I click start bot and it just keeps saing Moving to Type: QuestPickUp over and over. Yesterday it was saying something like No data for Kalimdor so I moved it to the Eastern Kingdoms.
Ok so do I just open HB and let it sit there? Or do I have to click start to make it download the meshes?
Click start, and wait until it downloads them and it will move on its own when it's done what its needed to do
Thanks! There's no indication that it's downloading though right? I just have to be patient and wait it out it seems
I'm pretty sure if you open the log for the bot it will give you an idea that it's downloading the meshes required for the area/quest/grind/farming spot your in
It will not show unless you change the log levels. If you change it to diagnostic, it will show everything debug related.
Ok well It's been on since I made the post, probably about a little over an hour. Do I have to be in a certain zone? It's saying Loading Tiles on the bottom still, perhaps it's still downloading. I'm just in the city atm, I actually don't know where it's supposed to be questing. I'm not sure if that's a factor or not.