A user of the above account has recently been involved in actions deemed inappropriate for the World of Warcraft by the In-Game Support staff of Blizzard Entertainment. This decision was made after a thorough investigation of the situation as a whole. When a harassment report is made, all players involved in the incident are subject to review, which may result in account penalties. Though we are unable to discuss the outcomes of our investigations due to privacy concerns, rest assured that this incident has been looked into very thoroughly, and the appropriate actions have been taken on all involved accounts. Any disputes or questions concerning the following account action can only be addressed by Account Administration. To learn more about how Account Administration is able to assist you, please visit us at http://us.blizzard.com/support/article/cs . Account Action: Account Closed Offense: Abuse of Game Mechanics The distinction between exploiting bugs and abusing game mechanics is a fine one. While bug exploitation involves the abuse of what is essentially a programming mistake, the abuse of game mechanics is the act of taking advantage of the limitations of the World of Warcraft game systems. Since the line between the sanctioned use and the abuse of game mechanics is sometimes unclear, we prefer to educate players before taking any action against the account being used. This category includes using/distributing game mechanics in a manner unintended by their design that: * Damages another character, their gameplay, the service itself and/or its economy Details (Note - Times are listed in Greenwich Mean Time, GMT): For further information, please view the World of Warcraft Policies and Terms of Use Agreement: (http://us.blizzard.com/support/article/20309) and (Blizzard Entertainment:Battle.net Terms of Use). Please be aware that additional inappropriate actions may result in further disciplinary action, up to or including account closure. We understand that these policies may seem harsh, but they are in place to ensure that every player is able to fully enjoy their travels in the World of Warcraft. Thank you in advance for respecting our position. " Regards, Blizzard Entertainment www.blizzard.com/support All I did was bot overnight mining for like a week and sell most of the bars, and used some to level profs. Account was from 2004 with 9k achieves and first offense on the account. After further investigation and me calling they decided to keep the account closed. I gave them a great story about how I was using a tunneling service to get lower latency and I may have been hacked and I was really sorry and explained how old my account was and they didn't give two shits. At least I have other accounts on this battle.net account so I still have all of my achievements/mounts/pets/titles but I lost all of my good characters.
Ummm... you botted, you got banned. What did you expect? If you didnt want to lose that account, you shouldnt have botted on it. You should have got another account to bot on. Sorry to be harsh bro, but sometimes you wonder if people think their actions through :/
All I did was bot overnight mining for like a week and sell most of the bars, and used some to level profs. There is the issue
everytime u press start on your bot, there is a risk of getting banned... play smart, dont get banned, play stupid and getting greedy, get banned.
if ur going to sell, sell private via guild member or to buyer that bought from u from the ah, and i bot 10hours a day eg while im at work im watching my bot and changing profiles via my iphone every couple hours so it not in the same spot for all them 10 hours
Haven't seen this Reason for the closure since a long long time and isnt related to botting under normal conditions. Sure you didnt do anything else or use any other tool?
you used a hack or xploited the game in a way that had nothing to do with botting or you harrassed someone so bad it made hitler turn in his grave... erm... bunker... at least, if you come on the forum to share your ban and ask for help, have the balls to be honest! And like most here always say, afraid to lose it, dont bot on it. Im botting on an account with 18 lvl 85's and 2 lvl 90's. I couldnt give two cents if it was banned, prolly take a rebound at blizz and get 10 new accounts and start a lil more professional. And yes, im playing this account since beta 2004.
Dude I AM being honest. What would I have to gain by lying here about anything, lol. I found it really surprising that they closed the account after 1 offense in 8 years and wouldn't even tell me exactly what it was. I thought I was going to be fine since I see other people here say they just called and got it undone. I don't really care that I lost it - like I said my other accounts on that battle.net name have all the stuff still. I just thought I'd get at least 1 pass for being such a veteran account with no negative history. The only bots I used to use were made from autohotkey that I wrote myself and nobody ever cared about those (they were actually pretty good for BGs). I just think everyone should know that you are not safe just because you have an old account with a good history. All I did was mine at night for 6-7 hours for a week. I used my BS to craft most of the bars in to greens and then DE'd them with my Enchanter so I could also sell dust and wasn't just flooding bars on the AH. I find it hard to believe anyone actually gets unbanned after this incident.
I also got the ban yesterday, but my account was reactivated after emailing. I simply wasn't careful enough with the selling of goods, i.e. put too much on the AH.
That's not what you got banned for. You got banned for abuse of game mechanics. That means you either abused a bug in the game or you used a hack or exploit. The botting did not get you banned.
Um Im not to sure sounds to me like someone reported you for botting while minning. I only ever mine and herb when im at the pc and I get whispered a bit and normally from people who say BOT BOT BOT lol. They do it to see if you respond mining or herbing unattended is a easy way to get reported I feel.
That sucks man, my oldest account was from 05 and i sold it on playerauctions last year for a really sickening amount of money.
Out of Topic: mh lol I guess I'd cry if my account gets banned haha But I cant stop to bot, its like an addiction. Im afraid to lose it, but who gives a fuck, maybe when I get banned I can stop playing WoW and concentrate on different things. I also dont give a fuck at auctions, sometimes I have 300 Auctions+++ nothing ever happened, Im playing on a low pop server. Got already banned once but only 7 hours for AFK leaching exp in BG haha luckily, cause I botted 29 Hours BGBot without rly watching xD On Topic: As some already said, you must have exploited, used a hack or used a bug for your advantage, maybe you didnt even know what you have done, Think about it, maybe something comes in your mind.
Oh Abuse of the Economy is for being reported for boting is it? That's unlucky for me then lol I only left it unattended for maybe 2hrs this week, and all the time I was at the computer there were no PMs and no one near me.
youl never get this message and this kind of penalty for such account for selling gold botting whatever i bet you used or just tried some teleport gathering hack etc.