This is for Demonology. Curse of the Elements has no viable use? It should use it, are you saying it isn't? Code: return new PrioritySelector( Spell.Buff("Dark Intent", ret => StyxWoW.Me.PartyMembers.OrderByDescending(p => p.MaxHealth).FirstOrDefault(), ret => !StyxWoW.Me.HasAura("Dark Intent")) );
10/24/2012 - 5:31PM - Tweaked many things to improve survivability and DPS. NOW SUPPORTS PVP! I have added separate behaviors for PvP that are producing very good results! Please test and respond!
No, he doesn't buff himself with a Dark Intent. Demonology can also cast curse of elements. It increases 5% magic damage. Everytime I kill mobs, I will cast curse of elements.
I will look into the Dark Intent issue immediately, as to your request for Curse of the Elements, i'll have to decline it's addition. I stringently follow the Noxxic guide and the data produced by SimulationCraft. The time taken to cast that spell uses up valuable cast time that could be used for producing DPS. Sorry.
You don't have to follow Noxxic's guide. Most of the time we are botting alone, so we have to cast curse of elements by ourselves. "Remember that if nobody else in your raid is providing the magic damage taken debuff, remember to apply Curse of the Elements on every enemy you attack. Remember to use Flask of the Warm Sun at all times, and use Potion of the Jade Serpent immediately before you enter combat, and again at critical stages of the fight."----- Please have a look at the above website, it tells you how Demonolgy works
That is for Raiding, this Routine is not focused on Raiding. If and when I continue the specifics (as I just did the Routines for PvP (BattleGrounds)) then I will add Context specific things. Thank you for your input.
I'm using my lock with the Grind Profil. It loots, tries to cast Healthstone 2 or 3 times and attacks the next mob. I don't know what to do against =/
Make sure you Overwrote both Demonology.cs and Common.cs, try the latest version posted in Main Topic. Please provide more information, what level warlock? Assure it is Demonology Spec?
I have the latest version Installed. It's a level 86 Undead Warlock. And yep it's Demonology Spec =) I'll post a log tomorrow, if needed.
Well Yea it was rude, seeing that Singular is a community driven script don't see how you own it, we were just helping the fellow warlocks out there... By the way, your welcome
Your code was inefficient, garbage, and I find no reason to thank you. I didn't claim ownership to anything, I kindly asked you to post your flawed updates somewhere else, as to not confuse myself or anyone else who is using my modified version of it. You cannot determine my mood or tone from my text and shouldn't attempt to do so. Have a nice day. Also, Singular is no longer a community driven script if you read the post, it is now maintained strictly by select people. CodenameG specifically for the Warlock portion, who I am now working side by side with.
Yup no probably then, Also Meta doesn't cancel when under 750 points, couldn't find a way to cancel an aura, using spell.cast or buff to cast Meta again to cancel the aura doesn't seem to be happening
@Smarter: just had a quick peak at your updates, your going to need to put the level change in the pull sequence Otherwise warlocks under lvl 36 in meta cant cast corruption and will just stand there looking at the target till demonic power runs out... Code: public static Composite CreateWarlockDemonologyNormalPull() { return new PrioritySelector( Safers.EnsureTarget(), Movement.CreateMoveToLosBehavior(), Movement.CreateFaceTargetBehavior(), Spell.WaitForCast(true), Spell.Cast("Shadowbolt", ret => StyxWoW.Me.Level < 36 && StyxWoW.Me.HasAura("Metamorphosis")), Spell.Buff("Corruption", true), Movement.CreateMoveToTargetBehavior(true, 35f) ); }
I will be rolling a new warlock and re-writing the Lowbie and adding in all the Level Constraints soon, I can't really test what I do and don't want to add to much extra LUA calls. Hah, thanks. Any suggestions for improvement please let me know.
Will do, I'm running it right now and I'll keep an eye on it and see how it goes. So far it's running very smooth, and with limited options for Warlock CC's this one seems to be the best choice for now.