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  • What happened to Honorbuddy?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by elode, Oct 19, 2012.

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    1. ThunderBot360

      ThunderBot360 New Member

      Dec 21, 2011
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      I really don't understand what all the complaining is for.. Things break and people have to fix them. Things become outdated and someone has to upgrade them. This is something that will happen throughout your lifetimes. If you have a car, it may break. If you have a computer, it may break. If you have a house, it may break. ETC... All these things along with some types of software (WoW included btw) rely on a number of separate systems in order to function 100%. If one of those systems is broken or not performing properly then it will need to be fixed before things return to 100% performance. If your car gets a flat you can't drive it but you don't bitch about the engine needing replaced. If your motherboard dies you don't bitch to AMD or nVIDIA that your video card isn't working. If you do not understand how something works don't make assumptions and bitch about what you THINK the problem is. You relay the issue to someone who DOES know how to fix things, in this case the HB Dev's who do know there is a problem and are working on it. Yes you paid for it and that's why they take so much of their time and effort to repair it when it breaks. Same with WoW when something goes crazy on auth servers and you can't log in, or people are getting disconnected, etc. If your car that you paid for breaks down you don't go bitching to the company that you want your money back or you wasted it buying that car, you just wait for it to get fixed like the rest of us. YES IT SUCKS BUT HEY, THAT'S LIFE.
    2. raptram

      raptram New Member

      Feb 23, 2012
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      We're complaining because there is no clear line of communication from the developers to the customers letting us know that they know what the problems are and are addressing them.

      We're complaining because we don't know what's going on, and the only response we're getting is copied and pasted troubleshooting for problems we're not having and requests for logs for something that's wrong on their end.

      " If you have a car, it may break."

      I complain to the dealer or a mechanic.

      "If you have a computer, it may break."

      I complain to whoever made the computer.

      "If you have a house, it may break."

      I complain to the plumber, electrician, or contractor who is responsible for the broken part.

      Do you seriously not see how mind blowingly wrong you are?
    3. qztr

      qztr Active Member

      Mar 31, 2012
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      Yep, it's gone now. Been running since my previous post basically.
      Working great now :)
    4. gankon

      gankon New Member

      Apr 1, 2012
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      this is a nice point! and yeah because of lots of reports, we cannot report more errors anymore.. niceeeee at least make us to report again..
    5. Crazyness85

      Crazyness85 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I do believe you have not even read the thread you are posting in... Natfoth has in this very thread explained in great detail about the servers not working properly and that if the servers are not working the bot will suffer as a result. The bot its self is working (the actual program), the servers are screwing things up such as the stop and go behavior of GB2.

      Just to further push this point, there are numerous posts spread all throughout these forums explaining the servers' malfunctions.
    6. xaq

      xaq New Member

      Aug 29, 2012
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      Respectfully - If your house breaks, you will pay someone to fix your plumbing, if your car breaks, unless it is under a warranty you'll pay someone to fix it and in that case someone is getting paid anyway, just not by you - if your computer breaks, same deal as the car...

      You paid for a piece of software that was at version A - let's assume you paid for it a year ago. Since then you've received continual updating, new profiles, new features, new expansion support, and haven't paid a single extra penny. The software is now at version "S" and you haven't paid a single additional penny... This is analogous to you buying windows XP and then getting mad that it doesn't support HTML5 and you can't download patches for it anymore. I'm sorry but I'm on the dev's side here - the product works 90% of the time for me, if not more and when it doesn't it's an easy fix.

      As a software developer myself, I can tell you that this model does NOT scale well, and frankly - no one in the industry uses a pay once, get free lifetime support model - Are you willing to pay a subscription fee, say $2.00/mo to bot and to have 24x7 support? I certainly would be - and I think many people would be, the reality of the situation is HB is very probably at critical mass, and the only way to continue to generate revenue from it is to enable a subscription and work to support it as such.

      Now to the devs: If the issue is with the server authentication, and mesh downloads - why is it the bot cannot be run offline - I'm a bit baffled why if I am questing in zones x,y and Z, and am online for hours at a time that it must maintain a constant session connection, and why can't it cache all the data necessary, and refresh as necessary - For many of us we are repeating the same profiles over and over and over, whether it be for farming or for questing such that the amount of redundant data downloaded would seem to be excessive (I'm speculating, I don't actually know what is downloaded and maintained).

      I would love to see some type of token authentication where we authenticate once every <insert time frame here> and receive a valid token, That token is validated at the time interval, and the session is stopped if it's invalid - this would prevent rogue use of the bot for more than the time interval - the user could also define the amount of storage to allow for cached mesh information, maybe 100MB, maybe 1TB, whatever works for each user - this would prevent each user having to touch the server continually... You should also consider some type of data deduplication if your servers are having difficulty sending/loading all that data to the users...

      My point is if i have 10 bots that have all done dragonblight quests, I Shouldn't need to continually download tile information for those areas?

      Respectfully - X
    7. raptram

      raptram New Member

      Feb 23, 2012
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      I do believe you have not even read the post you quoted, in which I not only mentioned letting us know they know that something is wrong, but also letting us know that they're fixing it. All I've seen is posts by moderators and developers asking for logs and telling people to disable their firewalls, and if they were acknowledging that it was a problem with their servers they wouldn't be saying that.

      "Respectfully - If your house breaks, you will pay someone to fix your plumbing, if your car breaks, unless it is under a warranty you'll pay someone to fix it and in that case someone is getting paid anyway, just not by you - if your computer breaks, same deal as the car..."

      Respectfully, we paid for Honorbuddy.

      "You paid for a piece of software that was at version A"

      You have no idea what you're talking about. Since Honorbuddy requires server communication to function, and we paid for Y++ licenses, we paid for whatever "Y++" is of support and a functioning bot. All I want is for the developers to say "we acknowledge the problem and are doing x, y, and z to address it."
      Last edited: Oct 19, 2012
    8. Natfoth

      Natfoth Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Then go back and read the entire thread, also its been stated in official announcements and its been stated in the irc, and its been stated in posts. I can see nothing to indicate that we have done nothing but keep everyone in the dark. There has been soo much information about it.
    9. liam911

      liam911 New Member

      Dec 29, 2011
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      well all i see wrong is people comparing a program with a car.. car has parts that can break, code has parts that cant break unless it is conflicted, a car costs alot more than this and will not last you 3.6k days without breakage and maintenance. this bot has less errors than a car gives you normally. the server well the server has nothing to do with the code of the bot it is a logging and auth server also you get your meshes from here and if they is a error there then the bot breaks as "it doesnt have a response from the server" and if no response then you get no meshes, if they servers arent big enough people wont be able to log in and will always lag and might disconnect, with a server of there size it would cost alot to do a rebuild, if they did a rebuild then you would say "err the bots broke lets go add to the 10000s reports they get of the same problem, oh there is a forum lets make another just so they is more of the same problem" when they would make an announcement before anything like this. when they is bugs try looking in the forums for a solution insted of creating another. also with 4-5 bots to update and multiple forums like this one it gets hard give them sometime and i am sure they will make the servers better longer they keep getting distracted from fixing something longer it takes to fix!

    10. ThunderBot360

      ThunderBot360 New Member

      Dec 21, 2011
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      This is my last post in response to you and those like you:

      They know there is an issue, one of the Dev's have even responded as such in this forum. You can rage all you like and attack those of us who are keeping calm and waiting it out but that isn't going to get you any closer to an answer that will satisfy you. They want it working the same as we do as soon as that's possible. Perhaps there is no more information given to the end user because there is no more information on their end? It's broken and they are working to fix it. If they say 24 hours and it's not fixed you will just come back with more to rage about, if they say a week then again, more raging because its not soon enough.
      The only answer you are probably going to get was already given to by Natfoth.

      You keep telling us we don't know what we are talking about but really do you? Do you fully understand coding and server-side communication/maintenance? While my post was made in general and not directed at you personally it seems you took offense to that and I apologize. Attacking other HB members or the Dev team will not get you results. Patience and understanding and perhaps civil communication will go much further.
    11. Crazyness85

      Crazyness85 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Okay okay, lets see here...

      natfoth explains the problems and acknowledges and excepts the problems... these quotes are on page 1 and 2 of this thread.
    12. Natfoth

      Natfoth Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Everything here has been answered by now. Locking.
    13. bambam922

      bambam922 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Everyone needs to be patient.
      If you would have read my announcement yesterday, Hawker gave a reply.

      This mean the servers are still being tinkered with.
      We are aware and have been for a while that the servers are having problems.

      Now I hope all of your are familiar with server loads.
      Websites can be crashed when only a few thousand people bombard their website quickly.
      At 2:40 this morning, Hawker posted this in Skype.
      This shows that not even at peak times, there were still 17000 people connected to the server, constantly requesting information from it.

      I know that all the time, we ask a lot from everyone.
      But yet again we are requesting your patience.
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