 1-80 with a push of a button.

      Now it seems I can't go more than a couple hours (or even a couple minutes) without getting an auth error, or a "no data" error, a random crash, a random stop, blacklisting error, etc etc etc.

      Wtf happened to HB?
    2. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      post your log under support section in case you have peoblems
    3. Draganos

      Draganos Member

      Oct 7, 2011
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      dont you receive 10.000s of error reports via crash report?
    4. stiansk

      stiansk New Member

      Nov 19, 2011
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      Its the same with me man.
      My bot stops after 2-3 mins afk up in the air while farming. Ill have to sit and keep an eye out for the bot. And then restart HB to make it work for another 5 minutes. It worked before the update today tho.
    5. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      The bot is still being worked on after a major re-write. When MoP came out the developers decided to clean up code, change the API to make it better, and a lot of other major changes. It's going to take a while before it gets back to what you're used to using. The developers are still working on it, still trying to improve it, and still trying to get all the bugs out. It's slowly getting better. It's just going to take time. Until then you're either going to have to deal with the bugs, or if you don't like it, stop using it and play by hand or find another bot. That's really all that can be said.

      Also, when making reports about a problem, it always helps to attach a log file so that the developers can look to see what's causing the problem to fix it.
    6. Linoolosemail

      Linoolosemail New Member

      Oct 11, 2011
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      Ich vermisse etwas das unproblematische Umgang mit dem Bot.Nach MoP kann man das Teil kaum noch nutzten ... Gatherbuddy2 Kr?uter skillen dauert richtig lange .. gegen?ber fr?her stoppt er zig mal.Versuche gerade ein M?nch etwas hochzuzocken aber zeitweise geht gar nix :) obwohl der M?nch Pandare lief etwas fl?ssiger als der Blutelfe

      Viele Quest sind nicht machbar da der NPC ID nicht vorhanden ist etc.Aber hoffe einfach da? es bald wieder besser wird.Ich sehe ja die Arbeit von den Programmierer .. nur langsam vermisse ich ebend den Bot.Obwohl ich beim botten immer zu 90 % anwesend gewesen bin
    7. qztr

      qztr Active Member

      Mar 31, 2012
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      So why break Gatherbuddy more with todays update? :/
      Atleast it worked with last verion :(
      Oh well..
    8. pdmason2009

      pdmason2009 New Member

      Aug 5, 2010
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      Not to be a negative Nancy here, but since you spoke up....

      The premise of your argument is, "The product you purchased is now broken. They are working on fixing it. Likely when it is fixed it will be superior. Until then, despite having paid for the product, you will have to act as though you purchased nothing."

      I don't recall ever seeing anything on the forums about a "major re-write". I know the bot was being updated for the current expansion, and that some changes were being made but I don't recall being informed of a complete overhaul, much less one that would cause the product to be all but useless for weeks on end.

      Informing the user base of this prior to doing it would have been a huge step in the right direction. It has been said that permission is often far easier to obtain than forgiveness. While permission is not at all the right word in this context, the theory still applies. Had we known going in that would we be looking at large amount of downtime for even basic functions the blow would have been a lot softer.

      As far as the "Its just going to take time" part. Another huge blunder in this instance is not providing any, even the most wildly vague, time frames. It is better to double your highest estimate and state that openly as your schedule for completion than to leave the issue a complete unknown. Things like "we're working on it" and "when it's done" only serve to frustrate people.

      And saying that someone must "play by hand or find another bot". We purchased this one. It is the one we wanted. If I go to a restaurant and pay for a chicken sandwich only to be told an hour later that some problems arose and I have the option of eating nothing or going to a different restaurant, I'm going to be upset.

      A lot of things in this context could have been handled differently. Even a few simple changes to the way these issues are presented would make things flow a lot smoother. Simply showing up, taking the side of the designers and posting some ambiguous statements about what people have to do is at best, petulant.

      I've been a customer of this service for a long time. I've seen its ups and downs over the years. It has, to its own credit, only improved over time. The current gap in service is greater than any I've experienced before with this company. I know that it will return to the premium service of its kind that it has been in the past. I have no doubt of that. I just hope that developers realize that the amount of time required to get to that point has already exceeded an acceptable parameter.
    9. Natfoth

      Natfoth Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      None of the issues with gatherbuddy are related to the bot at all. It would have broke on the old original and it still affects it now. Its because of the servers that caused it to break and just stop moving not because of any bot updates. The only thing the updates are doing is improving the bot, but its being setback by the server problems that are causing things to just randomly break.

      and pdmason2009

      almost every botbase has been working for a while, I am still going through and improving them all but they all work as they should and have for a while. Most of the issues being caused the last week have been from the server - bot communication that causes it to go haywire. The fact is that it has nothing to do with the bot, it works as intended. MoP profiles need to be improved but they all work great also. I have leved 5 guys from 1 - 85 earlier this week and only had to touch them on the places you had to help them on during cata.

      Also about the updates, we have so many updates about the problem. I think we posted 10 a day, and responded personally to every post we could. Just because people posted about the problems EVEN though there was announcments on them does not mean we are keeping everyone in the dark. Also the irc is open to everyone that wants to go in it as the devs are there.
      Last edited: Oct 19, 2012
    10. Venus112

      Venus112 New Member

      Jun 17, 2010
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      Nat, I am sorry but come on. If the bot doesn't work properly, the bot doesn't work properly.

      What you are saying is basically the same as if you bought a pre build pc and the motherboard stopped working. The tech support tells you: the motherboard is not working, but the pc doesn't have a problem.

      Due to the fact that the servers aren't functioning correctly - the bot isn't working correctly. There is no need to keep telling people it is working. Hb does not function without the servers meaning the bot isn't functioning.

      God I hope I make sense
      Cipro likes this.
    11. dracoe

      dracoe Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      To answer OP question. What happen to HB was that in order to expand operations they created Buddy Wing, Tankleader, demonbuddy and god knows what else. Now having all this bots, the quality of HB has gone down to the shits since is not the main product, is not the focus of the company. So we are patiently waiting until they decided to really fix it, or maybe they are just barely making it work in case the court decides they need to stop it, so they don't lose much money and man hours. Is been 8 weeks, patch 5.1 is around the corner, that will add more changes. So we will have to wait 4-5 more months or if courts hit them R.I.P. HB.
    12. Natfoth

      Natfoth Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I agree, it is breaking the bot and the justifications are still valid. But the like the post above is what the issue is. This is happening acrossed all the bots, not just honorbuddy. Yes its having major issues and yes it sucks, and it does affect me also so its not like I don't want it fixed just as much as you guys. But the bot itself is working great, but it has issues because of the server. People are projecting the issues onto specific things when in reality its affecting everything which is major and has to be fixed.

      I agree with it not being usable at times because of the servers but that is not the job I focus on. My job is the bot and I make sure the bot is working good. There are a few issues left like ArcyBuddy but overall the bot itself is doing great but being hindered by server communication.

      Also honorbuddy is the main product and while yes before the pre-patch came out there was not many updates, that was before I was brought on. I am now the core dev for the bot and will make sure it keeps getting constant upgrades.
    13. dracoe

      dracoe Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Get a friggin taser and go around the office and taze the noobs that manage the servers while yelling - Save The Pandas!!! make a demand of working servers. If they do not do as you say, you will one of those metal taser for elephants. I bet you they will fix them.
      Last edited: Oct 19, 2012
    14. Natfoth

      Natfoth Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      lol your assuming that has not already been done.
    15. dracoe

      dracoe Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I guess is time to cut a few in pieces and feed the pigs. Get new peeps and use this noobs as an example.
    16. pdmason2009

      pdmason2009 New Member

      Aug 5, 2010
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      The cause of a problem is always a good thing to know. It helps people see that there is a reasonable need for a delay. However in this cause what piece of the equation isn't working fails to alleviate the issue. I'm not pointing the finger at the developers or designers or server technicians or any one individual section. It was my mistake to use the word "developers" at the end of one of my statements. Which portion of the system is failing doesn't help me to overcome the fact that it is failing. Saying the bot works as intended is to separate the bot and the server into different entities. While i'm aware that technically they are two systems, obviously one does not function without the other. The "bot" in this case for myself and I would assume many others, is the culmination of a working system. At present your statement is like a mechanic telling me that the my car's engine is working great but that the transmission is failing and that's something I need to take up with the transmission specialist.

      Is the server a system unrelated the Honorbuddy? Supported by someone else who is not under Honorbuddy's control or scrutiny? If that is the case, I apologize completely and withdraw my previous statement while retreating to the penalty box.
    17. Natfoth

      Natfoth Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      We have all the bots as individual systems and the core servers, the bots are totally separate from the servers but require the authentication and meshes to run. No matter what I do in updates if the server breaks then so does the bot even if it was an extreamly stable build. We have quite a few servers and all the bots all use the same servers, that's why the issues were affecting them all. Honorbuddy itself is working amazing, but the servers are apparently still screwing up so it is technically still a broken car. The entities are totally separate but are still required for the whole. The issues everyone is pissed about is not a problem with the bot. Gatherbuddy 2 just standing there is not an issue with the bot. No data for xxx.etm is not an issue with the bot. But it still breaks it.
    18. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      It amuses me when people shove forced assumptions in my mouth, or more so, they interpret what I say as me saying something completely different from what I was actually trying to get across. It's my own fault, I know. I place too much faith in humanity that they would interpret simple things as being simple things, not that I'm out to get them, or tell them to piss off, or God knows whatever else has been forced into the interpretations of my ramblings. I know that English isn't a primary language for a lot of the bot users, and as such, again it's my own fault.

      Simply put, if you were following all the threads at the time of the MoP launch, you would have seen that they did, in fact, say that the bot was being re-written. I suppose I'll have to go back and try to find this so that I can prove myself correct. They said they were cleaning up the API, cleaning up code, and re-writing the bot. And, I was only saying to use another bot if you simply had the lack of patience to wait for things to get worked out. Why? Because venting on the forums is, in fact, not getting things repaired any faster and it's making other users miserable having to read such negative postings and rantings from nerd-ragers across the board. It makes Honorbuddy, as a whole, look like a bunch of nitwit coders when, in fact, they are not. I have seen tons of improvement since the initial release of the MoP bot, so I know they're not sitting around on their laurels doing nothing. They're working, and they have said on many occasions that it will take time to get things fixed and running smoothly again. Patience is a virtue that many bot users are lacking, apparently.
    19. jawetzel

      jawetzel New Member

      Jan 4, 2012
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      Im not sure what your purposes are for the bot. Mine have been mostly gatherbuddy2 and bgbuddy some, but i had some issues where the bot wasn't working up to par (including pausing toward the start of beginning a gatherbuddy2 profile, and communication with the servers) until i started restarting wow, restarting honorbuddy before every use. Even just changing zones or chars, and since i started doing this it is very rare that there is any problem with the start up(Sometimes there is the max key uses, but i just have to wait a minute or 2 until the old log in times out), and never any problem with continual running unless there was an update or blizz was doing their daily restart.
    20. raptram

      raptram New Member

      Feb 23, 2012
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      I've submitted so many crash reports that the popup says I can't submit any more.

      Also, the biggest problem we're having isn't something that gets logged, it's a problem with the mesh downloads.
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