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  • [Warlock CC] skiWarlock 3.0 for HB2 - ALL TREES -

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by ski, May 26, 2010.

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    1. scorpion1989

      scorpion1989 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      my log

      [10:15:52 AM:805] Loading Honorbuddy settings.
      [10:15:52 AM:834] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\Ron\Desktop\HELP\hb\HBCompilation\Horde-1-60-Modified.xml
      [10:15:52 AM:834] FoodName: Roasted Quail
      [10:15:52 AM:835] DrinkName: Morning Glory Dew
      [10:15:52 AM:835] MountName: Dreadsteed
      [10:15:52 AM:836] MeshesFolderPath: C:\Users\Ron\Desktop\HELP\mesh
      [10:15:52 AM:836] LootMobs: True
      [10:15:52 AM:837] SkinMobs: True
      [10:15:52 AM:838] NinjaSkin: True
      [10:15:52 AM:838] LootChests: False
      [10:15:52 AM:839] HarvestMinerals: False
      [10:15:52 AM:839] HarvestHerbs: True
      [10:15:52 AM:840] UseMount: True
      [10:15:52 AM:840] UseOldForm: False
      [10:15:52 AM:841] PullDistance: 30
      [10:15:52 AM:841] LootRadius: 99
      [10:15:52 AM:842] RafFollowDistance: 3
      [10:15:52 AM:842] SelectedBotIndex: 0
      [10:15:52 AM:843] FormLocationX: 1919
      [10:15:52 AM:844] FormLocationY: 115
      [10:15:52 AM:845] UseExperimentalPathFollowing: True
      [10:15:52 AM:951] Attached to WoW with ID 5872
      [10:16:04 AM:4] Authenticating..
      [10:16:06 AM:247] Authentication successful.
      [10:16:06 AM:317] Building spell book
      [10:16:06 AM:399] Adding: Auto Attack
      [10:16:06 AM:403] Adding: Axe Specialization
      [10:16:06 AM:407] Adding: Blood Fury
      [10:16:06 AM:411] Adding: Command
      [10:16:06 AM:414] Adding: Dodge
      [10:16:06 AM:418] Adding: Find Herbs
      [10:16:06 AM:421] Adding: Hardiness
      [10:16:06 AM:424] Adding: Lifeblood
      [10:16:06 AM:428] Adding: Master of Anatomy
      [10:16:06 AM:431] Adding: Shoot
      [10:16:06 AM:435] Adding: Skinning
      [10:16:06 AM:438] Adding: Corruption
      [10:16:06 AM:442] Adding: Curse of Agony
      [10:16:06 AM:447] Adding: Curse of the Elements
      [10:16:06 AM:451] Adding: Curse of Tongues
      [10:16:06 AM:455] Adding: Curse of Weakness
      [10:16:06 AM:460] Adding: Death Coil
      [10:16:06 AM:464] Adding: Drain Life
      [10:16:06 AM:467] Adding: Drain Mana
      [10:16:06 AM:473] Adding: Drain Soul
      [10:16:06 AM:477] Adding: Fear
      [10:16:06 AM:481] Adding: Howl of Terror
      [10:16:06 AM:485] Adding: Life Tap
      [10:16:06 AM:488] Adding: Banish
      [10:16:06 AM:492] Adding: Create Firestone
      [10:16:06 AM:495] Adding: Create Healthstone
      [10:16:06 AM:499] Adding: Create Soulstone
      [10:16:06 AM:502] Adding: Create Spellstone
      [10:16:06 AM:506] Adding: Demon Armor
      [10:16:06 AM:510] Adding: Demon Skin
      [10:16:06 AM:515] Adding: Demonic Empowerment
      [10:16:06 AM:520] Adding: Detect Invisibility
      [10:16:06 AM:523] Adding: Enslave Demon
      [10:16:06 AM:527] Adding: Eye of Kilrogg
      [10:16:06 AM:530] Adding: Fel Domination
      [10:16:06 AM:534] Adding: Health Funnel
      [10:16:06 AM:537] Adding: Ritual of Summoning
      [10:16:06 AM:541] Adding: Sense Demons
      [10:16:06 AM:545] Adding: Shadow Ward
      [10:16:06 AM:548] Adding: Soul Link
      [10:16:06 AM:552] Adding: Summon Felguard
      [10:16:06 AM:555] Adding: Summon Imp
      [10:16:06 AM:559] Adding: Summon Voidwalker
      [10:16:06 AM:562] Adding: Unending Breath
      [10:16:06 AM:566] Adding: Hellfire
      [10:16:06 AM:569] Adding: Immolate
      [10:16:06 AM:573] Adding: Rain of Fire
      [10:16:06 AM:576] Adding: Searing Pain
      [10:16:06 AM:580] Adding: Shadow Bolt
      [10:16:06 AM:584] Adding: Soul Fire
      [10:16:06 AM:585] Spell book built
      [10:16:08 AM:632] Chose ski's Warlock v3.55 as your combat class!
      [10:16:08 AM:646] New bot added!: Grind bot
      [10:16:08 AM:706] New bot added!: PvP
      [10:16:08 AM:720] Duplicate default sequence handler for MailItems added!
      [10:16:08 AM:722] New bot added!: Mixed
      [10:16:08 AM:726] New bot added!: RaF Combat Assist
      [10:16:08 AM:730] New bot added!: Questing - Beta
      [10:16:08 AM:747] Honorbuddy started!
      [10:16:08 AM:747] Using wow with process id: 5872
      [10:16:08 AM:750] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2
      [10:16:08 AM:752] Honorbuddy executable: C:\Users\Ron\Desktop\HELP\hb\honor 3.35\Honorbuddy.exe
      [10:16:08 AM:754] Character is a level 55 Warlock
      [10:16:08 AM:757] Current zone is: Orgrimmar
      [10:16:08 AM:761]
      [10:16:18 AM:80] Current CC does not have any configuration
      [10:27:58.1991] [Navigator] Loaded new tiled mesh for map "Kalimdor".
      [10:27:58 AM:452] [skiWarlock] Styx.Logic.Pathing.Navigator.PathPrecision: 1.6
      [10:27:58 AM:454] [skiWarlock] Styx.Logic.Pathing.Navigator.PathPrecision: 2.5
      [10:27:59 AM:111] [skiWarlock] Initializing: Demonology
      [10:27:59 AM:113] [skiWarlock] fightAdds: True
      [10:27:59 AM:572] [skiWarlock] restNeeded: Need Demon Armor
      [10:27:59 AM:790] [skiWarlock] restNeeded: Need a health stone
      [10:27:59 AM:920] [skiWarlock] NeedRest: Need Spellstone
      [10:28:00 AM:228] Activity: Resting
      [10:28:00 AM:355] [skiWarlock] Rest: Create Healthstone
      [10:28:00 AM:394] Spell_C::CastSpell(11729, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:28:03 AM:548] Took 3198 ms to cast:Create Healthstone
      [10:28:03 AM:934] [skiWarlock] Rest: Demon Armor
      [10:28:03 AM:966] Spell_C::CastSpell(11734, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:28:05 AM:502] Took 1560 ms to cast:Demon Armor
      [10:28:05 AM:959] [skiWarlock] Rest: Creating Spellstone
      [10:28:05 AM:991] Spell_C::CastSpell(17727, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:28:11 AM:147] Took 5179 ms to cast:Create Spellstone
      [10:28:12 AM:465] [skiWarlock] NeedRest: Need Spellstone Enchant
      [10:28:18 AM:456] Activity: Moving to Blindweed
      [10:28:32 AM:718] Activity: Combat
      [10:28:32 AM:915] [skiWarlock] Warning - there are 1 attackers
      [10:28:32 AM:916] [skiWarlock] Combat: Finding target..
      [10:28:33 AM:338] [skiWarlock] Find Target: Pet attack: Tar Lord
      [10:28:33 AM:376] [skiWarlock] Combat: Pet attack: Tar Lord
      [10:28:33 AM:672] [skiWarlock] Combat: Demonology: Demonic Empowerment
      [10:28:33 AM:755] Spell_C::CastSpell(47193, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:28:33 AM:912] Took 187 ms to cast:Demonic Empowerment
      [10:28:34 AM:575] [skiWarlock] Combat: Demonology: Curse of Agony
      [10:28:34 AM:672] Spell_C::CastSpell(11712, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:28:36 AM:91] Took 1451 ms to cast:Curse of Agony
      [10:28:36 AM:784] [skiWarlock] Combat: Demonology: Corruption
      [10:28:36 AM:881] Spell_C::CastSpell(11672, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:28:38 AM:300] Took 1451 ms to cast:Corruption
      [10:28:39 AM:58] [skiWarlock] Combat: Demonology: Immolate
      [10:28:39 AM:156] Spell_C::CastSpell(11667, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:28:41 AM:397] Took 2262 ms to cast:Immolate
      [10:28:42 AM:219] [skiWarlock] Combat: Demonology: Shadow Bolt
      [10:28:42 AM:301] Spell_C::CastSpell(11660, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:28:45 AM:311] Took 3042 ms to cast:Shadow Bolt
      [10:28:45 AM:859] [skiWarlock] Combat: Demonology: Drain Soul
      [10:28:45 AM:949] Spell_C::CastSpell(11675, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:28:46 AM:293] Took 374 ms to cast:Drain Soul
      [10:28:46 AM:885] [skiWarlock] Warning - there are 0 attackers
      [10:28:46 AM:887] [skiWarlock] Combat: Pet attack: Tar Lord
      [10:28:47 AM:32] [skiWarlock] Combat: No target found, ending combat..
      [10:28:47 AM:791] interact: 0x36DB5D58
      [10:28:47 AM:829] interact done: 0x36DB5D58
      [10:28:51 AM:227] Activity: Harvesting Blindweed.
      [10:28:51 AM:680] Activity: Moving to hotspot
      [10:28:51 AM:734] Mounting: Dreadsteed
      [10:28:54.5361] [Navigator] Generated path from <-6355.453, -1153.619, -271.3954> to <-7004.815, -803.7476, -270.5861> in 499 ms (0.5 seconds)
      [10:28:55 AM:51] Stop and dismount...
      [10:28:55 AM:456] Stop and dismount...
      [10:28:55 AM:789] interact: 0x2DE91D98
      [10:28:55 AM:802] interact done: 0x2DE91D98
      [10:28:56 AM:561] Activity: Looting Tar Lord.
      [10:28:57 AM:152] Activity: Moving to hotspot
      [10:28:57 AM:204] Mounting: Dreadsteed
      [10:29:35 AM:447] Activity: Moving to loot Frenzied Pterrordax
      [10:29:39 AM:966] Stop and dismount...
      [10:29:40 AM:350] Stop and dismount...
      [10:29:40 AM:665] interact: 0x3C1C2088
      [10:29:40 AM:687] interact done: 0x3C1C2088
      [10:29:43 AM:91] Stop for combat.
      [10:29:43 AM:282] Activity: Combat
      [10:29:59 AM:833] Mounting: Dreadsteed
      [10:30:02 AM:53] Activity: Moving to loot Frenzied Pterrordax
      [10:30:03 AM:533] Error: Frenzied Pterrordax 50727016
      [10:30:03 AM:538] Tried to move to loot Frenzied Pterrordax for too long, blacklisting for 30 minutes!
      [10:30:03 AM:817] Activity: Moving to hotspot
      [10:30:10 AM:173] Activity: Setting Elder Diemetradon at 27 yards as your target
      [10:30:10 AM:173] Dismounting for combat.
      [10:30:10 AM:179] Stop and dismount...
      [10:30:10 AM:959] Activity: Pulling Elder Diemetradon now.
      [10:30:10 AM:965] [skiWarlock] Pull: Killing Elder Diemetradon at distance 26
      [10:30:11 AM:427] [skiWarlock] Mass Pulling: 2
      [10:30:11 AM:434] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Pulling: Elder Diemetradon
      [10:30:11 AM:436] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Target: Elder Diemetradon
      [10:30:11 AM:611] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Demonology: Demonic Empowerment
      [10:30:11 AM:683] Spell_C::CastSpell(47193, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:30:11 AM:810] Took 140 ms to cast:Demonic Empowerment
      [10:30:12 AM:330] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Move: 18 yard from Pet
      [10:30:16 AM:240] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 2: Pulling: Frenzied Pterrordax
      [10:30:16 AM:258] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 2: Target: Frenzied Pterrordax
      [10:30:16 AM:772] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 2: Demonology: Curse of Agony
      [10:30:16 AM:832] Spell_C::CastSpell(11712, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:30:18 AM:233] Took 1419 ms to cast:Curse of Agony
      [10:30:18 AM:521] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 2: Pet attack: Frenzied Pterrordax
      [10:30:18 AM:789] [skiWarlock] Combat: Pet attack: Frenzied Pterrordax
      [10:30:19 AM:173] [skiWarlock] Warning - there are 3 attackers
      [10:30:19 AM:178] [skiWarlock] Combating Adds: 3
      [10:30:19 AM:224] [skiWarlock] Add: 1: Target: Frenzied Pterrordax
      [10:30:19 AM:229] [skiWarlock] Add: 1: Pet attack: Frenzied Pterrordax
      [10:30:19 AM:424] [skiWarlock] Add: 1: Demonology: Corruption
      [10:30:19 AM:472] Spell_C::CastSpell(11672, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:30:20 AM:873] Took 1420 ms to cast:Corruption
      [10:30:21 AM:298] [skiWarlock] Add: 1: Demonology: Immolate
      [10:30:21 AM:346] Spell_C::CastSpell(11667, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:30:23 AM:484] Took 2153 ms to cast:Immolate
      [10:30:23 AM:940] [skiWarlock] Add: 1: Demonology: Shadow Bolt
      [10:30:23 AM:988] Spell_C::CastSpell(11660, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:30:26 AM:915] Took 2949 ms to cast:Shadow Bolt
      [10:30:27 AM:235] [skiWarlock] Add: 2: Target: Elder Diemetradon
      [10:30:27 AM:887] [skiWarlock] Add: 2: Pet attack: Elder Diemetradon
      [10:30:28 AM:72] [skiWarlock] Add: 2: Demonology: Curse of Agony
      [10:30:28 AM:120] Spell_C::CastSpell(11712, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:30:29 AM:521] Took 1420 ms to cast:Curse of Agony
      [10:30:29 AM:913] [skiWarlock] Add: 2: Demonology: Corruption
      [10:30:29 AM:962] Spell_C::CastSpell(11672, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:30:31 AM:361] Took 1420 ms to cast:Corruption
      [10:30:31 AM:619] [skiWarlock] Add: 2: Demonology: Lifetap
      [10:30:31 AM:666] Spell_C::CastSpell(11688, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:30:33 AM:67] Took 1420 ms to cast:Life Tap
      [10:30:33 AM:342] [skiWarlock] Add: 2: Move: 24 yard from Pet
      [10:30:33 AM:442] Activity: Combat
      [10:30:33 AM:446] [skiWarlock] Mass Pulling: 1
      [10:30:33 AM:448] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Pulling: Glutinous Ooze
      [10:30:33 AM:449] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Target: Glutinous Ooze
      [10:30:33 AM:683] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Move: 27 yard from Pet
      [10:30:33 AM:748] [skiWarlock] Mass Pulling: 1
      [10:30:33 AM:749] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Pulling: Glutinous Ooze
      [10:30:33 AM:750] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Target: Glutinous Ooze
      [10:30:33 AM:759] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Move: 28 yard from Pet
      [10:30:33 AM:822] [skiWarlock] Mass Pulling: 1
      [10:30:33 AM:824] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Pulling: Glutinous Ooze
      [10:30:33 AM:831] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Target: Glutinous Ooze
      [10:30:33 AM:842] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Move: 28 yard from Pet
      [10:30:33 AM:907] [skiWarlock] Mass Pulling: 1
      [10:30:33 AM:909] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Pulling: Glutinous Ooze
      [10:30:33 AM:914] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Target: Glutinous Ooze
      [10:30:33 AM:926] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Move: 28 yard from Pet
      [10:30:33 AM:989] [skiWarlock] Mass Pulling: 1
      [10:30:33 AM:991] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Pulling: Glutinous Ooze
      [10:30:33 AM:998] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Target: Glutinous Ooze
      [10:30:34 AM:9] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Move: 28 yard from Pet
      [10:30:34 AM:73] [skiWarlock] Mass Pulling: 1
      [10:30:34 AM:75] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Pulling: Glutinous Ooze
      [10:30:34 AM:82] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Target: Glutinous Ooze
      [10:30:34 AM:93] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Move: 28 yard from Pet
      [10:30:34 AM:157] [skiWarlock] Mass Pulling: 1
      [10:30:34 AM:159] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Pulling: Glutinous Ooze
      [10:30:34 AM:165] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Target: Glutinous Ooze
      [10:30:34 AM:177] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Move: 28 yard from Pet
      [10:30:34 AM:242] [skiWarlock] Mass Pulling: 1
      [10:30:34 AM:244] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Pulling: Glutinous Ooze
      [10:30:34 AM:251] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Target: Glutinous Ooze
      [10:30:34 AM:260] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Move: 28 yard from Pet
      [10:30:34 AM:327] [skiWarlock] Mass Pulling: 1
      [10:30:34 AM:328] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Pulling: Glutinous Ooze
      [10:30:34 AM:335] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Target: Glutinous Ooze
      [10:30:34 AM:345] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Move: 28 yard from Pet
      [10:30:36 AM:470] [skiWarlock] Warning - there are 2 attackers
      [10:30:36 AM:473] [skiWarlock] Combating Adds: 2
      [10:30:36 AM:485] [skiWarlock] Add: 1: Target: Glutinous Ooze
      [10:30:36 AM:490] [skiWarlock] Add: 1: Pet attack: Glutinous Ooze
      [10:30:36 AM:522] [skiWarlock] Add: 1: Demonology: Shadow Trance, casting Shadow Bolt
      [10:30:36 AM:568] Spell_C::CastSpell(11660, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:30:39 AM:453] Took 2901 ms to cast:Shadow Bolt
      [10:30:39 AM:847] [skiWarlock] Add: 1: Demonology: Curse of Agony
      [10:30:39 AM:896] Spell_C::CastSpell(11712, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:30:41 AM:292] Took 1404 ms to cast:Curse of Agony
      [10:30:41 AM:553] [skiWarlock] Add: 1: Demonology: Lifetap
      [10:30:41 AM:601] Spell_C::CastSpell(11688, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:30:42 AM:998] Took 1419 ms to cast:Life Tap
      [10:30:43 AM:259] [skiWarlock] Add: 2: Target: Elder Diemetradon
      [10:30:43 AM:895] [skiWarlock] Add: 2: Pet attack: Elder Diemetradon
      [10:30:43 AM:962] [skiWarlock] Add: 2: Demonology: Death Coil
      [10:30:44 AM:11] Spell_C::CastSpell(17925, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:30:45 AM:408] Took 1404 ms to cast:Death Coil
      [10:30:45 AM:662] [skiWarlock] Add: 2: Demonology: Shadow Trance, casting Shadow Bolt
      [10:30:45 AM:700] Spell_C::CastSpell(11660, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:30:48 AM:582] Took 2902 ms to cast:Shadow Bolt
      [10:30:48 AM:966] [skiWarlock] Warning - there are 1 attackers
      [10:30:48 AM:969] [skiWarlock] Combat: Finding target..
      [10:30:49 AM:348] [skiWarlock] Combat: Demonology: Lifetap
      [10:30:49 AM:396] Spell_C::CastSpell(11688, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:30:50 AM:793] Took 1404 ms to cast:Life Tap
      [10:30:51 AM:104] [skiWarlock] Mass Pulling: 1
      [10:30:51 AM:122] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Pulling: Glutinous Ooze
      [10:30:51 AM:127] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Target: Glutinous Ooze
      [10:30:51 AM:674] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Pet attack: Glutinous Ooze
      [10:30:54 AM:113] [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Move: 23 yard from Pet
      [10:30:59 AM:301] [skiWarlock] Warning - there are 2 attackers
      [10:30:59 AM:305] [skiWarlock] Combating Adds: 2
      [10:30:59 AM:317] [skiWarlock] Add: 1: Target: Glutinous Ooze
      [10:30:59 AM:323] [skiWarlock] Add: 1: Pet attack: Glutinous Ooze
      [10:30:59 AM:501] [skiWarlock] Add: 1: Demonology: Curse of Agony
      [10:30:59 AM:550] Spell_C::CastSpell(11712, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:31:00 AM:947] Took 1404 ms to cast:Curse of Agony
      [10:31:01 AM:342] [skiWarlock] Add: 1: Demonology: Corruption
      [10:31:01 AM:390] Spell_C::CastSpell(11672, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:31:02 AM:786] Took 1404 ms to cast:Corruption
      [10:31:03 AM:215] [skiWarlock] Add: 1: Demonology: Immolate
      [10:31:03 AM:263] Spell_C::CastSpell(11667, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:31:05 AM:317] Took 2059 ms to cast:Immolate
      [10:31:05 AM:573] [skiWarlock] Add: 2: Target: Glutinous Ooze
      [10:31:06 AM:7] [skiWarlock] Add: 2: Pet attack: Glutinous Ooze
      [10:31:06 AM:58] [skiWarlock] Add: 2: Demonology: Lifetap
      [10:31:06 AM:108] Spell_C::CastSpell(11688, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:31:07 AM:505] Took 1420 ms to cast:Life Tap
      [10:31:07 AM:845] [skiWarlock] Add: 2: Demonology: Drain Soul
      [10:31:07 AM:881] Spell_C::CastSpell(11675, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:31:09 AM:279] Took 1404 ms to cast:Drain Soul
      [10:31:11 AM:713] [skiWarlock] Warning - there are 1 attackers
      [10:31:11 AM:715] [skiWarlock] Combat: Finding target..
      [10:31:12 AM:369] [skiWarlock] Combat: Demonology: Demonic Empowerment
      [10:31:12 AM:414] Spell_C::CastSpell(47193, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:31:12 AM:544] Took 156 ms to cast:Demonic Empowerment
      [10:31:12 AM:900] [skiWarlock] Combat: Demonology: Lifetap
      [10:31:12 AM:949] Spell_C::CastSpell(11688, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:31:14 AM:349] Took 1404 ms to cast:Life Tap
      [10:31:14 AM:776] [skiWarlock] Combat: Demonology: Drain Soul
      [10:31:14 AM:823] Spell_C::CastSpell(11675, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:31:16 AM:433] Took 1622 ms to cast:Drain Soul
      [10:31:16 AM:847] [skiWarlock] NeedRest: Need to Lifetap
      [10:31:17 AM:98] Activity: Resting
      [10:31:17 AM:100] [skiWarlock] Rest: Casting Lifetap
      [10:31:17 AM:114] Spell_C::CastSpell(11688, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:31:18 AM:515] Took 1420 ms to cast:Life Tap
      [10:31:19 AM:140] [skiWarlock] NeedRest: Need to Lifetap
      [10:31:19 AM:410] [skiWarlock] Rest: Casting Lifetap
      [10:31:19 AM:422] Spell_C::CastSpell(11688, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:31:20 AM:822] Took 1404 ms to cast:Life Tap
      [10:31:21 AM:448] [skiWarlock] NeedRest: Need to Lifetap
      [10:31:21 AM:716] [skiWarlock] Rest: Casting Lifetap
      [10:31:21 AM:735] Spell_C::CastSpell(11688, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:31:23 AM:131] Took 1404 ms to cast:Life Tap
      [10:31:23 AM:606] [skiWarlock] Rest: Eating Food
      [10:31:49 AM:232] [skiWarlock] NeedRest: Need to Lifetap
      [10:31:49 AM:769] [skiWarlock] Rest: Casting Lifetap
      [10:31:49 AM:800] Spell_C::CastSpell(11688, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:31:50 AM:142] Took 374 ms to cast:Life Tap
      [10:31:51 AM:88] [skiWarlock] NeedRest: Need to Lifetap
      [10:31:51 AM:607] [skiWarlock] Rest: Casting Lifetap
      [10:31:51 AM:638] Spell_C::CastSpell(11688, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:31:53 AM:54] Took 1451 ms to cast:Life Tap
      [10:31:53 AM:978] [skiWarlock] NeedRest: Need to Lifetap
      [10:31:54 AM:502] [skiWarlock] Rest: Casting Lifetap
      [10:31:54 AM:533] Spell_C::CastSpell(11688, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:31:55 AM:946] Took 1435 ms to cast:Life Tap
      [10:31:56 AM:842] [skiWarlock] NeedRest: Need to Lifetap
      [10:31:57 AM:379] [skiWarlock] Rest: Casting Lifetap
      [10:31:57 AM:412] Spell_C::CastSpell(11688, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:31:58 AM:818] Took 1435 ms to cast:Life Tap
      [10:31:59 AM:758] [skiWarlock] NeedRest: Need to Lifetap
      [10:32:00 AM:273] [skiWarlock] Rest: Casting Lifetap
      [10:32:00 AM:305] Spell_C::CastSpell(11688, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:32:01 AM:721] Took 1450 ms to cast:Life Tap
      [10:32:02 AM:665] [skiWarlock] NeedRest: Need to Lifetap
      [10:32:03 AM:207] [skiWarlock] Rest: Casting Lifetap
      [10:32:03 AM:232] Spell_C::CastSpell(11688, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:32:04 AM:644] Took 1435 ms to cast:Life Tap
      [10:32:05 AM:576] [skiWarlock] NeedRest: Need to Lifetap
      [10:32:06 AM:93] [skiWarlock] Rest: Casting Lifetap
      [10:32:06 AM:124] Spell_C::CastSpell(11688, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [10:32:07 AM:537] Took 1435 ms to cast:Life Tap
      [10:32:08 AM:234] [skiWarlock] Rest: Eating Food
      [10:32:37 AM:423] Activity: Moving to loot Glutinous Ooze
      [10:32:38 AM:592] interact: 0x3C1A75F8
      [10:32:38 AM:607] interact done: 0x3C1A75F8
    2. scorpion1989

      scorpion1989 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      nothing changed just copied your .cs file to my classes folder.
    3. JackieMoon

      JackieMoon New Member

      Apr 16, 2010
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      Use Code brackets for crying out loud!!!
      ]code][/code[   (spin the [ inwards to close it)
    4. scorpion1989

      scorpion1989 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      was that the right log to post
    5. ski

      ski Well-Known Member

      Feb 12, 2010
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      Yes, minus the
       tags ;p
    6. thedrunk

      thedrunk New Member

      Apr 1, 2010
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      What are your lifetap variables set to?

      I feel like making the bot spam ALL variables on startup so we dont have to keep asking for valid information.
      Most of the time when people actually go look, they find the config problem...
    7. gn0sh

      gn0sh New Member

      Jun 2, 2010
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      Mounting/Looting problem

      I'm having the same problem as a previous poster. When I use the multi-pull (brilliant, btw) and all the mobs are finally dead, my toon will mount, dismount, loot, mount, dismount, loot, mount then move to the next hotspot. This happens even when the corpses are right on top of each other, as they are often with the multi-pull. Here is the log.. I've changed the names of the creatures as an added level of protection:

      Activity: Combat
      [skiWarlock] Mass Pulling: 2
      [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Pulling: Creature 1
      [skiWarlock] MassPull: 1: Target: Creature 1
      [skiWarlock] MassPull: 2: Pulling: Creature 2
      [skiWarlock] MassPull: 2: Target: Creature 2
      [skiWarlock] MassPull: 2: Demonology: Demonic Empowerment
      [skiWarlock] MassPull: 2: Pet attack: Creature 2
      [skiWarlock] MassPull: 2: Demonology: Metamorphosis
      [skiWarlock] Combat: Demonology: Moving and Casting Immolation Aura
      [skiWarlock] Warning - there are 2 attackers
      [skiWarlock] Combating Adds: 2
      [skiWarlock] Add: 1: Target: Creature 2
      [skiWarlock] Add: 1: Pet attack: Creature 2
      [skiWarlock] Add: 1: Seed of Corruption
      [skiWarlock] Add: 2: Target: Creature 1
      [skiWarlock] Add: 2: Pet attack: Creature 1
      [skiWarlock] Add: 2: Seed of Corruption
      [skiWarlock] NeedRest: Need to Lifetap
      Activity: Resting
      [skiWarlock] Rest: Casting Lifetap
      Activity: Looting Creature 1.
      Activity: Moving to hotspot                              <-mounts, takes a couple steps forward
      Activity: Moving to loot Creature 2                   <-turns around, back to the corpse
      Stop and dismount...
      Stop and dismount...
      Stop and dismount...
      Activity: Looting Creature 2.
      Activity: Moving to hotspot
    8. Joshie

      Joshie New Member

      May 7, 2010
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      Hey Ski, I'm having the same problem as a one of the other posters, I switched to demo (Doesn't happen when im aff) And it'll kill a few mobs, and lifetap even if im at like 85% mana, and itll lifetap 2-3 times..I don't know if thats normal? Heres the log

      [7:55:24 PM:105] [skiWarlock] Combat: No target found, ending combat..
      [7:55:24 PM:357] [skiWarlock] NeedRest: Need to Lifetap
      [7:55:24 PM:518] Activity: Resting
      [7:55:24 PM:521] [skiWarlock] Rest: Casting Lifetap
      [7:55:24 PM:546] Spell_C::CastSpell(11689, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [7:55:25 PM:947] Took 1420 ms to cast:Life Tap
      [7:55:26 PM:677] [skiWarlock] NeedRest: Need to Lifetap
      [7:55:26 PM:971] [skiWarlock] Rest: Casting Lifetap
      [7:55:27 PM:8] Spell_C::CastSpell(11689, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [7:55:28 PM:422] Took 1451 ms to cast:Life Tap
      [7:55:28 PM:740] [skiWarlock] Rest: Eating Food
      [7:55:49 PM:137] [skiWarlock] NeedRest: Need to Lifetap
      [7:55:49 PM:539] [skiWarlock] Rest: Casting Lifetap
      [7:55:49 PM:552] Spell_C::CastSpell(11689, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [7:55:50 PM:940] Took 1404 ms to cast:Life Tap
      [7:55:51 PM:610] [skiWarlock] NeedRest: Need to Lifetap
      [7:55:51 PM:875] [skiWarlock] Rest: Casting Lifetap
      [7:55:51 PM:888] Spell_C::CastSpell(11689, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [7:55:53 PM:274] Took 1404 ms to cast:Life Tap
      [7:55:53 PM:927] [skiWarlock] NeedRest: Need to Lifetap
      [7:55:54 PM:77] [skiWarlock] Rest: Casting Lifetap
      [7:55:54 PM:91] Spell_C::CastSpell(11689, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [7:55:55 PM:485] Took 1419 ms to cast:Life Tap
      [7:55:56 PM:165] [skiWarlock] NeedRest: Need to Lifetap
      [7:55:56 PM:566] [skiWarlock] Rest: Casting Lifetap
      [7:55:56 PM:593] Spell_C::CastSpell(11689, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [7:55:57 PM:997] Took 1435 ms to cast:Life Tap
      [7:55:58 PM:474] [skiWarlock] Rest: Eating Food

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jun 28, 2010
    9. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      lety me guess.. you have the option to lifetap to give your per mana, you do not need mana but your pet do.
      Also, if you do not have taken the mana feed talent you can make your toon just spam life tap till the mana of your pet got high again by itself..
      If you are demo (and correct specced) is perfectly right to life tap even it you are at full mana IF your pet need mana
    10. Joshie

      Joshie New Member

      May 7, 2010
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      		public bool useManaFeed = false;		// "Mana Feed" talent, lifetap to feed pet mana
      		public int manaFeedPetManaPercent = 50;	// LifeTap at Pet mana percent - useManaFeed must be true
      		public bool useSoulstone = true;		// Use Soulstone? Hell yes!

      Mana feed is disabled, And I dont have mana feed talent, so because I dont have it it just lifetaps over and over?
      Last edited: Jun 28, 2010
    11. thedrunk

      thedrunk New Member

      Apr 1, 2010
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      This is a problem with the latest HB. This is not a CC problem.
    12. thedrunk

      thedrunk New Member

      Apr 1, 2010
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      Line 258:
      Change from:
      useManaFeed = true;
      useManaFeed = false;
      Anyone who had this problem and posted, basically admitted they use default variables :)

      I will make this variable automatically detect the talent some time in the future, but reading talents is a pain atm.

      Why does this happen?
      If the CC uses Mana Feed, it will lifetap to feed your pet mana. If you dont have Mana Feed, the caster will keep lifetap'ing as the Pet never receives mana.
      Last edited: Jun 28, 2010
    13. ski

      ski Well-Known Member

      Feb 12, 2010
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      I was planning on adding a talent check for mana feed, but I forgot.

      I won the house btw!
    14. Xume

      Xume Member

      May 7, 2010
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      GRATZ on house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    15. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      some variable are inizialized 2 times, one general and one (specific for the spec) overwrites the general setting, manafeed is one of these, so you have to check it's value both in the generale inizialization that in the specific demonology inizialization.
      And BTW if you are demonology you NEED mana feed or your pet will run always out of mana, will not taunt and you will get killed..
      Maybe a dirty and quick fix can be check the level of the warlock, mana feed can be taken only at level 31 so if the warlock level is < 31 we know he does not have mana feed
      and GZ for the house :)
    16. gn0sh

      gn0sh New Member

      Jun 2, 2010
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      Yeah, I realized that too late.. I moved this over to the proper thread. Thanks for the response tho.
    17. stevenr

      stevenr Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      are the Raidsymbols for the other players to see?
    18. JackieMoon

      JackieMoon New Member

      Apr 16, 2010
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      No only you can see the Raid Symbols.
    19. thedrunk

      thedrunk New Member

      Apr 1, 2010
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      The raid symbols were more for me when developing. It gives me a clear picture of what the pet and the caster are doing.
    20. raybee

      raybee Member

      Jun 28, 2010
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      1 problem, level 15 in westfall, keep casting drain life on the harvesters and there immune :)
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